Microsoft SQL Server 2012 管理 (1): 安装配置SQL Server 重点
SQL Server 可以在实例,数据库,列,查询分别指定排序规则
Module 1 - working with Clollations
-- 1.1 Obtain the Instance Collation from the GUI
--Create a Database without specifying a specific Collation
Create Database UnspecifiedCollationDB;
GO -- Use the statement bellow(code) to verfiy that the new database inherited the Collation
USE UnspecifiedCollationDB;
GO Select DB_NAME() as Current_Database, DATABASEPROPERTYEX('UnspecifiedCollationDB','Collation') DatabseCollation -- 1.2 Create a Database with a Collation that overrides the Instance Default Collation
Create Database MultiLingualSpeakDB
Collate Arabic_CI_AI
--Use The GUI to obtain the collation of the new database. -- 1.3 Create Text-base Columns Within a Table with Collations that overide the Database
USE MultiLingualSpeakDB
Create Table MixedSpeakTable
ProductDI int IDENTITY
,EnglighProdName nvarchar(30) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NOT NULL
,ArabicProdName nvarchar(30) NOT NULL
,GreeekProdName nvarchar(30) COLLATE Greek_CS_AS_KS NOT NULL
,JapaneseProdName nvarchar(30) COLLATE Japanese_90_CI_AS_KS_WS NOT NULL
--Use the GUI o drill down to the new table, then to one the columns and obtain
--column Collation settting. -- 1.4 Open a new query window to the tempDB database USE tempdb
--Retrieve and discuss the collation of the system and tempdb
Select SERVERPROPERTY('Collation') as SystemCollation,
DATABASEPROPERTYEX('tempdb','Collation') as DatabaseCollation;
GO -- Create and populate a table with different column collations
Create Table dbo.TestCharacter
id int IDENTITY,
CIData varchar(10) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS,
CSData varchar(10) COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS
) INSERT INTO dbo.TestCharacter(CIData,CSData)
VALUES ('Test Data','Test Data');
GO -- Execute queries that try to match the same
-- values from eache column with all lower case
SELECT * FROM dbo.TestCharacter
WHERE CIData='test data';
-- Now query the case-sensitive column
SELECT * FROM dbo.TestCharacter
WHERE CSData='test data'; -- No rows retruned
GO --Execute a query to perform a case-insensitive
--search on the case-sensitive data
SELECT * FROM dbo.TestCharacter
WHERE CSData='test data' COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS; -- Try to execute a query that compares the two columns
-- that have different collations. this will fail
-- as the collation conflict cannot be resolved
SELECT * FROM dbo.TestCharacter
-- Execute the qery while specifying a collation
SELECT * FROM dbo.TestCharacter
WHERE CIData=CSData COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS;
Module 1 Create a Database with Advanced Design; Multiple Data and Multiple Filegroups
*/ --Enable xp_CMDSHELL to run operating system commands with T-SQL code. EXEC master.dbo.sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',1;
EXEC master.dbo.sp_configure 'xp_CmdShell',1;
----------------- -- Make "Drive Latters" to simulate existence of may drive letters(LUNs)
-- for the advanced database.
USE master
EXEC XP_CMDSHELL 'MD c:\Drive_D', no_output
EXEC XP_CMDSHELL 'MD c:\Drive_E', no_output
EXEC XP_CMDSHELL 'MD c:\Drive_F', no_output
EXEC XP_CMDSHELL 'MD c:\Drive_G', no_output
EXEC XP_CMDSHELL 'MD c:\Drive_H', no_output
EXEC XP_CMDSHELL 'MD c:\Drive_I', no_output
EXEC XP_CMDSHELL 'MD c:\Backups', no_output
GO -- 2.1 Create the AdvancedDB
/* Scripte assumes the existence of c:\Drive_D etc,
to SIMULATE multipledisk drives.
ON Primary
-- NOTICE below non-uniform SIZE, MAXSIZE,and FILEGROUP parmerters!
; --Create a Table (space-occupying-object) withut specifying a FileGroup
USE AdvancedDB;
GO Create TABLE dbo.tb1_Table1
COl1 nvarchar(20)
Create TABLE dbo.tb1_Table2
COl1 nvarchar(20)
ON ArchiveDataFG
-- Use the GUI to show the FileGroups and Files of AdvancedDB
-- Use the GUI to show the two tables one being on the default FG
-- and the other table being on a designated FG.
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