
  官方把这样的问法叫做:“Two Questions”,即一次提出两个要求。这个两个要求的搭配组合方式很多,其中,最经典和常见的是:

  What are the causes and solutions of this problem?

  Give some reasons and solutions for this problem.





  It is essential that government should pass/introduce/impose more stringent laws/regulations/polices to compel…to abide by the law.

  A series of related regulations should be implemented in order to force/prevent/essay writing service on repor t.lxws.n et/compel...

  To curb…,it is imperative that our government promulgate new laws to govern….





  To start with,strict regulations and legislations should be established to reduce the sales of unhealthy products such as cigarettes and alcohol.Singapore,as a good case in point,has already forbidden any kind of smoking in inner spaces hotessay.cn,and the number of smokers there remains rather tiny and steady in recent decades.


  Secondly,governments and companies should make health-related regulations to control the total amount of working hours,take the work shift system,and regularly arrange outings for employees in repetitive and indoor works.


  资金投入dedicate more money to

  资源倾斜allocate more resources to

  增加赋税impose heavier taxes on

  加大惩罚strengthen the punishment on

  扩大宣传give wide/greater publicity to

  协同努力joint effort of all the nations

  提供优惠offer preferential treatment/rate/measures/terms/access


  The local administration could give wide publicity to museums,in order to arouse the interests of the locals in their own culture and history.It is also effective if preferential rates of admission could be offered so that residents may consider visiting museum a cost-efficient leisure activity.


  父母引导parental guidance

  投入足够时间和精力dedicate enough time and energy to

  良好的家庭关系create a positive and intimate family relationship

  增进感情strengthen family bonds

  建立归属感build a sense of belonging

  建立自信help them to build self-confidence


  Without proper parental guidance,children are very vulnerable to the violent or pornographic content on TV shows.Parents must ensure that they dedicate enough time and energy to their offspring,so that they can correct the misbehaviour promptly.


  加强德育provide moral education

  提供课程related courses should be provided

  课下关心teachers should show the students every consideration after class

  培养责任感help them develop a sense of responsibility

  尊重个性respect their individuality

  明辨是非teach children the difference between right and wrong


  It is of vital importance that schools should give priority to moral education.Related courses regarding what behaviours are socially acceptable should be provided.

  Besides,instead of paying attention only to the top performers in the exam,teachers should show the students of all abilities every consideration both in and after the class,so that the academically incompetent would not feel isolated and go astray.



  spend more time with families and friends

  keep frequent touch with family members and friends


  adjust one's goal/expectation to keep pace with improvements in knowledge and with the multiplication of ideas.


  change/alter/modified work status/pattern/condition


  Residents in the same community should spend more time communicating with their neighbours by participating in activities arranged locally,such as sports competition or a spring outing in the suburbs.


  提高意识improve/enhance/promote/raise the awareness/consciousness of


  The awareness of the mass toward the over-dependence of electronic devices should be improved by education and campaigns,so that detrimental lifestyles can be eliminated or be substituted with more healthy activities.








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