mysql> create table students(
sid int primary key auto_increment,
sname varchar(100) not null,
age int,
address varchar(100),
courseid int,
constraint fk_stu_cid foreign key(courseid)
references course(cid)
mysql> insert into students(sname,age,address,courseid) values('小海子',23,'北京',1003);
mysql> insert into students(sname,age,address,courseid) values('小沈阳',45,'沈阳',1003);
mysql> insert into students(sname,age,address,courseid) values('刘阳',25,'山东',1002);
mysql> insert into students(sname,age,address,courseid) values('甘能',22,'广东',1002);
mysql> select * from students;
| sid | sname | age | address | courseid |
| 1 | 小海子 | 23 | 北京 | 1003 |
| 2 | 小沈阳 | 45 | 沈阳 | 1003 |
| 3 | 刘阳 | 25 | 山东 | 1002 |
| 4 | 甘能 | 22 | 广东 | 1002 |
mysql> create table teacher(
-> tid int(5) primary key auto_increment,
-> tname varchar(100) not null,
-> age int(4),
-> address varchar(100),
-> courseid int
-> )engine=innodb auto_increment=101;
mysql> insert into teacher(tname,age,address) values('马云',50,'杭州');
mysql> insert into teacher(tname,age,address) values('赵本山',52,'沈阳');
mysql> insert into teacher(tname,age,address) values('刘强东',45,'北京');
mysql> select* from teacher;
| tid | tname | age | address | courseid |
| 101 | 马云 | 50 | 杭州 | NULL |
| 102 | 赵本山 | 52 | 沈阳 | NULL |
| 103 | 刘强东 | 45 | 北京 | NULL |
mysql> create table course(
-> cid int primary key auto_increment,
-> cname varchar(100) not null,
-> xuefen int,
-> tid int,
-> constraint fk_course_tid foreign key(tid)
-> references teacher(tid)
-> )engine=innodb auto_increment = 1001;
mysql> insert into course(cname,xuefen,tid) values('C++',3,'');
mysql> insert into course(cname,xuefen,tid) values('java',5,'');
mysql> insert into course(cname,xuefen,tid) values('相声表演',2,'');
mysql> insert into course(cname,xuefen,tid) values('电子商务',3,'');
mysql> select * from course;
| cid | cname | xuefen | tid |
| 1001 | C++ | 3 | 101 |
| 1002 | java | 5 | 101 |
| 1003 | 相声表演 | 2 | 102 |
| 1004 | 电子商务 | 3 | 103 |
mysql> select s.sname,c.cid,c.cname
-> from students s left join course c
-> on s.courseid = c.cid;
| sname | cid | cname |
| 刘阳 | 1002 | java |
| 甘能 | 1002 | java |
| 小海子 | 1003 | 相声表演 |
| 小沈阳 | 1003 | 相声表演 |
mysql> select s.sname,c.cid,c.cname,t.tname
-> from students s,course c,teacher t
-> where s.courseid = c.cid and c.tid = t.tid;
| sname | cid | cname | tname |
| 刘阳 | 1002 | java | 马云 |
| 甘能 | 1002 | java | 马云 |
| 小海子 | 1003 | 相声表演 | 赵本山 |
| 小沈阳 | 1003 | 相声表演 | 赵本山 |
mysql> select s.sname,c.cid,c.cname,t.tname
-> from students s inner join course c inner join teacher t
-> on s.courseid = c.cid and c.tid = t.tid; +--------+------+----------+--------+
| sname | cid | cname | tname |
| 刘阳 | 1002 | java | 马云 |
| 甘能 | 1002 | java | 马云 |
| 小海子 | 1003 | 相声表演 | 赵本山 |
| 小沈阳 | 1003 | 相声表演 | 赵本山 |
其他关联不行。left join ,right join
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