Cannot find ./ The file is absent or does not have execute permission This file is nee Linux上tomcat无法正常启动
Cannot find ./ The file is absent or does not have execute permission This file is nee
1.在tomcat 的bin目录下 执行这条命令
chmod +x *.sh
2.再次执行 sh catalina.sh通过,
3.然后用sh startup.sh启动成功
Cannot find ./ The file is absent or does not have execute permission This file is nee Linux上tomcat无法正常启动的更多相关文章
- Cannot find ./ The file is absent or does not have execute permission This file is nee
从tomcat官网上下载了,在window xp系统里面解压以后,直接放在了linux服务器上. 进入tomcat/bin目录,执行启动的时候出现如下错 ...
- Cannot find ./ The file is absent or does not have execute permission This file is needed to run this program(问题解决)
web项目没有打成包,直接放在了linux服务器上. 进入tomcat/bin目录,执行启动的时候出现如下错误: 解决方法: 在tomcat 的bin目录下 执行这条命令chmod +x *.sh ...
- The file is absent or does not have execute permission This file is needed to run this program
tomcat下载后发现startup.sh文件启动不了 原因: 没有权限 解决方案:chmod 777 *.sh
- tomcat The file is absent or does not have execute permission
[root@centos02 bin]# ./ Cannot find ./ The file is absent or does not have exec ...
- tomcat下出现The file is absent or does not have execute&
启动tomcat出现The file is absent or does not have execute permission... Cannot find bin/ The ...
- tomcat报错 line 401: /usr/java/jdk1.7.52/bin/java: No such file or directory
将生产服务器的Tomcat目录打包过来后解压后,启动Tomcat后,发现如下问题: # ./ Using CATALINA_BASE: /usr/local/tomcat ...
- tomcat报错 line 401: /usr/java/jdk1.7.52/bin/java: No such file or directory(转)
原文: 将生产服务器的Tomcat目录打包过来后解压后,启动Tomcat后,发现如下问题 ...
- 阿里云 esc 云服务器无缘无故的一次/usr/bin 目录丢失导致整个服务无法启动 # ./ ./ line 41: dirname:command not found cannot find / the find / The file is absent or does not have execute
总结上个星期服务器环境上的一个问题,一直再忙AR.防近视的项目没时间整理.刚好忙完项目认真回顾8月30发生的一个让人奇葩的问题. 早上把项目上的一些问题优化完,快到中午吃饭的时间频繁的启动导致/usr ...
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