笔记-python-standard library-17.2 multiprocessing

1.      multiprocessing

source code:Lib/multiprocessing/



1.1.    process class


from multiprocessing import Process

def f(name):

print('hello', name)

if __name__ == '__main__':

p = Process(target=f, args=('bob',))




from multiprocessing import Process

import os

def info(title):


print('module name:', __name__)

print('parent process:', os.getppid())

print('process id:', os.getpid())

def f(name):

info('function f')

print('hello', name)

if __name__ == '__main__':

info('main line')

p = Process(target=f, args=('bob',))



1.2.    contexts and start methods

depending on the platform, multiprocessing supports three ways to start a process.

  1. spawn:


这种启动方式比fork or forkserver都慢。

可以在windows and unix中使用,在windows中是默认选项。

  1. fork

父进程使用os.fork()生成Python interpretr。子进程在启动时与父进程完全相同。所有父进程的资源都被子进程继承。


  1. forkserver


the forkserver process is single threaded so it is safe for it to use os.for().

no unnecessary resources are inherited.




import multiprocessing as mp

def foo(q):


if __name__ == '__main__':



q = mp.Queue()

p = mp.Process(target=foo, args=(q,))





如果像上例中使用多次会报错:RuntimeError: context has already been set


import multiprocessing as mp

def foo(q):


if __name__ == '__main__':

ctx = mp.get_context('spawn')

q = ctx.Queue()

p = ctx.Process(target=foo, args=(q,))




1.3.    exchanging objects between processes


  1. queues

The Queue class is near clone of queue.Queue.

from multiprocessing import Process, Queue

def f(q):

q.put([42, None, 'hello'])

if __name__ == '__main__':

q = Queue()

p = Process(target=f, args=(q,))


print(q.get())    # prints "[42, None, 'hello']"


Queues are thread and process safe.

  1. pipes

the Pipe() function returns a pair of connection objects connected by a pipe which by default is duplex(two-way).

from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe

def f(conn):

conn.send([42, None, 'hello'])


if __name__ == '__main__':

parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe()

p = Process(target=f, args=(child_conn,))


print(parent_conn.recv())   # prints "[42, None, 'hello']"



每个连接对象都有send() and recv()方法。


1.4.    synchronization between processes

Multiprocessing 包含所有threading中支持的同步方式。

#  lock

from multiprocessing import Process, Lock

from time import sleep

def f(l, i):



print('hello world', i)






if __name__ == '__main__':

lock = Lock()

for num in range(10):

Process(target=f, args=(lock, num)).start()


1.5.    sharing state between processes



  1. shared memory


from multiprocessing import Process, Value, Array

def f(n, a):

n.value = 3.1415927

for i in range(len(a)):

a[i] = -a[i]

if __name__ == '__main__':

num = Value('d', 0.0)

arr = Array('i', range(10))

p = Process(target=f, args=(num, arr))





will print


[0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9]


  1. server process



from multiprocessing import Process, Manager

def f(d, l):

d[1] = '1'

d['2'] = 2

d[0.25] = None


if __name__ == '__main__':

with Manager() as manager:

d = manager.dict()

l = manager.list(range(10))

p = Process(target=f, args=(d, l))





will print

{0.25: None, 1: '1', '2': 2}

[9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]


1.6.    pool

from multiprocessing import Pool, TimeoutError

import time

import os

def f(x):

return x*x

if __name__ == '__main__':

# start 4 worker processes

with Pool(processes=4) as pool:

# print "[0, 1, 4,..., 81]"

print(pool.map(f, range(10)))

# print same numbers in arbitrary order

for i in pool.imap_unordered(f, range(10)):


# evaluate "f(20)" asynchronously

res = pool.apply_async(f, (20,))      # runs in *only* one process

print(res.get(timeout=1))             # prints "400"

# evaluate "os.getpid()" asynchronously

res = pool.apply_async(os.getpid, ()) # runs in *only* one process

print(res.get(timeout=1))             # prints the PID of that process

# launching multiple evaluations asynchronously *may* use more processes

multiple_results = [pool.apply_async(os.getpid, ()) for i in range(4)]

print([res.get(timeout=1) for res in multiple_results])

# make a single worker sleep for 10 secs

res = pool.apply_async(time.sleep, (10,))



except TimeoutError:

print("We lacked patience and got a multiprocessing.TimeoutError")

print("For the moment, the pool remains available for more work")

# exiting the 'with'-block has stopped the pool

print("Now the pool is closed and no longer available")

2.      包内容参考


2.1.    process and exceptions

class multiprocessing.Process(group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(),kwargs={}, *, daemon=None)


If a subclass overrides the constructor, it must make sure it invokes the base class constructor (Process.__init__()) before doing anything else to the process.


  1. pid:process ID
  2. exitcode

the child’s exit code.如果进程未被终止,该值为None;如果返回-N代表子进程被信号N终止。

  1. authkey
  2. sentinel
  3. terminate()

terminate the process. On unix this is done using the SIGTERM SIGNAL; on windows,TerminateProcess() is used.

Note that exit handlers and finally clauses, etc., will not be executed.


Note that the start(), join(), is_alive(), terminate() and exitcode methods should only be called by the process that created the process object.


  1. exception mutilprocessing.ProcessError


  1. exception mutilprocessing.BufferTooShort

Exception raised by Connection.recv_bytes_into() when the supplied buffer object is too small for the message read.

If e is an instance of BufferTooShort then e.args[0] will give the message as a byte string.

  1. exception multiprocessing.AuthenticationError

Raised when there is an authentication error.

  1. exception multiprocessing.TimeoutError

Raised by methods with a timeout when the timeout expires.

2.2.    pipe and queues


消息传递可以使用Pipe() or Queue()

The Queue, SimpleQueue and JoinableQueue types are multi-producer, multi-consumer FIFOqueues modelled on the queue.Queue class in the standard library. They differ in that Queuelacks the task_done() and join() methods introduced into Python 2.5’s queue.Queue class.

If you use JoinableQueue then you must call JoinableQueue.task_done() for each task removed from the queue or else the semaphore used to count the number of unfinished tasks may eventually overflow, raising an exception.

Note that one can also create a shared queue by using a manager object – see Managers.

2.2.1.   pipe


return a pair(conn1, conn2) of Connection objects representing the ends of a pipe.


class multiprocessing.Queue([maxsize])

返回一个共享队列,该队列使用pipe and a few locks/semphores实现。



  1. qsize()


  1. empty()

如果队列为空return True,否则返回False;。由于多线程/多处理语义,这是不可靠的。

  1. full()       由于多线程/多处理语义,这是不可靠的。
  2. put)obj[, block[, timeout]])


  1. put_nowait(obj)等效于put(obj, False)
  2. get([block[, timeout]])
  3. get_nowait()

2.2.2.   simplequeue

class multiprocessing.SimpleQueue

It is a simplified Queue type, very close to a locked Pipe.


Return True if the queue is empty, False otherwise.


Remove and return an item from the queue.


Put item into the queue.

2.2.3.   joinablequeue

class multiprocessing.JoinableQueue([maxsize])

JoinableQueue, a Queue subclass, is a queue which additionally has task_done() and join() methods.


Indicate that a formerly enqueued task is complete. Used by queue consumers. For each get() used to fetch a task, a subsequent call to task_done() tells the queue that the processing on the task is complete.

If a join() is currently blocking, it will resume when all items have been processed (meaning that a task_done() call was received for every item that had been put()into the queue).

Raises a ValueError if called more times than there were items placed in the queue.


Block until all items in the queue have been gotten and processed.

The count of unfinished tasks goes up whenever an item is added to the queue. The count goes down whenever a consumer calls task_done() to indicate that the item was retrieved and all work on it is complete. When the count of unfinished tasks drops to zero, join() unblocks.

2.3.    杂项

  1. multiprocessing.active_children()

Return list of all live children of the current process.

Calling this has the side effect of “joining” any processes which have already finished.

  1. multiprocessing.cpu_count()


This number is not equivalent to the number of CPUs the current process can use. The number of usable CPUs can be obtained with len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))

May raise NotImplementedError.

  1. multiprocessing.current_process()

Return the Process object corresponding to the current process.

类似于 threading.current_thread().

  1. multiprocessing.freeze_support()

Add support for when a program which uses multiprocessing has been frozen to produce a Windows executable. (Has been tested with py2exe, PyInstaller and cx_Freeze.)

One needs to call this function straight after the if __name__ == '__main__' line of the main module.

For example:

from multiprocessing import Process, freeze_support

def f():

print('hello world!')

if __name__ == '__main__':



If the freeze_support() line is omitted then trying to run the frozen executable will raise RuntimeError.

Calling freeze_support() has no effect when invoked on any operating system other than Windows. In addition, if the module is being run normally by the Python interpreter on Windows (the program has not been frozen), then freeze_support() has no effect.

  1. multiprocessing.get_all_start_methods()

返回支持启动方法的列表,列表第一项是创建进程时的默认方式。 The possible start methods are 'fork', 'spawn' and 'forkserver'. On Windows only 'spawn'is available. On Unix 'fork' and 'spawn' are always supported, with 'fork' being the default.

  1. multiprocessing.get_context(method=None)

Return a context object which has the same attributes as the multiprocessing module.

If method is None then the default context is returned. Otherwise method should be 'fork', 'spawn', 'forkserver'. ValueError is raised if the specified start method is not available.

  1. multiprocessing.get_start_method(allow_none=False)

Return the name of start method used for starting processes.

If the start method has not been fixed and allow_none is false, then the start method is fixed to the default and the name is returned. If the start method has not been fixed and allow_none is true then None is returned.

The return value can be 'fork', 'spawn', 'forkserver' or None. 'fork' is the default on Unix, while 'spawn' is the default on Windows.

  1. multiprocessing.set_executable()

Sets the path of the Python interpreter to use when starting a child process. (By default sys.executable is used). Embedders will probably need to do some thing like

set_executable(os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, 'pythonw.exe'))

before they can create child processes.

  1. multiprocessing.set_start_method(method)

Set the method which should be used to start child processes. method can be 'fork', 'spawn' or 'forkserver'.

Note that this should be called at most once, and it should be protected inside the if__name__ == '__main__' clause of the main module.

2.4.    connection objects

连接对象允许发送和接收picklable objects or strings.可以想像为socket连接。


class multiprocessing.Connection


  1. send(obj)


  1. recv()


  1. fileno()

return the file descriptor or handle used by the connection.

  1. close()
  2. poll([timeout])



  1. send_bytes(buffers[, offset[, size]])

发送bytes-like object。bytes-like object包括bytes,bytearray,arrary.array。

  1. recv_bytes([maxlength])
  2. recv_bytes_into(buffer[, offset])

>>> from multiprocessing import Pipe

>>> a, b = Pipe()

>>> a.send([1, 'hello', None])

>>> b.recv()

[1, 'hello', None]

>>> b.send_bytes(b'thank you')

>>> a.recv_bytes()

b'thank you'

>>> import array

>>> arr1 = array.array('i', range(5))

>>> arr2 = array.array('i', [0] * 10)

>>> a.send_bytes(arr1)

>>> count = b.recv_bytes_into(arr2)

>>> assert count == len(arr1) * arr1.itemsize

>>> arr2

array('i', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

2.5.    同步


2.6.    process pools

2.6.1.   class Pool

class multiprocessing.pool.Pool([processes, initializer, initargs, maxtarsksperchild, context])


  1. processes


  1. initializer


  1. maxtarsksperchild


  1. context


  1. apply(func[, args,kwds])


  1. apply_async(func[, args, kwds, callback, error_callback])


  1. map(func, iterable[, chunksize])
  2. map_async(func, iterable[, chunkksize, callback, error_callback])
  3. imap(func, iterable[, chunksize])
  4. imap_unnordered(func,iterable[, chunksize])
  5. starmap(func, iterable[, chunksize])
  6. starmap_async(func,iterable[, chunksize, callback, error_callback])
  7. close()


  1. terminate()


  1. join()

等待工作进程退出,必需先调用close() or terminate()。

2.6.2.   class multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult

class multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult


  1. get([timeout])
  2. wait([timeout])
  3. ready()
  4. successful()

2.6.3.   pool使用示例代码

from multiprocessing import Pool

import time

def f(x):

return x*x

if __name__ == '__main__':

with Pool(processes=4) as pool:         # start 4 worker processes

result = pool.apply_async(f, (10,)) # evaluate "f(10)" asynchronously in a single process

print(result.get(timeout=1))        # prints "100" unless your computer is *very* slow

print(pool.map(f, range(10)))       # prints "[0, 1, 4,..., 81]"

it = pool.imap(f, range(10))

print(next(it))                     # prints "0"

print(next(it))                     # prints "1"

print(it.next(timeout=1))           # prints "4" unless your computer is *very* slow

result = pool.apply_async(time.sleep, (10,))

print(result.get(timeout=1))        # raises multiprocessing.TimeoutError

2.7.    listeners and clients

通常进程之间的消息传递使用队列或者Pipe() 生成的connection对象。


It basically gives a high level message oriented API for dealing with sockets or Windows named pipes. It also has support for digest authentication using the hmac module, and for polling multiple connections at the same time.


2.7.1.   diver_challenge()

multiprocessing.connection.deliver_challenge(connection, authkey)

Send a randomly generated message to the other end of the connection and wait for a reply.

If the reply matches the digest of the message using authkey as the key then a welcome message is sent to the other end of the connection. Otherwise AuthenticationError is raised.

multiprocessing.connection.answer_challenge(connection, authkey)

Receive a message, calculate the digest of the message using authkey as the key, and then send the digest back.

If a welcome message is not received, then AuthenticationError is raised.

multiprocessing.connection.Client(address[, family[, authkey]])

Attempt to set up a connection to the listener which is using address address, returning a Connection.

The type of the connection is determined by family argument, but this can generally be omitted since it can usually be inferred from the format of address. (See Address Formats)

If authkey is given and not None, it should be a byte string and will be used as the secret key for an HMAC-based authentication challenge. No authentication is done if authkey is None. AuthenticationError is raised if authentication fails. See Authentication keys.

class multiprocessing.connection.Listener([address[, family[, backlog[, authkey]]]])

A wrapper for a bound socket or Windows named pipe which is ‘listening’ for connections.

address is the address to be used by the bound socket or named pipe of the listener object.


  1. accept()

Accept a connection on the bound socket or named pipe of the listener object and return a Connection object. If authentication is attempted and fails, thenAuthenticationError is raised.

  1. close()

Close the bound socket or named pipe of the listener object. This is called automatically when the listener is garbage collected. However it is advisable to call it explicitly.

Listener objects have the following read-only properties:

  1. address

The address which is being used by the Listener object.

  1. last_accepted

The address from which the last accepted connection came. If this is unavailable then it is None.


multiprocessing.connection.wait(object_list, timeout=None)

Wait till an object in object_list is ready. Returns the list of those objects in object_listwhich are ready. If timeout is a float then the call blocks for at most that many seconds. Iftimeout is None then it will block for an unlimited period. A negative timeout is equivalent to a zero timeout.

For both Unix and Windows, an object can appear in object_list if it is

a readable Connection object;

a connected and readable socket.socket object; or

the sentinel attribute of a Process object.

A connection or socket object is ready when there is data available to be read from it, or the other end has been closed.

2.8.    logging






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