#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h> struct CircleBuf
char *pFirst;//指向循环表开始的位置
char *pLast;//指向循环表结尾的位置
char *plSave;//指向最后一个存数据的后一位,没有数据为NULL,或与pfsave相等
char *pfSave;//指向第一个存数据的位置,没有数据为NULL,或与plsave相等
int iSize;//循环表的大小
int iDataNum;//存数据的大小
}; int InitCircleBuf(struct CircleBuf *buf, const int bufSize)
//初始化缓冲区。buf为目标缓冲区。字节数为bufSize,能存储bufSize 个字符
buf->pFirst = (char*)malloc((bufSize + )*(sizeof(char)));//初始化CiecleLink
if(NULL == buf->pFirst)
printf("\nMemory allocation failure !\n");
return ;
buf->iSize = bufSize;
buf->iDataNum = ;
buf->pfSave = NULL;
buf->plSave = NULL;
buf->pLast = buf->pFirst + buf->iSize;
return ;
} void DestroyCircleBuf(struct CircleBuf *buf)
buf->iDataNum = ;
buf->iSize = ;
buf->pFirst = NULL;
buf->pLast = NULL;
buf->plSave = NULL;
buf->pfSave = NULL;
} void ClearCircleBuf(struct CircleBuf *buf)
buf->plSave = NULL;
buf->pfSave = NULL;
buf->iDataNum = ;
} int InCircleBuf(struct CircleBuf *buf, char *str, int length)
//操作成功返回 1, 操作失败返回 0
int i;
int j;
int len;
int lengthtem;
len = strlen(str);
if(len < length)
printf("the length is longer then the size of str !\n");
return ; } if((NULL == buf->pfSave) &&(NULL == buf->plSave))//CircleBuf为空时
if(length > (buf->iSize - ))
printf("length is longer then the size of Circlebuf !\n");
return ;
{ strncpy(buf->pFirst, str, length);
buf->pfSave = buf->pFirst;
buf->plSave = buf->pfSave + length;
buf->iDataNum += length; }
else if(buf->pfSave <= buf->plSave)//pfsave小于或等于plsave,存数据没有超过结尾处
{ if(length < (buf->pLast - buf->plSave + ))//存数据的length没有达到CircleBuf结尾
{ strncpy(buf->plSave, str, length);
buf->iDataNum += length;
buf->plSave += length;
else if(length == (buf->pLast - buf->plSave + ))//存数据的length刚好到CircleBuf结尾处
{ if(buf->pfSave > buf->pFirst)
strncpy(buf->plSave, str, length);
buf->iDataNum += length;
buf->plSave = buf->pFirst;
printf("the length is longer then the unused space !\n");
return ;
else //存数据的length长度超过CircleBuf结尾
{ if(length > ((buf->pLast - buf->plSave)+(buf->pfSave - buf->pFirst)))
printf("length is too long then the unused space!\n");
return ;
else //存数据的length小于剩余空间大小,将length长度数据分两次存
{ lengthtem = length - (buf->pLast - buf->plSave + );
for(i=; i<(buf->pLast - buf->plSave + ); i++)
*(buf->plSave + i) = str[i]; }
buf->plSave = buf->pFirst; for(j=; j<lengthtem; j++)
*(buf->plSave + j) = str[i + j]; } buf->plSave += j;
buf->iDataNum += length; }
else if(buf->pfSave > buf->plSave)//pfsave大于plsave,存数据超过结尾处,至少绕了一圈
if(length > (buf->pfSave - buf->plSave))//存数据的length大于剩余空间大小
printf("length is too long then the unsued space!\n");
return ;
strncpy(buf->plSave, str, length);
buf->iDataNum += length;
buf->plSave += length;
return ;
} int OutCircleBuf(char *str, struct CircleBuf *buf, int length)
//从循环表中取数据。 str为目标字符串地址, buf为源循环表, 取出的字节数为length
//操作成功返回 1, 操作失败返回 0
int i;
int j;
int lengthtem; if((NULL == buf->pfSave) &&(NULL == buf->plSave))//CircleBuf为空
printf("the Circlebuf is empty !\n");
return ;
} if(buf->pfSave < buf->plSave)//pfsave小于plsave,存的数据没有超过结尾
if((buf->pfSave + length) > buf->plSave)
printf("length is longer then the used of Circlebuf !\n");
return ;
strncpy(str, buf->pfSave, length);
buf->pfSave += length;
buf->iDataNum -= length;
else if(buf->pfSave == buf->plSave)//pfsave等于plsave,CircleBuf为空
printf("there is no data in Circlebuf !\n");
return ;
else if(buf->pfSave > buf->plSave)//pfsave大于plsave,存的数据超过结尾,至少绕了一圈
{ if(length < (buf->pLast - buf->pfSave + ))//取数据的length没到结尾
strncpy(str, buf->pfSave, length);
buf->pfSave += length;
buf->iDataNum -= length;
else if(length == (buf->pLast - buf->pfSave + ))//取数据的length刚好达到结尾处
strncpy(str, buf->pfSave, length);
buf->pfSave = buf->pFirst;
buf->iDataNum -= length;
else //取数据的length超过结尾
{ if((length - (buf->pLast - buf->pfSave + )) > (buf->plSave - buf->pFirst))
printf("%d\n",(buf->plSave - buf->pFirst));
printf("the used data is shorter then length !\n");
return ;
else //取数据的length小于剩余数据的大小,将数据分开两次取出来
lengthtem = length - (buf->pLast - buf->pfSave + );
for(i=; i<(buf->pLast - buf->pfSave + ); i++)
str[i] = *(buf->pfSave +i);
buf->pfSave = buf->pFirst;
for(j=; j<lengthtem; j++)
str[i + j] = *(buf->pfSave + j);
buf->pfSave += j;
buf->iDataNum -= length;
str[length] = '\0';
return ;
} int CalDataNumCB(struct CircleBuf *buf)
return buf->iDataNum;
} int CalSpaceNumCB(struct CircleBuf *buf)
//计算循环表的剩余空间大小。 buf为目标循环表
return (buf->iSize - buf->iDataNum);
} int OutCBtoFile(char *filename, struct CircleBuf *buf)
//操作成功返回 1, 操作失败返回 0
FILE *fp;
int i;
int length;
char ch[];
if(NULL == (fp = fopen(filename, "wt+")))//判断文件是否打开
printf("can't open %s !\n", filename);
return ;
length = CalDataNumCB(buf); for(i=; i<length; i++) //将全部数据读入文件中
OutCircleBuf(ch, buf, );
printf("%d %c \n", strlen(ch), ch[]);
fwrite(ch, , , fp); } fclose(fp);
return ;
} int InCBfromFile(struct CircleBuf *buf, char *filename)
//操作失败返回0, 文件数据全部存储完毕返回1, clink空间不足,只存入部分数据返回-1
FILE *fp;
int length;
char ch; if(NULL == (fp = fopen(filename, "rt+")))// 文件打开失败
printf("can't open %s !\n", filename);
return ;
length = CalSpaceNumCB(buf);
if( == length) //循环表数据已满
printf("CircleLink is full!\n");
return ;
if( == length ) //循环表空间已满,还有部分数据未读入
printf("CircleBuf is full, some data still in file %s !\n", filename);
return -;
ch = fgetc(fp);
if(ch == EOF)
printf("file %s is over, data are in Circlebuf now!\n", filename);
return ;
{ InCircleBuf(buf, &ch, );
} } } }
return ;
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