Revision History







Finish most of the designed function. Only the Windows application is finished.




Finish all of the function on windows store and windowsphone. (and wpf another app)optimize outlook


cool wood game

Version 2.0

problem statement

  At first, we don't know how to realize the animation of the game. We need a wood fly through the screen and when clicked, it drop to the ground. The woods need to pile together. and if it fall on the ground, you will lose. We don't know how to judge whether the wood falling down or not. And we don't know how to write the animation when the wood is falling down. Then we use a cocos2d-x game engine to realize the animation and judge the conditions.

  Then we come up another problem. Sometimes the wood will jump higher than the place when it spring up. Then we find it
's because we didn't use the physical engine box2d in the cocos2d-x.

  When we want to add the Particle effect, we find the particlesystem function. but we can't realize the effect we want. Then we find the defult Particle effect in cocos2d. Then we change some attribute of the defult Particle effect in cocos2d, wo got it.

  We need to change the platform from windows phone to the windows store when we finish our wp game. But we use c++ code to realize the logic, it make us sad when changing the platform because it is hard. After a long time , we find some cocos2d-x 2.0 code in windows store on github. But we use a cocos2d-x 3.0. It's a hard time to adjust the code from 3.0 to 2.0. But thanks god, we got it.

  In the future, we will add some more functions. Such as share your score by qq. Plese pay attention to us.

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