台州学院we are without brain 训练 计算几何
A - View Angle
Flatland has recently introduced a new type of an eye check for the driver's licence. The check goes like that: there is a plane with mannequins standing on it. You should tell the value of the minimum angle with the vertex at the origin of coordinates and with all mannequins standing inside or on the boarder of this angle.
As you spend lots of time "glued to the screen", your vision is impaired. So you have to write a program that will pass the check for you.
The first line contains a single integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 105) — the number of mannequins.
Next n lines contain two space-separated integers each: xi, yi (|xi|, |yi| ≤ 1000) — the coordinates of the i-th mannequin. It is guaranteed that the origin of the coordinates has no mannequin. It is guaranteed that no two mannequins are located in the same point on the plane.
Print a single real number — the value of the sought angle in degrees. The answer will be considered valid if the relative or absolute error doesn't exceed 10 - 6.
2 0
0 2
2 0
0 2
-2 2
2 0
0 2
-2 0
0 -2
2 1
1 2
Solution for the first sample test is shown below:
Solution for the second sample test is shown below:
Solution for the third sample test is shown below:
Solution for the fourth sample test is shown below:
using namespace std;
const double PI=acos(-.);
const int N=1e5+;
double a[N],x,y;
int main()
int n;
for(int i=; i<n; i++)scanf("%lf%lf",&x,&y),a[i]=*atan2(x,y)/PI;
double ans=a[n-]-a[];
for(int i=; i<n; i++)ans=min(ans,+a[i-]-a[i]);
return ;
B - Ghosts
Ghosts live in harmony and peace, they travel the space without any purpose other than scare whoever stands in their way.
There are nn ghosts in the universe, they move in the OXYOXY plane, each one of them has its own velocity that does not change in time: V→=Vxi→+Vyj→V→=Vxi→+Vyj→ where VxVx is its speed on the xx-axis and VyVy is on the yy-axis.
A ghost ii has experience value EXiEXi, which represent how many ghosts tried to scare him in his past. Two ghosts scare each other if they were in the same cartesian point at a moment of time.
As the ghosts move with constant speed, after some moment of time there will be no further scaring (what a relief!) and the experience of ghost kind GX=∑ni=1EXiGX=∑i=1nEXiwill never increase.
Tameem is a red giant, he took a picture of the cartesian plane at a certain moment of time TT, and magically all the ghosts were aligned on a line of the form y=a⋅x+by=a⋅x+b. You have to compute what will be the experience index of the ghost kind GXGX in the indefinite future, this is your task for today.
Note that when Tameem took the picture, GXGX may already be greater than 00, because many ghosts may have scared one another at any moment between [−∞,T][−∞,T].
The first line contains three integers nn, aa and bb (1≤n≤2000001≤n≤200000, 1≤|a|≤1091≤|a|≤109, 0≤|b|≤1090≤|b|≤109) — the number of ghosts in the universe and the parameters of the straight line.
Each of the next nn lines contains three integers xixi, VxiVxi, VyiVyi (−109≤xi≤109−109≤xi≤109, −109≤Vxi,Vyi≤109−109≤Vxi,Vyi≤109), where xixi is the current xx-coordinate of the ii-th ghost (and yi=a⋅xi+byi=a⋅xi+b).
It is guaranteed that no two ghosts share the same initial position, in other words, it is guaranteed that for all (i,j)(i,j) xi≠xjxi≠xj for i≠ji≠j.
Output one line: experience index of the ghost kind GXGX in the indefinite future.
4 1 1
1 -1 -1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 -1 -1
3 1 0
-1 1 0
0 0 -1
1 -1 -2
3 1 0
0 0 0
1 0 0
2 0 0
There are four collisions (1,2,T−0.5)(1,2,T−0.5), (1,3,T−1)(1,3,T−1), (2,4,T+1)(2,4,T+1), (3,4,T+0.5)(3,4,T+0.5), where (u,v,t)(u,v,t) means a collision happened between ghosts uu and vv at moment tt. At each collision, each ghost gained one experience point, this means that GX=4⋅2=8GX=4⋅2=8.
In the second test, all points will collide when t=T+1t=T+1.
The red arrow represents the 1-st ghost velocity, orange represents the 2-nd ghost velocity, and blue represents the 3-rd ghost velocity.
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const double PI=acos(-.);
int main()
int n,a,b;
long long ans=,t=;
for(int i=,x,vx,vy; i<n; i++)
return ;
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