在ASP.NET Web API和ASP.NET Web MVC中使用Ninject
二、在ASP.NET MVC中使用Ninject
public class Product
public int ProductId { get; set ; }
public string Name { get; set ; }
public string Description { get; set ; }
public decimal Price { get; set ; }
public string Category { set; get ; }
public interface IProductRepository
IQueryable <Product > Products { get; } IQueryable <Product > GetProducts(); Product GetProduct(); bool AddProduct(Product product); bool UpdateProduct(Product product); bool DeleteProduct(int productId);
} public class ProductRepository : IProductRepository
private List < Product> list;
public IQueryable < Product> Products
get { return GetProducts(); }
} public IQueryable < Product> GetProducts()
list = new List < Product>
new Product {ProductId = ,Name = "苹果",Category = "水果" ,Price = },
new Product {ProductId = ,Name = "鼠标",Category = "电脑配件" ,Price = },
new Product {ProductId = ,Name = "洗发水",Category = "日用品" ,Price = }
return list.AsQueryable();
} public Product GetProductById( int productId)
return Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == productId);
} public bool AddProduct( Product product)
if (product != null )
return true ;
return false ;
} public bool UpdateProduct( Product product)
if (product != null )
if (DeleteProduct(product.ProductId))
return true ;
return false ;
} public bool DeleteProduct( int productId)
var product = GetProductById(productId);
if (product != null )
return true ;
return false ;
public class NinjectDependencyResolverForMvc : IDependencyResolver
private IKernel kernel; public NinjectDependencyResolverForMvc( IKernel kernel)
if (kernel == null )
throw new ArgumentNullException( "kernel" );
this .kernel = kernel;
} public object GetService( Type serviceType)
return kernel.TryGet(serviceType);
} public IEnumerable < object> GetServices( Type serviceType)
return kernel.GetAll(serviceType);
public class NinjectRegister
private static readonly IKernel Kernel;
static NinjectRegister()
Kernel= new StandardKernel ();
} public static void RegisterFovMvc()
DependencyResolver .SetResolver(new NinjectDependencyResolverForMvc (Kernel));
} private static void AddBindings()
Kernel.Bind<IProductRepository >().To< ProductRepository>();
NinjectRegister .RegisterFovMvc(); //为ASP.NET MVC注册IOC容器
public class ProductController : Controller
private IProductRepository repository; public ProductController(IProductRepository repository)
this .repository = repository;
} public ActionResult Index()
return View(repository.Products);
@model IQueryable<MvcDemo.WebUI.Models. Product > @{
ViewBag.Title = "MvcDemo Index" ;
} @ foreach ( var product in Model)
<div style=" border-bottom :1px dashed silver ;">
< h3> @product.Name </ h3>
< p> 价格:@ product.Price </ p >
</div >
三、在ASP.NET Web Api中使用Ninject
namespace MvcDemo.WebUI.AppCode
public class NinjectDependencyResolverForWebApi : NinjectDependencyScope ,IDependencyResolver
private IKernel kernel; public NinjectDependencyResolverForWebApi( IKernel kernel)
: base (kernel)
if (kernel == null )
throw new ArgumentNullException( "kernel" );
this .kernel = kernel;
} public IDependencyScope BeginScope()
return new NinjectDependencyScope(kernel);
} public class NinjectDependencyScope : IDependencyScope
private IResolutionRoot resolver; internal NinjectDependencyScope(IResolutionRoot resolver)
Contract .Assert(resolver != null ); this .resolver = resolver;
} public void Dispose()
resolver = null ;
} public object GetService( Type serviceType)
return resolver.TryGet(serviceType);
} public IEnumerable < object> GetServices( Type serviceType)
return resolver.GetAll(serviceType);
public static void RegisterFovWebApi( HttpConfiguration config)
config.DependencyResolver = new NinjectDependencyResolverForWebApi (Kernel);
NinjectRegister .RegisterFovWebApi( GlobalConfiguration.Configuration); //为WebApi注册IOC容器
public class MyApiController : ApiController
private IProductRepository repository; public MyApiController(IProductRepository repository)
this .repository = repository;
// GET api/MyApi
[ HttpGet ]
public IEnumerable < Product> Get()
return repository.Products;
} // GET api/MyApi/5
[ HttpGet ]
public Product Get( int id)
return repository.Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == id);
ViewBag.Title = "ApiDemo Index" ;
} < script>
function GetAll() {
url: "/api/MyApi" ,
type: "GET" ,
dataType: "json" ,
success: function (data) {
for (var i = ; i < data.length; i++) {
$( "#list" ).append("<h3>" + data[i].Name + "</h3>");
$( "#list" ).append("<p>价格:" +data[i].Price + "</p>");
} $( function () {
</ script> < h2> Api Ninject Demo </h2 >
< div id="list" style=" border-bottom :1px dashed silver ;"></ div >
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