Removes a gameobject, component or asset.
will be destroyed now or if a time is specified t
seconds from now. If obj
is a Component it will remove the component from the GameObject and destroy it. If obj
is a GameObject it will destroy the GameObject, all its components and all transform children of the GameObject. Actual object destruction is always delayed until after the current Update loop, but will always be done before rendering.type | Type of the class to match while searching. |
Object[] An array of objects whose class is type or is derived from type.
Returns a list of all objects of Type type
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections; public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
void OnGUI() {
GUILayout.Label("All " + Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(UnityEngine.Object)).Length);
GUILayout.Label("Textures " + Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Texture)).Length);
GUILayout.Label("AudioClips " + Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(AudioClip)).Length);
GUILayout.Label("Meshes " + Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Mesh)).Length);
GUILayout.Label("Materials " + Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Material)).Length);
GUILayout.Label("GameObjects " + Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GameObject)).Length);
GUILayout.Label("Components " + Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Component)).Length);
import System.Collections.Generic; // This script finds all the objects in scene, excluding prefabs:
function GetAllObjectsInScene(): List.<GameObject> {
var objectsInScene: List.<GameObject> = new List.<GameObject>(); for (var go: GameObject in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject[]) {
//对于一些不可编辑的资源,以及在场景中但隐藏,不保存,不删除的资源,例如mesh, texture,shader。跳过不处理。
if (go.hideFlags == HideFlags.NotEditable || go.hideFlags == HideFlags.HideAndDontSave)
continue; var assetPath: String = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(go.transform.root.gameObject);
// 如果是可编辑的但又找到了对应的AssetDataBase路径,则应该是Prefab。 需验证!
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath))
continue; objectsInScene.Add(go);
} return objectsInScene;
t | The type of Component to retrieve. |
includeInactive | Should inactive Components be included in the found set? |
Returns all components of Type type
in the GameObject or any of its children.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections; public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
public Component[] hingeJoints;
void Example() {
hingeJoints = GetComponentsInChildren<HingeJoint>();
foreach (HingeJoint joint in hingeJoints) {
joint.useSpring = false;
GetComponent | Returns the component of Type type if the game object has one attached, null if it doesn't. You can access both builtin components or scripts with this function. |
GetComponentInChildren | Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search. |
GetComponents | Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject. |
GetComponentsInChildren | Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children. |
Finds a game object by name
and returns it.
can be found, null is returned. If name
contains a '/' character it will traverse the hierarchy like a path name. This function only returns active gameobjects.For performance reasons it is recommended to not use this function every frame Instead cache the result in a member variable at startup or use GameObject.FindWithTag(这个相对快一些?).
var hand : GameObject;
// This will return the game object named Hand in the scene.
hand = GameObject.Find("Hand");
// This will return the game object named Hand.
// Hand must not have a parent in the hierarchy view!
// 绝对路径查找
hand = GameObject.Find("/Hand");
// This will return the game object named Hand,
// which is a child of Arm -> Monster.
// Monster must not have a parent in the hierarchy view!
// 绝对路径查找
hand = GameObject.Find("MonsterArm/Hand");
// 应该是 hand = GameObject.Find("/Monster/Arm/Hand")吧?待验证
// This will return the game object named Hand,
// which is a child of Arm -> Monster.
// Monster may have a parent.
// 相对路径查找
hand = GameObject.Find("MonsterArmHand");
// 应该是hand = GameObject.Find("Monster/Arm/Hand")吧?待验证
// Find the hand inside Start and rotate it every frame
private var hand : GameObject;
function Start () {
hand = GameObject.Find("Monster
} function Update () {
hand.transform.Rotate(0, 100 * Time.deltaTime, 0);
Find | Finds a game object by name and returns it. |
FindGameObjectsWithTag | Returns a list of active GameObjects tagged tag. Returns empty array if no GameObject was found. |
FindWithTag | Returns one active GameObject tagged tag. Returns null if no GameObject was found. |
Returns a list of all active loaded objects of Type type
类型查找Object, 由于是指定了Type的,除非指定的Type是GameObject或者Resource Object,一般该函数都是用来查找返回Component?
Please note that this function is very slow. It is not recommended to use this function every frame. In most cases you can use the singleton pattern instead.
// When clicking on the object, it will disable all springs on all
// hinges in the scene.
function OnMouseDown () {
var hinges : HingeJoint[] = FindObjectsOfType(HingeJoint) as HingeJoint[];
for (var hinge : HingeJoint in hinges) {
hinge.useSpring = false;
FindObjectOfType | Returns the first active loaded object of Type type. |
FindObjectsOfType | Returns a list of all active loaded objects of Type type. |
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