Nginx & Reverse Proxy

node.js http/https server

// const http = require(`http`);
const https = require(`https`); /* */ //$ node ./src/node-server.js // req: https.clientRequest
const req = https.get(
// ``,
// ``,
(res) => {
// res: https.IncomingMessage
console.log(`res.statusCode = `, res.statusCode);
console.log(`res.headers = `, res.headers);
const ip = res.socket.remoteAddress;
const port = res.socket.remotePort;
// res.end(`Your IP address is ${ip} and your source port is ${port}.`);
(data) => {
console.log(`data = \n`, data.toString());
); req.on(`error`, err => console.log(`error = \n`, err)); console.log(`req.agent = `, req.agent);

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