VMware Backup getting snapshot error encountered (156)and status: 4207: Could not fetch snapshot metadata
Article ID:100014376 Last Published:2014-11-03 Product(s):NetBackup

A vCenter environment that is using the VMware Horizon View product to create virtual machines is having issues backing up.

When doing a backup with the virtual machine powered up it fails with a snapshot error but when it is powered off it will backup just fine.

Error that we are getting from vCenter is indicating that it is failing on the Quiesce of the machine.

A snapshot taken within vCenter works just fine.

Reason we have these results is in VMware when you do a snapshot it does a"Snapshot the virtual machine's memory"and does not do a"Quiesce guest file system"unless you select that option. When coming from NetBackup it is just the opposite. It relies on the quiesce of the virtual machine to do the backup.

Error Message
Job Details:
10/21/2014 13:43:33 - Info bpfis (pid=1392) done. status: 4207
10/21/2014 13:43:33 - end VMware: Delete Snapshot; elapsed time 8759:56:44
10/21/2014 13:43:33 - Info bpfis (pid=1392) done. status: 4207: Could not fetch snapshot metadata
10/21/2014 13:43:33 - end writing
Operation Status 4207
operation Status 156
snapshot error encountered (156)

Error seen in vCenter tasks when snapshot is attempted:
Create virtual machine snapshotjgarnett-pcAn error occurred while saving the snapshot: msg.snaps-hot.error-Q-UIESCINGE-RROR.View details...rootvchorizon10/21/2014 1:43:40 PM10/21/2014 1:43:40 PM10/21/2014 1:43:44 PM

When using VMware Horizon view to create virtual desktops a tool was used from VMware called VMware OS Optimization Tool to optimize the virtual machine. The VMware OS Optimization Tool helps optimize Windows 7 desktops for use with VMware Horizon View. The optimization tool includes customizable templates to enable or disable Windows system services and features, per VMware recommendations and best practices, across multiple systems. This tool makes many changes to the virtual machine and it disables the required "Volume Shadow Copy" service that is needed to quiesce the virtual machine. This creates the failure of the snapshot within VMware.

After running theVMware OS Optimization toolyou need to go back and modify the"Volume Shadow Copy Service"which was disabled and set it to"Manual"

Open Windows Services:

  • From theRunwindow typeservices.mscor go toAdministrative Toolsand selectServices
  • Find"Volume Shadow Copy"service
  • Right-Click to open theProperties
  • Go to"Startup Type"and change toManual
  • SelectOK

Applies To

VMware 5.5 Update 1
VMware Horizon View and used VMware OS Optimization Tool to optimize the virtual machines


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