Title: Apple's 'show time(好戏开幕)' event(发布会) puts the spotlight on subscription services

  Apple's 'show time' event 这场名为‘好戏开幕’的发布会

  spotlight n.聚光灯  spot 点  light 光

  subscription service 订阅服务  subscribe v.订阅   subscription n.订阅费

For years, Apple's business has centered around the iPhone, but sales(销量) of that once-revolutionary(革命性的) but now(如今怎样,与前面的once形成了对比) commonplace device have slowed. And the entire world of computers has been flipped on its head. Apple has been diversifying beyond(超过…范围) hardware, selling iCloud storage to its customers, a $10 a month music streaming(流媒体) service and movies and television shows through iTunes.

  center around 以…为中心,围绕着…

  commonplace adj.普遍的,常见的   common  adj.   commonplace n.寻常的东西

  flip on one's head 颠覆    flipv.快速翻转,迅速翻动    flip a coin 抛硬币

  diversify v.多样化;(通常指公司)多元化经营

  hardware n.硬件  hard adj.坚硬的  ware n.制品  software n.软件

  iCloud 是苹果公司所提供的云端服务,让用户可以免费存储5GB的资料

  iTunes 是一款供苹果电脑Mac和其他个人电脑使用的免费数字媒体播放应用程序,能管理和播放数字音乐和视频

But Monday's anticipated announcement(指苹果的这次发布会) takes that diversification to a whole(完全地,起强调作用) new level. Apple said it was launching a raft of new services, from news to video games and a credit card(信用卡). Its biggest initiative is entertainment streaming service(娱乐流媒体服务) Apple TV+.

  anticipated adj.让人期盼的;备受瞩目的  anticipate v.期盼,盼望

  take sth new to a  level  把…推向一个新的水平

  a raft of 大量的   近义词 => a large number of  raft  n.木筏;大量   

    a raft of data 大量的数据

  initiative n.倡议;新措施    

    a government initiative to combat unemployment 政府应付失业问题的新方案


Apple is expected to invest many billions a year, according to analysts, on making video content to compete in a crowded(突出竞争的激烈) market that includes Amazon, Netflix(网飞), Hulu and Disney.


The real magic(魔法,魅力) in consumer technology(消费型科技) is happening less and less(越来越少) inside the devices people carry(人们可以随身携带的电子产品) around and more and more(越来越多) in server farms scattered around the world, where massive amounts of data get processed(数据被处理) and then transmitted to gadgets(电子产品) like the Amazon Echo or Google Home.

  the magic of the city 一座城市的魅力

  server farm 服务器农场  别名 => server cluster 服务器集群

  scattered adj.分散的    scatter v.    scattered showers 局部地区有阵雨

  transmit v.传送,传输(信号)  to transmit data/information 传输数据、传送信息

  gadget n.小器具;小装置


In essence, the gadgets people are excited about buying are becoming vessels(载体) for sending and receiving data. And in that area(在这个领域), Apple has fallen behind(落后于) companies like Google, Amazon and Microsoft, which now pull in significant revenue(可观的收益) from selling cloud services(云服务), which is a fancy term(洋气的说法) for data center usage and storage.

  in essence 本质上,实质上

  vessel n.容器;血管  a drinking vessel 盛水的器皿   blood vessel 血管

  pull in 挣(钱)  近义词 => earn;  make

  fancy adj.洋气的;花哨的;豪华的  

The invite Apple sent to invitees said simply(简明,简洁), "It's show time." The question now is whether Apple can break a leg.

  invitee n.受到邀请的人    invite v.    -ee 接受动作的人    派生词 employee 

    an invitee to + 地方   受邀去哪

    an invitee to the White House   受邀去白宫的人

  break a leg <俚语>用来祝对方好运(尤其在上台演出之前)  


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