unity 质量设置 Quality Settings
Unity allows you to set the level of graphical quality it will attempt to render. Generally speaking, quality comes at the expense of framerate and so it may be best not to aim for the highest quality on mobile devices or older hardware since it will have a detrimental effect on gameplay. TheQuality Settings inspector (menu: Edit->Project Settings->Quality) is split into two main areas. At the top, there is the following matrix:-
nity可以设置渲染图像的质量级别。一般来说,图形质量会导致帧速率降低,因此最好不要在移动设备或旧的硬件上使用最高图形质量,这会对游戏产生不好影响。图形质量设置面板有2个主要区域(菜单Edit->Project Settings->Quality)。在面板上方,有下列矩阵:
Unity lets you assign a name to a given combination of quality options for easy reference. The rows of the matrix let you choose which of the different platforms each quality level will apply to. The Default row at the bottom of the matrix is not a quality level in itself but rather sets the default quality level used for each platform (a green checkbox in a column denotes the level currently chosen for that platform). Unity comes with six quality levels pre-enabled but you can add your own levels using the button below the matrix. You can use the trashcan icon (the rightmost column) to delete an unwanted quality level.
You can click on the name of a quality level to select it for editing, which is done in the panel below the settings matrix:-
The quality options you can choose for a quality level are as follows:-
- Name 名称The name that will be used to refer to this quality level
质量级别的名称 - Pixel Light Count 像素灯数量The maximum number of pixel lights when Forward Rendering is used.
前向渲染使用的像素灯的最大数量 - Texture Quality 纹理质量This lets you choose whether to display textures at maximum resolution or at a fraction of this (lower resolution has less processing overhead). The options are Full Res, Half Res, Quarter Res and Eighth Res.
你可以设置使用最大分辨率的纹理或者部分纹理(低分辨率纹理的处理开销低)。选项有 完整分辨率,1/2分辨率,1/4分辨率,1/8分辨率。 - Anisotropic Textures 各向异性纹理This enables if and how anisotropic textures will be used.
设置是否使用各向异性纹理和使用方式。 - Disabled 禁用Anisotropic textures are not used.
禁用各向异性纹理 - Per Texture 每纹理Anisotropic rendering will be enabled separately for each Texture.
每张纹理都将使用各向异性渲染。 - Forced On 强制开启Anisotropic textures are always used.
各向异性纹理一直启用。 - AntiAliasing 抗锯齿This sets the level of antialiasing that will be used. The options are 2x, 4x and 8x multi-sampling.
设置抗锯齿级别。选项有2倍,4倍和8倍采样。 - Soft Particles 软粒子Should soft blending be used for particles?
是否使用粒子软融合。 - Shadows 阴影This determines which type of shadows should be used
设置阴影的类型 - Hard and Soft Shadows
软硬阴影Both hard and soft shadows will be rendered.
软,硬阴影都将会被渲染 - Hard Shadows Only 仅硬阴影Only hard shadows will be rendered. 仅渲染硬阴影
- Disable Shadows 禁用阴影No shadows will be rendered. 不渲染阴影
- Shadow resolution
阴影分辨率Shadows can be rendered at several different resolutions: Low, Medium, High and Very High. The higher the resolution, the greater the processing overhead.
阴影可以渲染为如下分辨率:低,中,高,极高。分辨率越高,处理开销越大。 - Shadow Projection
阴影投射There are two different methods for projecting shadows from a directional light. Close Fit renders higher resolution shadows but they can sometimes wobble slightly if the camera moves. Stable Fit renders lower resolution shadows but they don't wobble with camera movements.
平行光投射阴影有2种方式:Close Fit渲染较高分辨率的阴影,但是如果相机移动时,有时阴影会轻微摆动。Stable Fit渲染的阴影分辨率较低,不过相机移动时不会发生摆动。 - Shadow Cascades
阴影层叠The number of shadow cascades can be set to zero, two or four. A higher number of cascades gives better quality but at the expense of processing overhead (see the Directional Shadows page for further details).
阴影的层叠数可以设置为0。层叠数越高,阴影质量越好,但是计算花费也越大。(查看 方向阴影 页面获取更多细节 ) - Shadow Distance 阴影距离The maximum distance from camera at which shadows will be visible. Shadows that fall beyond this distance will not be rendered.
相机的最大阴影可见距离。超出这个距离的阴影不会被渲染。 - Blend Weights 融合权重The number of bones that can affect a given vertex during an animation. The available options are one, two or four bones.
骨骼的数量会影响动画的顶点。选项有1,2,4个骨骼。 - VSync Count 垂直同步计数Rendering can be synchronised with the refresh rate of the display device to avoid "tearing" artifacts (see below). You can choose to synchronise with every vertical blank (VBlank), every second vertical blank or not to synchronise at all.
渲染可以与显示设备的刷新率同步,以避免"撕裂"的现象(见下文)。你可以选择同步每一个垂直空白(VBlank),每一秒的垂直空白或不同步。 - LOD Bias
LOD偏离LOD levels are chosen based on the onscreen size of an object. When the size is between two LOD levels, the choice can be biased toward the less detailed or more detailed of the two models available. This is set as a fraction from 0 to 1 - the closer it is to zero, the more the bias is toward the less detailed model.
LOD级别基于物体在屏幕上的大小。当物体大小在两个LOD级别之间,可以选择使用低细节模型或高细节模型。数值取值范围为0-1,数值越接近0,越偏向于选择低细节模型。 - Maximum LOD Level
最大LOD级别The highest LOD that will be used by the game. Models which have a LOD above this level will not be used and omitted from the build (which will save storage and memory space).
Tearing 撕裂
The picture on the display device is not continuously updated but rather the updates happen at regular intervals much like frame updates in Unity. However, Unity's updates are not necessarily synchronised with those of the display, so it is possible for Unity to issue a new frame while the display is still rendering the previous one. This will result in a visual artifact called "tearing" at the position onscreen where the frame change occurs.
Simulated example of tearing. The shift in the picture is clearly visible in the magnified portion.
It is possible to set Unity to switch frames only during the period where the display device is not updating, the so-called "vertical blank". The VSync option on the Quality Settings synchronises frame switches with the device's vertical blank or optionally with every other vertical blank. The latter may be useful if the game requires more than one device update to complete the rendering of a frame.
可以让Unity在显示设备不更新的时候提交新的帧图像,这个时间段称为"垂直空白"。 质量设置的垂直同步选项可以同步帧切换和设备的垂直空白,或者是其他所有设备的垂直空白。后者可用于游戏需要更新多个设备以完成一帧的渲染的情况。
Anti-aliasing 抗锯齿
Anti aliasing improves the appearance of polygon edges, so they are not "jagged", but smoothed out on the screen. However, it incurs a performance cost for the graphics card and uses more video memory (there's no cost on the CPU though). The level of anti-aliasing determines how smooth polygon edges are (and how much video memory does it consume).
Without anti-aliasing, polygon edges are "jagged".
With 6x anti-aliasing, polygon edges are smoothed out.
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