C++ 大规模数据排序(100G数据 使用 4G 内存 排序)
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h> enum
enmMaxFileNameLen = ,
}; void SaveArrToFile(int32_t arrInt[], int32_t arrSize, const char *fileName);
void ReadArrFromFile(int32_t arrInt[], int32_t &arrSize, const int32_t amxArrSize, const char *fileName);
void ReadArrFromFilePtr(int32_t arrInt[], int32_t &arrSize, const int32_t amxArrSize, FILE *fp);
void RandomGenArrInt(int32_t arrInt[], int32_t arrSize);
void RandomGenData(int32_t numberCount);
void QSort(int32_t arrInt[], int32_t start, int32_t end);
void BigDataSort(const char *fileName, const int32_t maxNumberInMem);
int32_t Segment(const char *fileName, const int32_t maxNumberInMem);
int32_t MergeTwoFile(const char *fileName1, const char *fileName2, const char *fileOut);
void PrintArrInt(int32_t arr[], int32_t arrSize); int32_t main()
BigDataSort("data_10000.txt", );
return ;
} void RandomGenArrInt(int32_t arrInt[], int32_t arrSize)
for (int32_t i = ; i < arrSize; ++i)
arrInt[i] = i + ;
for (int32_t i = ; i <= arrSize; ++i)
int32_t m = rand() % arrSize;
int32_t n = rand() % arrSize;
int32_t tmp = arrInt[m];
arrInt[m] = arrInt[n];
arrInt[n] = tmp;
} void SaveArrToFile(int32_t arrInt[], int32_t arrSize, const char *fileName)
FILE *fp = NULL;
fopen_s(&fp, fileName, "w");
if (!fp)
printf("open %s failed!\n", fileName);
for (int32_t i = ; i < arrSize; ++i)
fprintf_s(fp, "%d,", arrInt[i]);
printf("save %s \n", fileName);
} void RandomGenData(int32_t numberCount)
int32_t *arr = new int32_t[numberCount];
RandomGenArrInt(arr, numberCount);
char fileName[enmMaxFileNameLen] = { };
sprintf_s(fileName, enmMaxFileNameLen,"data_%d.txt", numberCount);
SaveArrToFile(arr, numberCount, fileName);
} void QSort(int32_t arrInt[], int32_t start, int32_t end)
if (start >= end){ return; }
int32_t i = start, j = end;
int32_t tmp = arrInt[i];
while (i < j)
while (i < j && tmp < arrInt[j])
arrInt[i] = arrInt[j];
while (i < j && tmp >= arrInt[i])
arrInt[j] = arrInt[i];
arrInt[i] = tmp;
QSort(arrInt, start, i - );
QSort(arrInt, i + , end);
} void ReadArrFromFile(int32_t arrInt[], int32_t &arrSize, const int32_t amxArrSize, const char *fileName)
arrSize = ;
FILE *fp = NULL;
fopen_s(&fp, fileName, "r");
if (!fp)
printf("open %s failed!\n", fileName);
while (arrSize < amxArrSize && !feof(fp))
fscanf_s(fp, "%d,", &arrInt[arrSize++]);
} void ReadArrFromFilePtr(int32_t arrInt[], int32_t &arrSize, const int32_t amxArrSize, FILE *fp)
arrSize = ;
while (arrSize < amxArrSize && !feof(fp))
fscanf_s(fp, "%d,", &arrInt[arrSize]);
if (!feof(fp))
} void BigDataSort(const char *fileName, const int32_t maxNumberInMem)
int32_t segFileCount = Segment(fileName, maxNumberInMem);
int32_t fileIndex = ;
char fileName1[enmMaxFileNameLen] = { };
char fileName2[enmMaxFileNameLen] = { };
char fileOut[enmMaxFileNameLen] = { };
while (true)
sprintf_s(fileName1, "%d.txt", fileIndex++);
sprintf_s(fileName2, "%d.txt", fileIndex++);
sprintf_s(fileOut, "%d.txt", segFileCount++);
int32_t ret = MergeTwoFile(fileName1, fileName2, fileOut);
if (ret != )
} int32_t Segment(const char *fileName, const int32_t maxNumberInMem)
int32_t *arr = new int32_t[maxNumberInMem];
FILE *fp = NULL;
fopen_s(&fp, fileName, "r");
if (!fp)
printf("open %s failed!\n", fileName);
return ;
int32_t tmpFileIndex = ;
while (true)
int32_t arrSize = ;
ReadArrFromFilePtr(arr, arrSize, maxNumberInMem, fp);
if (arrSize == )
QSort(arr, , arrSize - );
char tmpFileName[enmMaxFileNameLen] = { };
sprintf_s(tmpFileName, enmMaxFileNameLen, "%d.txt", tmpFileIndex++);
SaveArrToFile(arr, arrSize, tmpFileName);
delete[] arr;
return tmpFileIndex;
} int32_t MergeTwoFile(const char *fileName1, const char *fileName2, const char *fileOut)
int32_t ret = ;
FILE *fp1 = NULL, *fp2 = NULL, *fpOut = NULL;
fopen_s(&fp1, fileName1, "r");
fopen_s(&fp2, fileName2, "r");
fopen_s(&fpOut, fileOut, "w");
if (!fileOut)
printf("open %s failed!\n", fileOut);
return ret;
int32_t val1 = , val2 = ;
if (fp1){ fscanf_s(fp1, "%d,", &val1); }
if (fp2){ fscanf_s(fp2, "%d,", &val2); }
while (fp1 && fp2 && !feof(fp1) && !feof(fp2))
if (val1 < val2)
// printf("%d ", val1);
fprintf_s(fpOut, "%d,", val1);
fscanf_s(fp1, "%d,", &val1);
// printf("%d ", val2);
fprintf_s(fpOut, "%d,", val2);
fscanf_s(fp2, "%d,", &val2);
ret = ;
while (fp1 && !feof(fp1))
// printf("%d ", val1);
fprintf_s(fpOut, "%d,", val1);
fscanf_s(fp1, "%d,", &val1);
while (fp2 && !feof(fp2))
// printf("%d ", val2);
fprintf_s(fpOut, "%d,", val2);
fscanf_s(fp2, "%d,", &val2);
if (fp1){ fclose(fp1); }
if (fp2){ fclose(fp2); }
printf("save %s \n", fileOut);
return ret;
} void PrintArrInt(int32_t arr[], int32_t arrSize)
for (int32_t i = ; i < arrSize; ++i)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);
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