Type | Name | Latest commit message | Commit time |
achartengine | Merge pull request #495 from Cakebakery/patch-3 | 4 years ago | |
LICENSE-2.0.txt | Apache License file. | 4 years ago | | | Update | 3 years ago |
Charting library for Android applications. Automatically exported from
AChartEngine is a charting library for Android applications. It currently supports the following chart types:
- line chart
- area chart
- scatter chart
- time chart
- bar chart
- pie chart
- bubble chart
- doughnut chart
- range (high-low) bar chart
- dial chart / gauge
- combined (any combination of line, cubic line, scatter, bar, range bar, bubble) chart
- cubic line chart
All the above supported chart types can contain multiple series, can be displayed with the X axis horizontally (default) or vertically and support many other custom features. The charts can be built as a view that can be added to a view group or as an intent, such as it can be used to start an activity.
The model and the graphing code is well optimized such as it can handle and display huge number of values.
AChartEngine is currently at the 1.0.0 release. New chart types will be added in the following releases. Please keep sending your feedback such as we can continually improve this library.
Find us on Facebook, too:
Read a short introduction to AChartEngine here:
Another good tutorial can be read here:
Another good tutorial here:
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