PhiX Control v3 is a reliable, adapter-ligated library used as a control for Illumina sequencing runs. The library is derived from the small, well-characterized PhiX genome, offering several benefits for sequencing and alignment.

The versatile PhiX Control v3 is provided as a ready-to-use library, and can be utilized in diverse applications to add value to your workflow and increase confidence in your results.

The PhiX library provides a quality control for cluster generation, sequencing, and alignment, and a calibration control for cross-talk matrix generation, phasing, and prephasing. It can be rapidly aligned to estimate relevant sequencing by synthesis (SBS) metrics such as phasing and error rate.

Depending on the application, PhiX Control v3 may also be utilized:

As a high-concentration spike-in control for unbalanced samples (genomes with AT or GC content of less than 40% or greater than 60%)
As a low-concentration spike-in control for alignment calculations and quantification efficiency
As a dedicated control lane alongside low-diversity samples
As a control for troubleshooting cluster generation problems, to help determine whether an error is related to library preparation

参考:PhiX Control v3

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