HDU ACM 1690 Bus System (SPFA)
Bus System
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 5190 Accepted Submission(s): 1275
【解题思路】SPFA求最短路径问题,将每个站之间的距离转化为相应的价格从而建立两站点相连的边,其中如果距离超出了题目给的价表,那么就说明这两点不连接,连接的边的权值为价表相应区间的价格,这题数据有点大,需要用long long,不过我在用long long的时候出现两个问题
问题1:关于long long 报错的问题,本地编译器没问题,用G++提交后出错:
在用long long 类型声明和定义一个变量时,明显地在其表示范围内赋值,却得到如下的错误:
error: integer constant is too large for "long" type
来自 http://china.xilinx.com/support/answers/31999.html 的解释:
*When I define a long long integer data type in SW application in EDK, a warning / error similar to the following occurs:
*"warning: integer constant is too large for 'long' type".
*/ int main ()
long long int test = 0x0008888000000000;
*The warning message can be safely ignored, as mb-gcc is not doing anything wrong; the 64-bit computing is in fact correct.
*This warning occurs because gcc is strict in syntax and requires LL on the end of such constants.
*This warning message disappears if the integer is appended with LL.
*/ long long int test = 0x0008888000000000LL;
/*PS: 英语是硬伤,还是没搞懂原因,字面上的意思是说C不够聪明去判断左边的类型,类型仅仅是文本上的属性,不是我们所看到的的语境?
*The letters 100000000000 make up a literal integer constant, but the value is too large for the type int.
*You need to use a suffix to change the type of the literal, i.e.
* long long num3 =100000000000LL;
*The suffix LL makes the literal into type long long.
*C is not "smart" enough to conclude this from the type on the left,
*the type is a property of the literal itself, not the context in which it is being us.
问题2:在用位运算给long long 类型赋值的时候,出现下面的Warning:
left shift count >= width of type
上网找了下,想到应该跟问题1应该有点联系,1 在这里是int型,需要进行显式转换才能进行左移,明显地溢出
#include <cstdio>
#include <queue>
#include <cstring>
#define NV 102
#define NE NV*NV using namespace std; //typedef __int64 LL;
typedef long long LL;
typedef LL Type;
const long long INF = 9223372036854775800LL; int nv, ne, tot;
Type dist[NV], cord[NV];
int eh[NV];
Type L[], D[];
bool vis[NV]; struct Edge{
int u, v, next;
Type cost;
Edge(int a, Type c) : u(a), cost(c) {}
Edge(int a, int b, Type c, int d) : u(a), v(b), cost(c), next(d) {}
bool operator < (const Edge& x) const {
return cost > x.cost;
}edge[NE]; Type get_price(Type n)
for(int i = ; i < ; ++i)
if(L[i] < n && n <= L[i+]) return D[i];
return INF;
} void addedge(int a, int b, Type c)
Edge e = Edge(a, b, c, eh[a]);
edge[tot] = e;
eh[a] = tot++;
} void init()
tot = ;
memset(vis, false, sizeof(vis));
memset(eh, -, sizeof(eh));
for(int i = ; i < nv; ++i)
for(int j = i+; j < nv; ++j)
Type road = cord[i] - cord[j];
if(road < ) road = -road;
Type price = get_price(road);
if(price != INF)
addedge(i, j, price);
addedge(j, i, price);
} void SPFA(int s)
for(int i = ; i < nv; ++i) dist[i] = INF;
dist[s] = ;
priority_queue<Edge> que;
que.push(Edge(s, ));
vis[s] = true;
Edge tmp = que.top();
int u = tmp.u;
vis[u] = false;
for(int i = eh[u]; i != -; i = edge[i].next)
int v = edge[i].v;
if(dist[v] > edge[i].cost + dist[u])
dist[v] = edge[i].cost + dist[u];
que.push(Edge(v, dist[v]));
vis[v] = true;
} int main()
freopen("F:\\test\\input.txt", "r", stdin);
int T, m;
scanf("%d", &T);
for(int t = ; t <= T; ++t)
for(int i = ; i < ; ++i)
scanf("%I64d", &L[i]);
for(int i = ; i < ; ++i)
scanf("%I64d", &D[i]);
L[] = ;
scanf("%d%d", &nv, &ne);
for(int i = ; i < nv; ++i)
scanf("%I64d", &cord[i]);
printf("Case %d:\n", t);
for(int i = , u, v; i != ne; ++i)
scanf("%d%d", &u, &v);
if(dist[v-] == INF)
printf("Station %d and station %d are not attainable.\n", u, v);
printf("The minimum cost between station %d and station %d is %I64d.\n", u, v, dist[v-]);
return ;
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