Example Language Description
AsyncTriggerEx C++ Demonstrates some of the basic asynchronous trigger capabilities of compatible PGR Imaging Products.
AsyncTriggerExCSharp C# Equivalent to AsnycTriggerEx, except written in C#.
BusEvents_CSharp C# Demonstrates how to handle bus events such as bus arrivals, removals and resets through the Managed interface.
CustomImageEx C++ Demonstrates how to configure a PGR Imaging Product to output custom sized images.
CustomImageExCSharp C# Equivalent to CustomImageEx, except written in C#.
ExtendedShutterEx C++ Demonstrates how to enable and calculate extended integration times for applicable Point Grey Imaging Products.
FlyCap2 C++ The main Point Grey Research application used to work with single lens cameras.
FlyCap2MFC C++ Equivalent to FlyCap2, except uses features
of the Microsoft Foundation Class
FlyCapture2GUI C++ This example contains the same source code that is used for the Camera Selection and Camera Control
dialogs in FlyCapture.
FlyCapture2Test C++ Tests basic functionality of a single camera
and reports information related to all compatible cameras
attached to the host system.
FlyCapture2Test_C C Equivalent to FlyCapture2Test, except written in C.
FlyCapture2Test_CSharp C# Equivalent to FlyCapture2Test, except
written in C#.
GigEGrabEx C++ Demonstrates how to grab images with GigE Vision cameras.
GigEGrabEx_C C Equivalent to GigEGrabEx, except written in C.
GigEGrabEx_CSharp C# Equivalent to GigEGrabEx, except written in C#.
GrabCallbackEx C++ Demonstrates how to use the image callback functionality to receive images instead of using RetrieveBuffer().
GrabCallbackEx_CSharp C# Equivalent to GrabCallbackEx, except written in C#.
HighDynamicRangeEx C++ Demonstrates the use of High
Dynamic Range (HDR) functionality.
ImageEventEx C++ Demonstrates how to implement partial image event notification.  Partial
image event notification is a mechanism that provides the user with access to
image data as it arrives in the PC's memory, before the entire image is
MultipleCameraEx C++ Synchronizes image grabbing across multiple cameras.
SaveImageToAviEx C++ Demonstrates saving a series of images to an AVI file.
SaveImageToFlashEx C++ Demonstrates saving images to the
data flash on the camera.
SerialPortEx C++ Demonstrates how to transmit and receive characters by using the camera's serial buffer system.

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