


#define lowbit(x) (x & (-x)) typedef unsigned long long int ull;
typedef long long int ll;
const double pi = 4.0*atan(1.0);
const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const int maxn = ;
const int maxm = ;
const int mod = ;
const double eps = 1e-;
using namespace std; ll n, m;
int T, tol;
ll num[];
ll INF = 1e18; ll qpow(ll a, ll b) {
ll ans = ;
while(b) {
if(b&) {
double tmp = 1.0 * INF / ans;
if(a > tmp) return -;
ans = ans * a;
b >>= ;
if(a > ((ll)<<) && b) return -;
a = a*a;
return ans;
} ll calc(ll x, int pos) {
ll a = (ll)pow((double)x, 1.0/pos);
ll ansl = qpow(a-, pos);
ll ansm = qpow(a, pos);
ll ansr = qpow(a+, pos);
if(ansr != - && ansr <= x) return a+;
if(ansm != - && ansm <= x) return a;
return a-;
} ll solve(ll x) {
memset(num, , sizeof num);
num[] = x;
int pos = ;
for(; pos <= ; pos++) {
ll tmp = calc(x, pos) - ;
if(tmp <= ) break;
num[pos] = tmp;
for(int i=pos; i>=; i--) {
for(int j=; i*j<=pos; j++) {
num[i] -= num[i*j];
//for(int i=1; i<=pos; i++) printf("%I64d%c", num[i], i==pos ? '\n' : ' ');
ll ans = ;
for(int i=; i<=pos; i++) ans += i * num[i];
return ans;
} int main() {
while(scanf("%I64d%I64d", &n, &m), n||m) {
ll ans = solve(m);
ans -= solve(n-);
printf("%I64d\n", ans);
return ;

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