theano 中的一个函数 sparse_block_dot;


for b in range(batch_size):
for j in range(o.shape[1]):
for i in range(h.shape[1]):
o[b, j, :] +=[b, i], W[iIdx[b, i], oIdx[b, j]])

Image Example

Input Parameter

- W (iBlocks, oBlocks, iSize, oSize) – weight matrix
- h (batch, iWin, iSize) – input from lower layer (sparse)
- inputIdx (batch, iWin) – indexes of the input blocks
- b (oBlocks, oSize) – bias vector
- outputIdx (batch, oWin) – indexes of the output blocks


- dot(W[i, j], h[i]) + b[j] #but b[j] is only added once

- shape: (batch, oWin, oSize)


used form calculating theano.tensor.nnet.h_softmax;


def h_softmax(x, batch_size, n_outputs, n_classes, n_outputs_per_class,
W1, b1, W2, b2, target=None):
"Two-level hierarchical softmax." # First softmax that computes the probabilities of belonging to each class
class_probs = theano.tensor.nnet.softmax(, W1) + b1) if target is None: # Computes the probabilites of all the outputs # Second softmax that computes the output probabilities
activations = tensor.tensordot(x, W2, (1, 1)) + b2
output_probs = theano.tensor.nnet.softmax(
activations.reshape((-1, n_outputs_per_class)))
output_probs = output_probs.reshape((batch_size, n_classes, -1))
output_probs = class_probs.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') * output_probs
output_probs = output_probs.reshape((batch_size, -1))
# output_probs.shape[1] is n_classes * n_outputs_per_class, which might
# be greater than n_outputs, so we ignore the potential irrelevant
# outputs with the next line:
output_probs = output_probs[:, :n_outputs] else: # Computes the probabilities of the outputs specified by the targets target = target.flatten() # Classes to which belong each target
target_classes = target // n_outputs_per_class # Outputs to which belong each target inside a class
target_outputs_in_class = target % n_outputs_per_class # Second softmax that computes the output probabilities
activations = sparse_block_dot(
W2.dimshuffle('x', 0, 1, 2), x.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1),
tensor.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype='int32'), b2,
target_classes.dimshuffle(0, 'x')) output_probs = theano.tensor.nnet.softmax(activations.dimshuffle(0, 2))
target_class_probs = class_probs[tensor.arange(batch_size),
output_probs = output_probs[tensor.arange(batch_size),
output_probs = target_class_probs * output_probs return output_probs

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