POJ 1606 Jugs
Time Limit: 1000MS | Memory Limit: 65536K | |||
Total Submissions: 4280 | Accepted: 2533 | Special Judge |
You have two jugs, A and B, and an infinite supply of water. There are three types of actions that you can use: (1) you can fill a jug, (2) you can empty a jug, and (3) you can pour from one jug to the other. Pouring from one jug to the other stops when the first jug is empty or the second jug is full, whichever comes first. For example, if A has 5 gallons and B has 6 gallons and a capacity of 8, then pouring from A to B leaves B full and 3 gallons in A.
A problem is given by a triple (Ca,Cb,N), where Ca and Cb are the capacities of the jugs A and B, respectively, and N is the goal. A solution is a sequence of steps that leaves exactly N gallons in jug B. The possible steps are
fill A
fill B
empty A
empty B
pour A B
pour B A
where "pour A B" means "pour the contents of jug A into jug B", and "success" means that the goal has been accomplished.
You may assume that the input you are given does have a solution.
Sample Input
3 5 4
5 7 3
Sample Output
fill B
pour B A
empty A
pour B A
fill B
pour B A
fill A
pour A B
fill A
pour A B
empty B
pour A B
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std; typedef struct cup
int a;
int b;
int pre;
int step;
}Cup; Cup Queue[];
int nCount = ; void PrintStep(int step)
case :
printf("fill A\n");
case :
printf("fill B\n");
case :
printf("empty A\n");
case :
printf("empty B\n");
case :
printf("pour A B\n");
case :
printf("pour B A\n");
} void Print(int front)
int k = front, j;
for (;;)
j = k;
k = Queue[k].pre;
if (Queue[j].pre == -)
Queue[j].pre = -;
Queue[j].pre = -;
for (int i = ; i <= nCount; i++)
if (Queue[i].pre == -)
} bool IsExit(int a, int b)
for (int i = ; i <= nCount; i++)
if (Queue[i].a == a && Queue[i].b == b)
return true;
return false;
} void BFS(int va, int vb, int result)
if (va == result)
printf("fill A\nsuccess\n");
if (vb == result)
printf("fill B\nsuccess\n");
int front = -;
int rear = -;
memset(Queue, , sizeof(Queue));
Queue[++rear].pre = -;
Queue[rear].a = va;
Queue[rear].b = ;
Queue[rear].step = ;
Queue[++rear].pre = -;
Queue[rear].a = ;
Queue[rear].b = vb;
Queue[rear].step = ;
int a, b;
while(front <= rear)
int cura = Queue[++front].a;
int curb = Queue[front].b;
if (cura == result || curb == result)
if (cura > )
if (cura + curb > vb)
a = cura + curb - vb;
b = vb;
if (!IsExit(a, b))
Queue[++rear].a = a;
Queue[rear].b = b;
Queue[rear].pre = front;
Queue[rear].step = ;
a = ;
b = cura + curb;
if (!IsExit(a, b))
Queue[++rear].a = a;
Queue[rear].b = b;
Queue[rear].pre = front;
Queue[rear].step = ;
a = ;
b = curb;
if (!IsExit(a, b))
Queue[++rear].a = a;
Queue[rear].b = b;
Queue[rear].pre = front;
Queue[rear].step = ;
a = va;
b = curb;
if (!IsExit(a, b))
Queue[++rear].a = a;
Queue[rear].b = b;
Queue[rear].pre = front;
Queue[rear].step = ;
if (curb > )
if (cura + curb > va)
a = va;
b = cura + curb - va;
if (!IsExit(a, b))
Queue[++rear].a = a;
Queue[rear].b = b;
Queue[rear].pre = front;
Queue[rear].step = ;
a = cura + curb;
b = ;
if (!IsExit(a, b))
Queue[++rear].a = a;
Queue[rear].b = b;
Queue[rear].pre = front;
Queue[rear].step = ;
a = cura;
b = ;
if (!IsExit(a, b))
Queue[++rear].a = a;
Queue[rear].b = b;
Queue[rear].pre = front;
Queue[rear].step = ;
a = cura;
b = vb;
if (!IsExit(a, b))
Queue[++rear].a = a;
Queue[rear].b = b;
Queue[rear].pre = front;
Queue[rear].step = ;
} int main()
int va, vb, result;
while(scanf("%d%d%d", &va, &vb, &result) != EOF)
nCount = -;
memset(Queue, , sizeof(Queue));
BFS(va, vb, result);
return ;
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