cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'mvc:resources'.
新的错误出现 spring-mvc.xml文件
<mvc:resources mapping="/static/**" location="/static/" />
<mvc:resources mapping="/upload/**" location="/upload/" />
cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'mvc:resources'.
window>>preference>>Maven>>User settings>>然后依次进行点击
执行完该步骤后,右击项目,然后maven,最后update project,更新maven;
cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'mvc:resources'.的更多相关文章
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