

  1. 面对500 ^ 3的数据范围,我们需要先用离散化解决掉爆空间的问题。

  2. 由于我们要求的总体积包括内空部分的体积,我们可以用flood_fill来解决。


  1. unique函数的正确使用姿势:如果是从一开始存数,注意最后要多减去1.

  2. 染色时每个三维坐标上的点代表一个长方形,所以右端点不能染色。

    3. 可以用结构体封装一下各个操作。


#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <queue>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib> using namespace std; const int dx[] = {, -, , , , };
const int dy[] = {, , , -, , };
const int dz[] = {, , , , , -}; int T, n, v, s;
int x1[], y1[], z1[], x0[], y0[], z0[]; int nx = , ny = , nz= ;
int lx[], ly[], lz[];
int color[][][]; struct cell{
int x, y, z; cell(int x = , int y = , int z = ): x(x), y(y), z(z) {} void setvis() const { color[x][y][z] = ; } bool getvis() const { return color[x][y][z] == ; } bool issolid() const { return color[x][y][z] == ; } bool invalid() const {
if (x <= || y <= || z <= || x >= nx || y >= ny || z >= nz ) return true;
return false;
} int area(int dir) const {
if (dx[dir] != ) return (ly[y + ] - ly[y]) * (lz[z + ] - lz[z]);
else if (dy[dir] != ) return (lx[x + ] - lx[x]) * (lz[z + ] - lz[z]);
return (lx[x + ] - lx[x]) * (ly[y + ] - ly[y]);
} int volume() const { return (lx[x + ] - lx[x]) * (ly[y + ] - ly[y]) * (lz[z + ] - lz[z]); } }; int read()
int x = ;
int k = ;
char c = getchar(); while (c > '' || c < '')
if (c == '-') k = -, c = getchar();
else c = getchar();
while (c >= '' && c <= '')
x = x * + c - '',
c = getchar(); return k * x;
} void discretization(int* x, int& l)
sort(x + , x + l + );
l = unique(x + , x + l + ) - x - ;
} int get_ID(int *x, int l, int k)
return lower_bound(x + , x + l + , k) - x;
} void flood_fill()
cell c(, , );
queue<cell> q;
while (!q.empty())
cell c = q.front();
v += c.volume();
for (int i = ; i < ; ++i)
cell c2(c.x + dx[i], c.y + dy[i], c.z + dz[i]);
if (c2.invalid()) continue;
if (c2.issolid()) s += c2.area(i);
else if (!c2.getvis())
v = * * - v;
} int main()
T = read();
while (T--)
v = , s = ;
memset(color, , sizeof(color));
n = read();
lx[] = ly[] = lz[] = ;
lx[] = ly[] = lz[] = ;
nx = ny = nz = ;
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i)
x0[i] = read(),
y0[i] = read(),
z0[i] = read(),
x1[i] = read(),
y1[i] = read(),
z1[i] = read(),
lx[++nx] = x0[i],
lx[++nx] = x0[i] + x1[i],
ly[++ny] = y0[i],
ly[++ny] = y0[i] + y1[i],
lz[++nz] = z0[i],
lz[++nz] = z0[i] + z1[i]; discretization(lx, nx);
discretization(ly, ny);
discretization(lz, nz); for (int t = ; t <= n; ++t)
int sx = get_ID(lx, nx, x0[t]);
int ex = get_ID(lx, nx, x0[t] + x1[t]);
int sy = get_ID(ly, ny, y0[t]);
int ey = get_ID(ly, ny, y0[t] + y1[t]);
int sz = get_ID(lz, nz, z0[t]);
int ez = get_ID(lz, nz, z0[t] + z1[t]);
for (int i = sx; i < ex; ++i)
for (int j = sy; j < ey; ++j)
for (int l = sz; l < ez; ++l)
color[i][j][l] = ;
} flood_fill(); printf("%d %d\n", s, v);

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