排除不合理的项(负值), 设定一个标杆sum, 往后扫描看是否有比sum好的情况.

We should ensure the following conditions:

  1. The result must be the max sum.

  2.* If more than one sum is max(same max value), choose the longer sequence.

  3.* If more than one sum is max & same length, choose the former sequence.

#File: maxChildSum.py
#Author: lxw
#Time: 2014-08-22
#Usage: Find the max sum of a sub-sequence in a sequence.
#NOTE: @1: first, must be the max sum.
# @2: if more than one sum is max(same max value), choose the longer sequence. def main():
#arr = [-12, 0, -14, -14, -13, -14, -2] #"zero" test.
#arr = [0, -14, -14, -13, -14, -2] #another "zero" test.
arr = [-100, -14, -14, -13, -14, -2] #"all negtive" test.
#arr = [-12, 10, 2, -14, -14, 13, -2] #"longer sequence but not equal sum" test.
#arr = [-12, 0, 10, -14, -14, -2] #"as long as better" test.
#arr = [-12, 0, 10, -14, -14, 3, 7, -2] #"same sum & same length" test.
#arr = [-12, 10, -14, -14, 3, 7, -2] #"same sum but longer sequence" test. index = 0
length = len(arr)
while arr[index] < 0:
index += 1
if index == length:
break if index < length:
sum = -1 #This initial value is important.
start = index
temp_sum = 0 #sum
temp_start = index
end = 0 while index < length:
temp_sum += arr[index]
if temp_sum >= 0:
if temp_sum > sum:
sum = temp_sum
start = temp_start
end = index
elif temp_sum == sum:
if start == temp_start:
end = index
elif index - temp_start > end - start:
start = temp_start
end = index
temp_sum = 0
temp_start = index + 1
index += 1
print "max sum:{0:<4}start:{1:<4}end:{2:<4}max length:{3:<4}".format(sum, start, end, end-start+1)
#All the numbers are negative.
print "max sum:{0:<4}start:{1:<4}end:{2:<4}max length:{3:<4}".format(0, 0, 0, 0) if __name__ == '__main__':
print "Being imported as a module."


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