


$f(n)$ $=$ $n$除以 $2^{a}$ $*$ $5^{b}$ ,$a$ , $b$ 分别是 $n$ 质因数分解后$2,5$的个数。


using namespace std;
int prime(int n,int x)
int res=;
while(n) res+=n/x,n/=x;
return res;
int expect_5_end_odd(int n,int x)
if(!n) return ;
return n/+(n%>=x)+expect_5_end_odd(n/,x);
int expect_5_end(int n,int x)
if(!n) return ;
return expect_5_end(n/,x)+expect_5_end_odd(n,x);
} int t[][]={
,,,,//2^4 2 2^2 2^3 的最后一位
,,,,//3^4 3 3^2 3^3 的最后一位
}; signed main()
int n,m;
int prime_2=prime(n,)-prime(m,);
int prime_3=expect_5_end(n,)-expect_5_end(m,);
int prime_5=prime(n,)-prime(m,);
int prime_7=expect_5_end(n,)-expect_5_end(m,);
int prime_9=expect_5_end(n,)-expect_5_end(m,); if(prime_2<prime_5){puts("");continue;} int res=;
if(prime_2>prime_5) res*=t[][(prime_2-prime_5)%];
return ;

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