

The road is tough and there's still a long way to go. Try your best and don't regret.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define maxn 150005
#define maxm 1500000
int n, m, opt[maxm], cnp, x[maxm], y[maxm];
int q[maxm], id, T[maxm];
int tot, ans[maxn], mark[maxn];
map <int, int> Map[maxn];
struct node
int fa, sum, rev;
int id, v, ch[];
}P[maxm]; struct edge
int u, v, t;
friend bool operator <(edge a, edge b)
return a.t < b.t;
}E[maxn]; int read()
int x = , k = ;
char c;
c = getchar();
while(c < '' || c > '') { if(c == '-') k = -; c = getchar(); }
while(c >= '' && c <= '') x = x * + c - '', c = getchar();
return x * k;
} void push_down(int x)
if(!P[x].rev) return;
swap(P[x].ch[], P[x].ch[]);
P[P[x].ch[]].rev ^= , P[P[x].ch[]].rev ^= ;
P[x].rev = ;
} void update(int x)
if(!x) return;
P[x].id = x, P[x].sum = P[x].v;
if(P[P[x].ch[]].sum > P[x].sum) P[x].sum = P[P[x].ch[]].sum, P[x].id = P[P[x].ch[]].id;
if(P[P[x].ch[]].sum > P[x].sum) P[x].sum = P[P[x].ch[]].sum, P[x].id = P[P[x].ch[]].id;
} bool is_root(int x) { return (P[P[x].fa].ch[] != x) && (P[P[x].fa].ch[] != x); } void rotate(int x)
int f = P[x].fa, gf = P[f].fa, k = P[f].ch[] == x;
if(!is_root(f)) P[gf].ch[P[gf].ch[] == f] = x;
P[x].fa = gf, P[f].fa = x;
P[f].ch[k] = P[x].ch[k ^ ], P[P[x].ch[k ^ ]].fa = f;
P[x].ch[k ^ ] = f;
update(f), update(x);
} void Splay(int x)
int top = ; q[top] = x;
for(int i = x; !is_root(i); i = P[i].fa) q[++ top] = P[i].fa;
for(int i = top; i; i --) push_down(q[i]);
int f = P[x].fa, gf = P[f].fa;
if(!is_root(f)) (P[f].ch[] == x) ^ (P[gf].ch[] == f) ? rotate(x) : rotate(f);
} void Access(int x)
for(int ff = ; x; ff = x, x = P[x].fa)
P[x].ch[] = ff;
} void make_root(int x) { Access(x); Splay(x); P[x].rev ^= ; }
void Split(int u, int v) { make_root(u); Access(v); Splay(v); }
void Link(int u, int v) { make_root(u); P[u].fa = v; }
void Cut(int u, int v) { Split(u, v); P[v].ch[] = P[u].fa = ; } int Get_fa(int x)
Access(x); Splay(x);
while(P[x].ch[]) x = P[x].ch[];
return x;
} int main()
n = read(), m = read();
int q = read();
for(int i = ; i <= m; i ++)
int u = read(), v = read(), w = read(); T[i] = w;
E[++ cnp].u = u; E[cnp].v = v, E[cnp].t = w;
sort(E + , E + + m);
for(int i = ; i <= m; i ++) Map[E[i].u][E[i].v] = Map[E[i].v][E[i].u] = i;
for(int i = ; i <= q; i ++)
opt[i] = read(); x[i] = read(); y[i] = read();
if(opt[i] == ) mark[Map[x[i]][y[i]]] = ;
for(int i = ; i <= m; i ++)
int u = E[i].u, v = E[i].v, t = E[i].t;
if(!mark[Map[u][v]] && Get_fa(u) != Get_fa(v))
id = i + n, P[id].sum = P[id].v = t;
Link(u, id), Link(id, v);
for(int i = q; i; i --)
Split(x[i], y[i]);
if(opt[i] == ) // find a route
ans[++ tot] = P[y[i]].sum;
else // add edge
int now = n + Map[x[i]][y[i]];
int tem = E[now - n].t;
if(tem < P[y[i]].sum)
P[now].v = tem; tem = P[y[i]].id;
Cut(tem, E[tem - n].u); Cut(tem, E[tem - n].v);
Link(now, x[i]), Link(now, y[i]);
for(int i = tot; i; i --)
printf("%d\n", ans[i]);
return ;


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