141. Sqrt(x) 【easy】

Implement int sqrt(int x).

Compute and return the square root of x.


sqrt(3) = 1

sqrt(4) = 2

sqrt(5) = 2

sqrt(10) = 3




 class Solution {
* @param x: An integer
* @return: The sqrt of x
int sqrt(int x) {
// write your code here
long start = ;
long end = x; while (start + < end) {
long mid = start + (end - start) / ; if (mid * mid == x) {
return mid;
else if (mid * mid < x) {
start = mid;
else if (mid * mid > x) {
end = mid;
} if (end * end <= x) {
return end;
else {
return start;



2、最后判断end * end与x的关系时要考虑等号,否则输入数值为0的时候就错了。


 class Solution {
* @param x: An integer
* @return: The sqrt of x
int sqrt(int x) {
// write your code here
long left = ;
if (x == )
return ;
long right = x;
long mid = left + (right - left) / ;
while (left + < right) {
if (x > mid * mid) {
left = mid;
} else if (x < mid * mid) {
right = mid;
} else {
return mid;
mid = left + (right - left) / ;
return left;


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