Leetcode:Largest Number详细题解
Given a list of non negative integers, arrange them such that they form the largest number.
For example, given [3, 30, 34, 5, 9]
, the largest formed number is 9534330
Note: The result may be very large, so you need to return a string instead of an integer.
原题链接: https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/largest-number/
[3, 30, 34, 5, 9] -> (9 -> 5 -> 34 -> 3 -> 30) -> 9534330
简单考虑[3, 30],显然3->30要比30->3的值更大,即3>30的个位0;
再考虑[3, 34],(34->3) > (3->34),即34的个位4>3;
最后[30, 34],34 > 30;
[824, 8247] -> (824 -> 8247) -> 8248247
case3 (不止一位相等,多位高位相等的情况):
[824, 82483] -> (82483 -> 824) -> 82483824
[33, 333] -> 33333
一般考虑假设待比较的数字为a1a2, b1b2b3,a1b1…均为位;在重复数字的情况下
a1 a2
|| ||
b1 b2 b3
且b3 == a1,b1 == a2,此时可以得到b1 == a1 == a2 == b2 == b3,即全等,因此最大的比较次数为数字1的位数加数字2的位数 - 1次,该例子的情况为4次。
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0]
[0, 0]
class Integer {
Integer(int i); int getCount() { return count; } int next() {
if (!tmp_count) {
tmp_count = count;
return digits[--tmp_count];
} private:
int _i;
int count;
int tmp_count;
int digits[];
}; Integer::Integer(int i):count(),tmp_count() {
// there has a great trap when i == 0
if (i) {
while (i) {
digits[count++] = i % ;
i /= ;
} else {
digits[] = ;
tmp_count = count;
bool cmp(const int& a, const int& b) {
Integer ia(a);
Integer ib(b); int maxCmpCount = ia.getCount() + ib.getCount() - ;
int curCmpCount = ; while (curCmpCount < maxCmpCount) {
int bita = ia.next();
int bitb = ib.next(); if (bita > bitb) {
return true;
} if (bita < bitb) {
return false;
} ++curCmpCount;
} return false;
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio> class Integer {
Integer(int i); int getCount() { return count; } int next() {
if (!tmp_count) {
tmp_count = count;
return digits[--tmp_count];
} private:
int _i;
int count;
int tmp_count;
int digits[];
}; Integer::Integer(int i):count(),tmp_count() { // there has a great trap when i == 0
if (i) {
while (i) {
digits[count++] = i % ;
i /= ;
} else {
digits[] = ;
tmp_count = count;
} bool cmp(const int& a, const int& b) {
Integer ia(a);
Integer ib(b); int maxCmpCount = ia.getCount() + ib.getCount() - ;
int curCmpCount = ; while (curCmpCount < maxCmpCount) {
int bita = ia.next();
int bitb = ib.next(); if (bita > bitb) {
return true;
} if (bita < bitb) {
return false;
} ++curCmpCount;
} return false;
} class Solution {
std::string largestNumber(std::vector<int> &num) {
// there is a trap when nums is all zero
bool allZero = true;
for (auto itr = num.begin(); allZero && itr != num.end(); ++itr) {
if (*itr != ) {
allZero = false;
} if (allZero) {
return std::string("");
} std::sort(num.begin(), num.end(), cmp);
std::string rel;
char tmp[];
for (auto itr = num.begin(); itr != num.end(); ++itr) {
sprintf(tmp, "%d", *itr);
rel += tmp;
return rel;
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