Sharepoint 2016 - Deploy Office Online Server
Step 1: Install prerequisite software for Office Online Server
Open the Windows PowerShell prompt as an administrator and run this command to install the required roles and services.
Windows Server 2012 R2:
Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server,Web-Mgmt-Tools,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-WebServer,Web-Common-Http,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Static-Content,Web-Performance,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Dyn-Compression,Web-Security,Web-Filtering,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-App-Dev,Web-Net-Ext45,Web-Asp-Net45,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Filter,Web-Includes,InkandHandwritingServices,NET-Framework-Features,NET-Framework-Core,NET-HTTP-Activation,NET-Non-HTTP-Activ,NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45,Windows-Identity-Foundation,Server-Media-Foundation
Windows Server 2016:
Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server,Web-Mgmt-Tools,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-WebServer,Web-Common-Http,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Static-Content,Web-Performance,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Dyn-Compression,Web-Security,Web-Filtering,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-App-Dev,Web-Net-Ext45,Web-Asp-Net45,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Filter,Web-Includes,NET-Framework-Features,NET-Framework-45-Features,NET-Framework-Core,NET-Framework-45-Core,NET-HTTP-Activation,NET-Non-HTTP-Activ,NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45,Windows-Identity-Foundation,Server-Media-Foundation
If prompted, restart the server.
Install the following software:
Step 2: Install Office Online Server
Next, we'll install Office Online Server.
If you plan to use any Excel Online features that utilize external data access (such as Data Models, Power Pivot, or Power View), note that Office Online Server must reside in the same Active Directory forest as its users as well as any external data sources that you plan to access using Windows-based authentication.
Complete these steps on any servers that will run Office Online Server.
To install Office Online Server
Download Office Online Server from the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC). The download is located under those Office products on the VLSC portal.
Run Setup.exe.
On the Read the Microsoft Software License Terms page, select I accept the terms of this agreement and click Continue.
On the Choose a file location page, select the folder where you want the Office Online Server files to be installed (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps) and select Install Now. If the folder you specified doesn’t exist, Setup creates it for you.
We recommend that you install Office Online Server on the system drive.
When Setup finishes installing Office Online Server, choose Close.
If you're planning to use Kerberos Constrained Delegation with Excel Online, then, in Services, set the Claims to Windows Token Serviceto start automatically on this server.
If you plan to use Kerberos Constrained Delegation with Excel Online, be sure to add each server in the Office Online Server farm to the Active Directory Domain Services delegation list.
Step 3: Install language packs for Office Web Apps Server
Office Online Server Language Packs let users view web-based Office files in multiple languages, whether they’re opened from SharePoint document libraries or Outlook Web App
To install the language packs, follow these steps.
Download the Office Online Server Language Packs from the Microsoft Download Center.
Run wacserverlanguagepack.exe.
In the Office Online Server Language Pack Wizard, on the Read the Microsoft Software License Terms page, select I accept the terms of this agreement and select Continue.
When Setup finishes installing Office Online Server, choose Close.
![]() |
Deploy the Office Online Server farm
Follow the procedures in one of the following three sections, based on what kind of Office Online Server farm you want to create.
![]() |
If Windows PowerShell doesn’t recognize the New-OfficeWebAppsFarm cmdlet when you run it, you may need to import the OfficeWebAppsmodule. Use this command:Import-Module -Name OfficeWebApps |
Deploy a single-server Office Online Server farm that uses HTTP
If you’re only deploying Office Online Server for testing or internal use, and you don’t need to provide Office Online Server functionality to Skype for Business Server 2015, this procedure is for you. Here, you’ll install a single-server Office Online Server farm that uses HTTP. You won’t need a certificate or load balancer, but you will need a dedicated physical server or virtual machine instance that isn’t running any other server application.
You can use this Office Online Server farm to provide Office Online functionality to SharePoint Server 2016 and Exchange Server 2016.
Step 1: Create the Office Online Server farm
Use the New-OfficeWebAppsFarm command to create a new Office Online Server farm that consists of a single server, as shown in the following example.
New-OfficeWebAppsFarm -InternalURL "http://servername" -AllowHttp -EditingEnabled
–InternalURL is the name of the server that runs Office Online Server, such as http://servername.
–AllowHttp configures the farm to use HTTP.
–EditingEnabled enables editing in Office Online when used with SharePoint Server 2016. This parameter isn't used by Skype for Business Server 2015 or Exchange Server because those hosts don't support editing.
Step 2: Verify that the Office Online Server farm was created successfully
After the farm is created, details about the farm are displayed in the Windows PowerShell prompt. To verify that Office Online Server is installed and configured correctly, use a web browser to access the Office Online Server discovery URL, as shown in the following example. The discovery URL is the InternalUrl parameter you specified when you configured your Office Online Server farm, followed by /hosting/discovery, for example:
If Office Online Server is working as expected, you should see a Web Application Open Platform Interface Protocol (WOPI)-discovery XML file in your web browser. The first few lines of that file should resemble the following example.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <wopi-discovery>
- <net-zone name="internal-http">
- <app name="Excel" favIconUrl="http://servername/x/_layouts/images/FavIcon_Excel.ico" checkLicense="true">
<action name="view" ext="ods" default="true" urlsrc="http://servername/x/_layouts/xlviewerinternal.aspx?<ui=UI_LLCC&><rs=DC_LLCC&>" />
<action name="view" ext="xls" default="true" urlsrc="http://servername/x/_layouts/xlviewerinternal.aspx?<ui=UI_LLCC&><rs=DC_LLCC&>" />
<action name="view" ext="xlsb" default="true" urlsrc="http://servername/x/_layouts/xlviewerinternal.aspx?<ui=UI_LLCC&><rs=DC_LLCC&>" />
<action name="view" ext="xlsm" default="true" urlsrc="http://servername/x/_layouts/xlviewerinternal.aspx?<ui=UI_LLCC&><rs=DC_LLCC&>" />
Step 3: Configure Secure Store access (optional)
If you're planning to use the Secure Store service in SharePoint Server in an HTTP environment, there's a parameter that you need to set to enable this. (If you're not planning to use Secure Store in SharePoint Server with Excel Online, you can skip this step.)
When Office Online Server attempts to refresh data in a workbook or ODC file that is stored in an HTTP path, that data refresh will fail if you have not configured Office Online Server to allow Secure Store connections over HTTP.
Use the Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm cmdlet to configure the Secure Store over HTTP settings:
Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm -AllowHttpSecureStoreConnections:$true
Keep in mind that the contents of the workbook or ODC file will be transmitted in clear text over HTTP. Data connected workbooks and ODC files contain database connection information, and can contain passwords.
Step 4: Configure the host
The farm is now ready to provide Office Online functionality to hosts over HTTP. Visit the following articles for more information about how to configure hosts.
Deploy a single-server Office Online Server farm that uses HTTPS
For most production environments, we strongly recommend the use of HTTPS for its security features. Also, HTTPS is required if you want to provide Office Online Server functionality to Skype for Business Server 2015, which lets users view PowerPoint broadcasts in a browser. Here’s how to install a single-server Office Online Server farm that uses HTTPS. You'll need to install a certificate on the server.
This Office Online Server farm will provide Office Online functionality to SharePoint Server 2016, Skype for Business Server 2015, and Exchange Server 2016.
Step 1: Create the Office Online Server farm
Use the New-OfficeWebAppsFarm command to create a new Office Online Server farm that consists of a single server, as shown in the following example.
New-OfficeWebAppsFarm -InternalUrl "" -ExternalUrl "" -CertificateName "OfficeWebApps Certificate" -EditingEnabled
–InternalURL is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server that runs Office Online Server, such as
–ExternalURL is the FQDN that can be accessed on the Internet.
–CertificateName is the friendly name of the certificate.
–EditingEnabled is optional and enables editing in Office Online when used with SharePoint Server 2016. This parameter isn't used by Skype for Business Server 2015 or Exchange Server because those hosts don't support editing.
Step 2: Verify that the Office Online Server farm was created successfully
After the farm is created, details about the farm are displayed in the Windows PowerShell prompt. To verify that Office Online Server is installed and configured correctly, use a web browser to access the Office Online Server discovery URL, as shown in the following example. The discovery URL is the InternalUrl parameter you specified when you configured your Office Online Server farm, followed by /hosting/discovery, for example:
If Office Online Server works as expected, you should see a Web Application Open Platform Interface Protocol (WOPI)-discovery XML file in your web browser. The first few lines of that file should resemble the following example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="internal-https"><app name="Excel" checkLicense="true"
default="true" ext="ods"/><action name="view"
default="true" ext="xls"/><action name="view"
![]() |
Depending on the security settings of your web browser, you might see a message that prompts you to select Show all content before the contents of the discovery XML file are displayed. |
Step 3: Configure the host
The farm is now ready to provide Office Online functionality to hosts over HTTPS. Visit the following articles for more information about how to configure hosts.
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