

函数报错:warning: the 'gets' function is dangerous and should not be used.







char * gets ( char * str );//Get string from stdin

Reads characters from stdin and stores them as a string into str  until a newline character ('\n') or the End-of-File is reached.
The ending newline character ('\n') is not included in the string.

A null character ('\0') is automatically appended after the last character copied to str to signal the end of the C string.

Notice that gets does not behave exactly as fgets does with stdin as argument: First, the ending newline character is not included with gets while with fgets it is. And second, gets does not let you specify a limit on how many characters are to be read, so you must be careful with the size of the array pointed by str to avoid buffer overflows.

说明:红色部分很好地解释了“the 'gets' function is dangerous and should not be used”这个warning的原因。


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