[Google Maps API 3]Marker从Clusterer中分离及Marker置于Cluster上一层的解决办法
在Google Maps API的使用中,经常用到Clusterer来避免过密的Marker显示。但仔细看一下Clusterer的设置参数中并没有直接将某些Marker除外的方法,那遇到这样的需求,怎么做呢?以下是我从StackoverFlow上获得的解答,也是实践下来最佳的方法:
// Create marker clusterer
// map: google.maps.Map Object
// markerArray: [google.maps.Marker Object1, google.maps.Marker Object2 ...]
var clusterer = new MarkerClusterer(map, markerArray, {
maxZoom: 15,
gridSize: 40
// Separate the map pin from the cluster
// specialMarker: google.maps.Marker Object
首先要知道Google Map上总共分了7个层,具体可以参考API文档OverlayView及Panes的部分,说明还是很详细的。
我们可以知道直接用Marker对象画出来的Map pin是在OverlayLayer这一层内,好像是第3层,而Cluster位于其上的OverlayImage这一层内。各层HTML按序从上到下排列,CSS是用position:absolute定位,zIndex定先后层级。
var maxZoom = 15;
var markerClusterer = new MarkerClusterer(map, markerArray, {
maxZoom: maxZoom,
gridSize: 40
// separate the map pin from the cluster
if (specialMarker) {
// Make the map pins over the clusters
if ($(map.getDiv()).find('.special-marker').length < 1) {
// Create the OverlayView structor
var overlay = function (marker) {
this.pos = marker ? marker.getPosition() : new google.maps.LatLng();
this.marker = marker;
var markerOverlay;
// Extend google.maps.OverlayView Class
// You must add onAdd, onRemove, Draw function to its prototype
overlay.prototype = new google.maps.OverlayView();
overlay.prototype.onAdd = function () {
var pane = this.getPanes().floatPane;
var marker = this.marker;
// Add fake marker and attach click event to it
$('<div class="special-marker"></div>').appendTo($(pane)).on('click', function () {
google.maps.event.trigger(marker, 'click');
overlay.prototype.onRemove = function () {
// You can leave this function empty
// It's only triggered when you call markerOverlay.setMap(null)
overlay.prototype.draw = function () {
// Calculate the position of the marker and put it on the map
// Hide the fake one when the true marker shows
var projection = this.getProjection();
var position = projection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.pos);
var $pane = $(this.getPanes().floatPane);
$('.special-marker', $pane).css({
left: position.x - 11,
top: position.y - 41,
position: "absolute"
}).toggle(map.getZoom() <= maxZoom);
markerOverlay = new overlay(specialMarker);
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