




  这很明显是一个动态规划的问题。建立一个二维数组ans,其中ans[i][j]代表word1[i:]要变成word2[j:]至少需要多少步。那么如果word1[i] == word2[j],则ans[i][j] = ans[i+1][j+1],否者,ans[i][j]= min(ans[i +1][j],ans[ans[i][j+1],ans[i+1][j+1])/分别代表每个操作/ + 1。只要处理好初始化问题就可以了。



class Solution(object):
def minDistance(self, word1, word2):
:type word1: str
:type word2: str
:rtype: int
m,n = len(word1),len(word2)
ans = [[0 for i in range(n + 1)] for j in range(m + 1)]
for i in range(m + 1):
ans[i][n] = m - i
for i in range(n + 1):
ans[m][i] = n - i
m -= 1;n -= 1
while m >= 0:
t = n
while t >= 0:
if word1[m] == word2[t]:
ans[m][t] = ans[m + 1][t + 1]
ans[m][t] = min(ans[m][t+1],ans[m+1][t],ans[m+1][t+1]) + 1
t -= 1
m -= 1
return ans[0][0]


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