- 1.1程序被其他程序翻译成不同的格式
- #include <stdio.h>
- int main()
- {
- printf("hello world\n");
- }
- 将所有的#define删除,并且展开所有的宏定义
- 处理所有的条件预编译指令,比如#if #ifdef #elif #else #endif等
- 处理#include 预编译指令,将被包含的文件插入到该预编译指令的位置。
- 删除所有注释 “//”和”/* */”.
- 添加行号和文件标识,以便编译时产生调试用的行号及编译错误警告行号。
- 保留所有的#pragma编译器指令,因为编译器需要使用它们
gcc -E hello.c -o hello.i
参数-E表示只进行预处理 或者也可以使用以下指令完成预处理过程
cpp hello.c > hello.i /* cpp – The C Preprocessor */
- # "hello.c"
- # "<built-in>"
- # "<command-line>"
- # "hello.c"
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- # "/usr/include/features.h"
- # "/usr/include/features.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/predefs.h"
- # "/usr/include/features.h"
- # "/usr/include/features.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/cdefs.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/cdefs.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/cdefs.h"
- # "/usr/include/features.h"
- # "/usr/include/features.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs-64.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs.h"
- # "/usr/include/features.h"
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- # "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/include/stddef.h"
- # "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/include/stddef.h"
- typedef long unsigned int size_t;
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h"
- typedef unsigned char __u_char;
- typedef unsigned short int __u_short;
- typedef unsigned int __u_int;
- typedef unsigned long int __u_long;
- typedef signed char __int8_t;
- typedef unsigned char __uint8_t;
- typedef signed short int __int16_t;
- typedef unsigned short int __uint16_t;
- typedef signed int __int32_t;
- typedef unsigned int __uint32_t;
- typedef signed long int __int64_t;
- typedef unsigned long int __uint64_t;
- typedef long int __quad_t;
- typedef unsigned long int __u_quad_t;
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/typesizes.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h"
- typedef unsigned long int __dev_t;
- typedef unsigned int __uid_t;
- typedef unsigned int __gid_t;
- typedef unsigned long int __ino_t;
- typedef unsigned long int __ino64_t;
- typedef unsigned int __mode_t;
- typedef unsigned long int __nlink_t;
- typedef long int __off_t;
- typedef long int __off64_t;
- typedef int __pid_t;
- typedef struct { int __val[]; } __fsid_t;
- typedef long int __clock_t;
- typedef unsigned long int __rlim_t;
- typedef unsigned long int __rlim64_t;
- typedef unsigned int __id_t;
- typedef long int __time_t;
- typedef unsigned int __useconds_t;
- typedef long int __suseconds_t;
- typedef int __daddr_t;
- typedef long int __swblk_t;
- typedef int __key_t;
- typedef int __clockid_t;
- typedef void * __timer_t;
- typedef long int __blksize_t;
- typedef long int __blkcnt_t;
- typedef long int __blkcnt64_t;
- typedef unsigned long int __fsblkcnt_t;
- typedef unsigned long int __fsblkcnt64_t;
- typedef unsigned long int __fsfilcnt_t;
- typedef unsigned long int __fsfilcnt64_t;
- typedef long int __ssize_t;
- typedef __off64_t __loff_t;
- typedef __quad_t *__qaddr_t;
- typedef char *__caddr_t;
- typedef long int __intptr_t;
- typedef unsigned int __socklen_t;
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- struct _IO_FILE;
- typedef struct _IO_FILE FILE;
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- typedef struct _IO_FILE __FILE;
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- # "/usr/include/libio.h"
- # "/usr/include/libio.h"
- # "/usr/include/_G_config.h"
- # "/usr/include/_G_config.h"
- # "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/include/stddef.h"
- # "/usr/include/_G_config.h"
- # "/usr/include/wchar.h"
- # "/usr/include/wchar.h"
- typedef struct
- {
- int __count;
- union
- {
- unsigned int __wch;
- char __wchb[];
- } __value;
- } __mbstate_t;
- # "/usr/include/_G_config.h"
- typedef struct
- {
- __off_t __pos;
- __mbstate_t __state;
- } _G_fpos_t;
- typedef struct
- {
- __off64_t __pos;
- __mbstate_t __state;
- } _G_fpos64_t;
- # "/usr/include/_G_config.h"
- typedef int _G_int16_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__HI__)));
- typedef int _G_int32_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__SI__)));
- typedef unsigned int _G_uint16_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__HI__)));
- typedef unsigned int _G_uint32_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__SI__)));
- # "/usr/include/libio.h"
- # "/usr/include/libio.h"
- # "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/include/stdarg.h"
- # "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/include/stdarg.h"
- typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list;
- # "/usr/include/libio.h"
- # "/usr/include/libio.h"
- struct _IO_jump_t; struct _IO_FILE;
- # "/usr/include/libio.h"
- typedef void _IO_lock_t;
- struct _IO_marker {
- struct _IO_marker *_next;
- struct _IO_FILE *_sbuf;
- int _pos;
- # "/usr/include/libio.h"
- };
- enum __codecvt_result
- {
- __codecvt_ok,
- __codecvt_partial,
- __codecvt_error,
- __codecvt_noconv
- };
- # "/usr/include/libio.h"
- struct _IO_FILE {
- int _flags;
- char* _IO_read_ptr;
- char* _IO_read_end;
- char* _IO_read_base;
- char* _IO_write_base;
- char* _IO_write_ptr;
- char* _IO_write_end;
- char* _IO_buf_base;
- char* _IO_buf_end;
- char *_IO_save_base;
- char *_IO_backup_base;
- char *_IO_save_end;
- struct _IO_marker *_markers;
- struct _IO_FILE *_chain;
- int _fileno;
- int _flags2;
- __off_t _old_offset;
- unsigned short _cur_column;
- signed char _vtable_offset;
- char _shortbuf[];
- _IO_lock_t *_lock;
- # "/usr/include/libio.h"
- __off64_t _offset;
- # "/usr/include/libio.h"
- void *__pad1;
- void *__pad2;
- void *__pad3;
- void *__pad4;
- size_t __pad5;
- int _mode;
- char _unused2[ * sizeof (int) - * sizeof (void *) - sizeof (size_t)];
- };
- typedef struct _IO_FILE _IO_FILE;
- struct _IO_FILE_plus;
- extern struct _IO_FILE_plus _IO_2_1_stdin_;
- extern struct _IO_FILE_plus _IO_2_1_stdout_;
- extern struct _IO_FILE_plus _IO_2_1_stderr_;
- # "/usr/include/libio.h"
- typedef __ssize_t __io_read_fn (void *__cookie, char *__buf, size_t __nbytes);
- typedef __ssize_t __io_write_fn (void *__cookie, __const char *__buf,
- size_t __n);
- typedef int __io_seek_fn (void *__cookie, __off64_t *__pos, int __w);
- typedef int __io_close_fn (void *__cookie);
- # "/usr/include/libio.h"
- extern int __underflow (_IO_FILE *);
- extern int __uflow (_IO_FILE *);
- extern int __overflow (_IO_FILE *, int);
- # "/usr/include/libio.h"
- extern int _IO_getc (_IO_FILE *__fp);
- extern int _IO_putc (int __c, _IO_FILE *__fp);
- extern int _IO_feof (_IO_FILE *__fp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- extern int _IO_ferror (_IO_FILE *__fp) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- extern int _IO_peekc_locked (_IO_FILE *__fp);
- extern void _IO_flockfile (_IO_FILE *) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- extern void _IO_funlockfile (_IO_FILE *) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- extern int _IO_ftrylockfile (_IO_FILE *) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- # "/usr/include/libio.h"
- extern int _IO_vfscanf (_IO_FILE * __restrict, const char * __restrict,
- __gnuc_va_list, int *__restrict);
- extern int _IO_vfprintf (_IO_FILE *__restrict, const char *__restrict,
- __gnuc_va_list);
- extern __ssize_t _IO_padn (_IO_FILE *, int, __ssize_t);
- extern size_t _IO_sgetn (_IO_FILE *, void *, size_t);
- extern __off64_t _IO_seekoff (_IO_FILE *, __off64_t, int, int);
- extern __off64_t _IO_seekpos (_IO_FILE *, __off64_t, int);
- extern void _IO_free_backup_area (_IO_FILE *) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- typedef __gnuc_va_list va_list;
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- typedef __off_t off_t;
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- typedef __ssize_t ssize_t;
- typedef _G_fpos_t fpos_t;
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdio_lim.h"
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern struct _IO_FILE *stdin;
- extern struct _IO_FILE *stdout;
- extern struct _IO_FILE *stderr;
- extern int remove (__const char *__filename) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- extern int rename (__const char *__old, __const char *__new) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- extern int renameat (int __oldfd, __const char *__old, int __newfd,
- __const char *__new) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- extern FILE *tmpfile (void) ;
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern char *tmpnam (char *__s) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
- extern char *tmpnam_r (char *__s) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern char *tempnam (__const char *__dir, __const char *__pfx)
- __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__malloc__)) ;
- extern int fclose (FILE *__stream);
- extern int fflush (FILE *__stream);
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern int fflush_unlocked (FILE *__stream);
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern FILE *fopen (__const char *__restrict __filename,
- __const char *__restrict __modes) ;
- extern FILE *freopen (__const char *__restrict __filename,
- __const char *__restrict __modes,
- FILE *__restrict __stream) ;
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern FILE *fdopen (int __fd, __const char *__modes) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern FILE *fmemopen (void *__s, size_t __len, __const char *__modes)
- __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
- extern FILE *open_memstream (char **__bufloc, size_t *__sizeloc) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
- extern void setbuf (FILE *__restrict __stream, char *__restrict __buf) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- extern int setvbuf (FILE *__restrict __stream, char *__restrict __buf,
- int __modes, size_t __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- extern void setbuffer (FILE *__restrict __stream, char *__restrict __buf,
- size_t __size) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- extern void setlinebuf (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- extern int fprintf (FILE *__restrict __stream,
- __const char *__restrict __format, ...);
- extern int printf (__const char *__restrict __format, ...);
- extern int sprintf (char *__restrict __s,
- __const char *__restrict __format, ...) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__));
- extern int vfprintf (FILE *__restrict __s, __const char *__restrict __format,
- __gnuc_va_list __arg);
- extern int vprintf (__const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg);
- extern int vsprintf (char *__restrict __s, __const char *__restrict __format,
- __gnuc_va_list __arg) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__));
- extern int snprintf (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxlen,
- __const char *__restrict __format, ...)
- __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, , )));
- extern int vsnprintf (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxlen,
- __const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg)
- __attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, , )));
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern int vdprintf (int __fd, __const char *__restrict __fmt,
- __gnuc_va_list __arg)
- __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, , )));
- extern int dprintf (int __fd, __const char *__restrict __fmt, ...)
- __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, , )));
- extern int fscanf (FILE *__restrict __stream,
- __const char *__restrict __format, ...) ;
- extern int scanf (__const char *__restrict __format, ...) ;
- extern int sscanf (__const char *__restrict __s,
- __const char *__restrict __format, ...) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern int fscanf (FILE *__restrict __stream, __const char *__restrict __format, ...) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_fscanf")
- ;
- extern int scanf (__const char *__restrict __format, ...) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_scanf")
- ;
- extern int sscanf (__const char *__restrict __s, __const char *__restrict __format, ...) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_sscanf") __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__))
- ;
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern int vfscanf (FILE *__restrict __s, __const char *__restrict __format,
- __gnuc_va_list __arg)
- __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, , ))) ;
- extern int vscanf (__const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg)
- __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, , ))) ;
- extern int vsscanf (__const char *__restrict __s,
- __const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg)
- __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, , )));
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern int vfscanf (FILE *__restrict __s, __const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_vfscanf")
- __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, , ))) ;
- extern int vscanf (__const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_vscanf")
- __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, , ))) ;
- extern int vsscanf (__const char *__restrict __s, __const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_vsscanf") __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__))
- __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, , )));
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern int fgetc (FILE *__stream);
- extern int getc (FILE *__stream);
- extern int getchar (void);
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern int getc_unlocked (FILE *__stream);
- extern int getchar_unlocked (void);
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern int fgetc_unlocked (FILE *__stream);
- extern int fputc (int __c, FILE *__stream);
- extern int putc (int __c, FILE *__stream);
- extern int putchar (int __c);
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern int fputc_unlocked (int __c, FILE *__stream);
- extern int putc_unlocked (int __c, FILE *__stream);
- extern int putchar_unlocked (int __c);
- extern int getw (FILE *__stream);
- extern int putw (int __w, FILE *__stream);
- extern char *fgets (char *__restrict __s, int __n, FILE *__restrict __stream)
- ;
- extern char *gets (char *__s) ;
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern __ssize_t __getdelim (char **__restrict __lineptr,
- size_t *__restrict __n, int __delimiter,
- FILE *__restrict __stream) ;
- extern __ssize_t getdelim (char **__restrict __lineptr,
- size_t *__restrict __n, int __delimiter,
- FILE *__restrict __stream) ;
- extern __ssize_t getline (char **__restrict __lineptr,
- size_t *__restrict __n,
- FILE *__restrict __stream) ;
- extern int fputs (__const char *__restrict __s, FILE *__restrict __stream);
- extern int puts (__const char *__s);
- extern int ungetc (int __c, FILE *__stream);
- extern size_t fread (void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
- size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __stream) ;
- extern size_t fwrite (__const void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
- size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __s);
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern size_t fread_unlocked (void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
- size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __stream) ;
- extern size_t fwrite_unlocked (__const void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
- size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __stream);
- extern int fseek (FILE *__stream, long int __off, int __whence);
- extern long int ftell (FILE *__stream) ;
- extern void rewind (FILE *__stream);
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern int fseeko (FILE *__stream, __off_t __off, int __whence);
- extern __off_t ftello (FILE *__stream) ;
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern int fgetpos (FILE *__restrict __stream, fpos_t *__restrict __pos);
- extern int fsetpos (FILE *__stream, __const fpos_t *__pos);
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern void clearerr (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- extern int feof (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
- extern int ferror (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
- extern void clearerr_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- extern int feof_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
- extern int ferror_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
- extern void perror (__const char *__s);
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sys_errlist.h"
- # "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sys_errlist.h"
- extern int sys_nerr;
- extern __const char *__const sys_errlist[];
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern int fileno (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
- extern int fileno_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern FILE *popen (__const char *__command, __const char *__modes) ;
- extern int pclose (FILE *__stream);
- extern char *ctermid (char *__s) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- extern void flockfile (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- extern int ftrylockfile (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
- extern void funlockfile (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
- # "/usr/include/stdio.h"
- # "hello.c"
- int main()
- {
- printf("hello world!\n");
- }
gcc –S hello.i –o hello.s
- .file "hello.c"
- .section .rodata
- .LC0:
- .string "hello world!"
- .text
- .globl main
- .type main, @function
- main:
- .LFB0:
- .cfi_startproc
- pushq %rbp
- .cfi_def_cfa_offset
- .cfi_offset , -
- movq %rsp, %rbp
- .cfi_def_cfa_register
- movl $.LC0, %edi
- call puts
- popq %rbp
- .cfi_def_cfa ,
- ret
- .cfi_endproc
- .LFE0:
- .size main, .-main
- .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 4.6.3"
- .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
汇编阶段。汇编器(as)将hello.s翻译成机器语言指令,并把这些指令打包成一种叫做可充定位目标程序(relocatable object program)的格式,并将结果保存在目标文件hello.o中,hello.o文件是一个二进制文件,它的字节编码是机器语言指令而不是字符。如果我们在文本编辑器中打开hello.o文件,看到的将是一堆乱码。
$ gcc –c hello.c –o hello.o
$ as hello.s –o hello.co
- 李洪强漫谈iOS开发[C语言-004]-开发概述程序设计语言程序编译过程
汇编语言 指令用特定的名字来标记,这就是汇编语言 人比较容易看懂汇编语言 汇编直接和程序一一对应的 有汇编器把程序翻译成机器码 把高级语言编译成计算机识别的语言 程序编译过程 命令行 UNIX 系统中 ...
- C程序编译过程浅析
前几天看了<程序员的自我修养——链接.装载与库>中的第二章“编译和链接”,主要根据其中的内容简单总结一下C程序编译的过程吧. 我现在一般都是用gcc,所以自然以GCC编译hellworld ...
- C程序编译过程浅析(转)
前几天看了<程序员的自我修养——链接.装载与库>中的第二章“编译和链接”,主要根据其中的内容简单总结一下C程序编译的过程吧. 我现在一般都是用gcc,所以自然以GCC编译hellworld ...
- C程序编译过程浅析【转】
转自:http://blog.csdn.net/koudaidai/article/details/8092647 前几天看了<程序员的自我修养——链接.装载与库>中的第二章“编译和链接” ...
- Linux 程序编译过程的来龙去脉
大家肯定都知道计算机程序设计语言通常分为机器语言.汇编语言和高级语言三类.高级语言需要通过翻译成机器语言才能执行,而翻译的方式分为两种,一种是编译型,另一种是解释型,因此我们基本上将高级语言分为两大类 ...
- linux程序编译过程
大家肯定都知道计算机程序设计语言通常分为机器语言.汇编语言和高级语言三类.高级语言需要通过翻译成机器语言才能执行,而翻译的方式分为两种,一种是编译型,另一种是解释型,因此我们基本上将高级语言分为两大类 ...
- 后台程序编译过程报错PCC-F-02104, Unable to connect to Oracle
偶然重新编译了一下后台程序,发现编译过程报错无法连接数据库.但通过sqlplus登录数据库是正常的.后台程序改动中也做了详细的分析,没有改动相关数据库的参数和配置. 最后通过浏览器查看了很多相关问题的 ...
- 【转】android程序编译过程
现在很多人想对Android工程的编译和打包进行自动化,比如建立每日构建系统.自动生成发布文件等等.这些都需要我们对Android工程的编译和打包有一个深入的理解,至少要知道它的每一步都做了什么,需要 ...
- unix 网路编程(卷一)第一个程序编译过程
unix卷一去年暑假买的到现在才开始看无比惭愧,而且惭愧第一个程序就断断续续弄了几天,要好好写程序了,马上要找工作了,下面介绍下把本书第一个程序跑起来的过程: 搜各种博客 我用系统的是ubuntu 1 ...
- NuGet学习笔记(1) 初识NuGet及快速安装使用
关于NuGet园子里已经有不少介绍及使用经验,本文仅作为自己研究学习NuGet一个记录. 初次认识NuGet是在去年把项目升级为MVC3的时候,当时看到工具菜单多一项Library Package M ...
- 函数调用关于从Ring3转到Ring0 ESP堆栈变化
在ring0堆栈获取ring3堆栈方式 第一种方式 [esp+4] == [esp+参数个数*4+4] 如果这里不相等就需要用第二种方式 [[esp+参数个数*4+8]] 这里面的值就是Ring3的堆 ...
- JSON详解以及可以把javabean转换成json串的json-lib应用
JSON 1. json是什么 它是js提供的一种数据交换格式! 2. json的语法 {}:是对象! 属性名必须使用双引号括起来!单引不行!!! 属性值:null,数值,字符串,数组:使用[]括起来 ...
- 【jQuery 区别】attr()和prop()的区别
1>>> 今天实现一个 点击更新按钮 ,可以勾选上本行的的checkbox的功能: 使用代码: /** * updateproduct.htmls 更新 产品信息 */ $(docu ...
- Loadrunner中参数化实战(9)-Unique+Once
参数化数据30条: 脚本如下,演示登录,投资,退出操作是,打印手机号: 首先验证Vugen中迭代: Unique+Once 设置迭代4次Action 结果如下:
- java jdbc sqlhelper
package com.shop.util; import java.sql.*; //SqlHelper类 //定义了数据库连接函数,关闭查询结果集,关闭Statement对象,关闭数据库连接 // ...
- SPOJ SUBST1 后缀数组
题目链接:http://www.spoj.com/problems/SUBST1/en/ 题意:给定一个字符串,求不相同的子串个数. 思路:直接根据09年oi论文<<后缀数组——出来字符串 ...
- 用Python做自然语言处理必知的八个工具【转载】
Python以其清晰简洁的语法.易用和可扩展性以及丰富庞大的库深受广大开发者喜爱.其内置的非常强大的机器学习代码库和数学库,使Python理所当然成为自然语言处理的开发利器. 那么使用Python进行 ...
- [工作中的设计模式]策略模式stategy
一.模式解析 策略模式定义了一系列的算法,并将每一个算法封装起来,而且使它们还可以相互替换.策略模式让算法独立于使用它的客户而独立变化. 策略模式的关键点为: 1.多种算法存在 2.算法继承同样的接口 ...
- js-错误处理与调试,JSON
错误处理与调试: 1.try-catch try{ window.someNoneXistentFunction(); }catch(error){ alert(error.message) } 2. ...