FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(fileDir+File.separator+fileName,false);
) {
} catch (IOException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); }
* An object that may hold resources (such as file or socket handles)
* until it is closed. The {@link #close()} method of an {@code AutoCloseable}
* object is called automatically when exiting a {@code
* try}-with-resources block for which the object has been declared in
* the resource specification header. This construction ensures prompt
* release, avoiding resource exhaustion exceptions and errors that
* may otherwise occur.
* @apiNote
* <p>It is possible, and in fact common, for a base class to
* implement AutoCloseable even though not all of its subclasses or
* instances will hold releasable resources. For code that must operate
* in complete generality, or when it is known that the {@code AutoCloseable}
* instance requires resource release, it is recommended to use {@code
* try}-with-resources constructions. However, when using facilities such as
* {@link} that support both I/O-based and
* non-I/O-based forms, {@code try}-with-resources blocks are in
* general unnecessary when using non-I/O-based forms.
* @author Josh Bloch
* @since 1.7
在try() 中新建的文件流(或socket连接)对象,若该对象实现了接口java.lang.AutoCloseable,当try代码块结束的时候,该资源(文件流或socket连接)会被自动关闭.以达到自动释放资源,避免资源耗尽或报错的发生.
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