[Python] Codecombat 攻略 Sarven 沙漠 (1-43关)截止至36关
- # 当牦牛靠近时向右移动10米来躲避
- # 躲避4头牦牛完成此关
- while True:
- # 使用你的灵石获取你当前的 x 和 y 位置。
- x = hero.pos.x
- y = hero.pos.y
- # 找到最近的耗牛。
- yak = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- # 使用 if 仅仅当牦牛少于10米距离的时候。
- if hero.distanceTo(yak) < 10:
- # 向右移动,添加10到你的x位置。
- x = x + 10
- # 使用 moveXY 来移动!
- hero.moveXY(x, y)
- pass
- # 向绿洲移动
- # Move left to avoid nearby yaks.
- while True:
- x = hero.pos.x
- y = hero.pos.y
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- if enemy and hero.distanceTo(enemy) < 10:
- # 通过在你的X坐标上减去10来移动到左边
- x = x - 10
- # Use moveXY to move to the new x, y position.
- hero.moveXY(x, y)
- pass
- else:
- # 通过在你的X坐标上加上10来移动到右边
- x = x + 10
- # Use moveXY to move to the new x, y position.
- hero.moveXY(x, y)
- pass
- # Keep moving right, but adjust up and down as you go.
- while True:
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- xPos = hero.pos.x + 5
- yPos = 17
- if enemy:
- # Adjust y up or down to get away from yaks.
- if enemy.pos.y > hero.pos.y:
- # If the Yak is above you, subtract 3 from yPos.
- yPos = yPos - 3
- pass
- elif enemy.pos.y < hero.pos.y:
- # If the Yak is below you, add 3 to yPos.
- yPos = yPos + 3
- pass
- hero.moveXY(xPos, yPos)
- # 到达绿洲。小心新的敌人:食人魔侦察兵!
- # 通过添加你当前的X位置和Y位置以向上向右走
- while True:
- # If there's an enemy, attack.
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- xPos = hero.pos.x
- yPos = hero.pos.y
- if enemy:
- hero.attack(enemy)
- # Else, keep moving up and to the right.
- else:
- xPos = xPos + 5
- yPos = yPos + 5
- hero.moveXY(xPos, yPos)
- pass
- # 使用 fire-trap 打败进攻的食人魔
- while True:
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- if enemy:
- # If the enemy is to the left of the hero:
- if enemy.pos.x < hero.pos.x:
- # 如果敌人从左边进攻,在左边建一个fire-trap(火焰陷阱)
- hero.buildXY("fire-trap", 25, 34)
- pass
- # If the enemy is to the right of the hero:
- elif enemy.pos.x > hero.pos.x:
- # 如果敌人从右边进攻,在右边建一个fire-trap(火焰陷阱)
- hero.buildXY("fire-trap", 55, 34)
- pass
- # If the enemy is below the hero:
- elif enemy.pos.y < hero.pos.y:
- # 如果敌人从下边进攻,在下边建一个fire-trap(火焰陷阱)
- hero.buildXY("fire-trap", 40, 19)
- pass
- # If the enemy is above the hero:
- elif enemy.pos.y > hero.pos.y:
- # 如果敌人从上边进攻,在上边建一个fire-trap(火焰陷阱)
- hero.buildXY("fire-trap", 40, 49)
- pass
- # Move back to the center.
- hero.moveXY(40, 34)
- # 到达绿洲,
- # 用栅栏引导砂牦牛到你去的地方
- while True:
- yak = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- if yak:
- # 如果它的 y 值大于你的,那么耗牛在你前面
- if yak.pos.y > hero.pos.y:
- # 如果耗牛在你前面,在它后面10米建立一个栅栏
- hero.buildXY("fence", yak.pos.x, yak.pos.y - 10)
- else:
- if yak.pos.y < hero.pos.y:
- # 如果耗牛在你后面,在它前面10m 建立一个栅栏
- hero.buildXY("fence", yak.pos.x, yak.pos.y + 10)
- pass
- else:
- # 向右移动10走向绿洲
- hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x + 10, hero.pos.y)
- pass
- # Stand between the peasant and the tower.
- while True:
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- friend = hero.findNearestFriend()
- # Calculate x by adding friend.pos.x to enemy.pos.x
- # 然后除以2
- # Check the guide if you need more help!
- x = (friend.pos.x + enemy.pos.x) / 2
- # Now do the same for y
- y = (friend.pos.y + enemy.pos.y) / 2
- # 移动到您计算的X和Y坐标。
- hero.moveXY(x, y)
- # 引诱这些食人魔进入陷阱,这些食人魔非常小心
- # 只有英雄受伤了他们才会跟着英雄
- # 这个函数会检查英雄的生命值
- # 并返回一个布尔型(Boolean)的值。
- def shouldRun():
- if hero.health < hero.maxHealth / 2:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- while True:
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- # 当shouldRun()返回True时 移动到X点 True
- if shouldRun():
- hero.moveXY(75, 37)
- # 否则,攻击!
- else:
- hero.attack(enemy)
- # 当你生命值少于一半时,请求医疗人员的治疗。
- while True:
- currentHealth = hero.health
- healingThreshold = hero.maxHealth / 2
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- # 如果你当前的健康值少于下限,
- # 移动到治疗点说『heal me』
- # 否则的话,攻击。你需要战斗的更狠点!
- if currentHealth < healingThreshold:
- hero.moveXY(65, 46)
- hero.say("heal me")
- elif enemy:
- hero.attack(enemy)
- # 使用你的新技能来选择你要做什么 hero.now()
- while True:
- # 如果是头十秒,进攻。
- if hero.now() < 10:
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- if enemy:
- hero.attack(enemy)
- pass
- # 反之,如果是前35秒,收集金币。
- elif hero.now() < 35:
- coin = hero.findNearestItem()
- if coin:
- hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)
- pass
- # 后35秒,加入救助。
- else:
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- if enemy:
- hero.attack(enemy)
- pass
- # 使用不同的颜色旗子来执行不同的任务。
- while True:
- flagGreen = hero.findFlag("green")
- flagBlack = hero.findFlag("black")
- # 如果是绿色旗子,就建立一个栅栏。
- if flagGreen:
- # Build a "fence" at flagGreen's position.
- hero.buildXY("fence", flagGreen.pos.x, flagGreen.pos.y)
- # 记住要捡起旗子,在你都完成之后!
- hero.pickUpFlag(flagGreen)
- # 如果是黑色旗子,就建立一个火焰陷阱
- if flagBlack:
- # Build a "fire-trap" at flagBlack's position.
- hero.buildXY("fire-trap", flagBlack.pos.x, flagBlack.pos.y)
- # 记住要捡起旗子,在你都完成之后!
- hero.pickUpFlag(flagBlack)
- # 回到中间。
- hero.moveXY(43, 31)
- # 收集25金币,然后告诉 Naria 总数
- # 当金币总数大于25,使用 break 来停止收集金币。
- totalGold = 0
- while True:
- coin = hero.findNearestItem()
- if coin:
- # 捡起金币
- hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)
- # 将金币的价值加进 totalGold.(查看帮助了解更多.)
- # 使用以下方法得到它的价值:: coin.value
- totalGold = totalGold + coin.value
- pass
- if totalGold >= 25:
- # 这会中断循环并且执行循环下面的语句
- # The loop ends, code after the loop will run.
- break
- # 完成收集金币!
- hero.moveXY(58, 33)
- # 去告诉 Naria 你收集了多少金币。
- hero.say(totalGold)
- # 我们在测试一个新的战斗单位:诱饵。
- # 创建4个诱饵,然后汇报给 Naria
- decoysBuilt = 0
- while True:
- coin = hero.findNearestItem()
- if coin:
- # 掠夺金币!
- hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)
- pass
- # 每个诱饵消费25个金币。
- # 让它知道当你有超过25个金币的时候
- if hero.gold >= 25:
- # buildXY a "decoy"
- hero.buildXY("decoy", hero.pos.x, hero.pos.y)
- # 当你一直走的时候,保持统计你创建的诱饵的数量。
- decoysBuilt += 1
- if decoysBuilt == 4:
- # 当你创建了4个诱饵时跳出循环
- break
- pass
- hero.say("完成创建诱饵!")
- hero.moveXY(14, 36)
- # 去找 Naria 并告诉她你创建了多少个诱饵。
- hero.say("I duilded "+decoysBuilt+" decoys !")
- # 奋战沙场15秒。
- # Keep count whenever an enemy is defeated.
- defeated = 0
- while True:
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- if enemy:
- hero.attack(enemy)
- if enemy.health <= 0:
- defeated = defeated + 1
- if hero.now() > 15:
- break
- # Tell Naria how many enemies you defeated.
- hero.moveXY(59, 33)
- hero.say("I defeated "+defeated+" enemies !")
- # 收集金币,直到时间达到30秒
- while True:
- coin = hero.findNearestItem()
- if coin:
- hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)
- if hero.now() > 30:
- break
- # Tell Naria how much gold you collected.
- hero.moveXY(59, 33)
- hero.say("I got "+hero.gold+" golds !")
- # 攻击敌人,直到时间达到45秒
- # 记得重置击败的敌人数。
- defeated = 0
- while True:
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- if enemy:
- hero.attack(enemy)
- if enemy.health <= 0:
- defeated = defeated +1
- if hero.now() > 45:
- break
- # Tell Naria how many enemies you defeated.
- hero.moveXY(59, 33)
- hero.say("I defeated "+defeated+" enemies !")
- # Race munchkins to the water distilled by Omarn Brewstone!
- # 使用 "continue" 验证丛林中的条件。
- while True:
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- item = hero.findNearestItem()
- # 如果没有敌人,跳出循环继续。
- if not enemy:
- continue
- # 如果有敌人却没物品,要一瓶药,跳到下次循环。
- if not item:
- hero.say("把喝的拿来!")
- continue
- # 使用 if 语句检查物品的类型。如果类型是 "poison",跳出循环继续运行。
- if item.type =="poison":
- continue
- # 如果不是,那瓶子里装的是水,所以走向它,返回出发点!
- # so moveXY to the potion, then back to the start!
- if item.type !="poison":
- hero.moveXY(44, 35)
- hero.moveXY(34, 47)
- # 第一点,打败6位ogres~
- # Then collect coins until you have 30 gold.
- # 变量用来对ogres计数
- defeatedOgres = 0
- # 没打败6位ogres,就继续打
- while defeatedOgres < 6:
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- if enemy:
- hero.attack(enemy)
- defeatedOgres += 1
- else:
- hero.say("Ogres!")
- # Move to the right side of the map.
- hero.moveXY(49, 36)
- # 钱没攒够30块,就继续捡
- while hero.gold < 30:
- # 寻找并收集金币
- coin = hero.findNearestItem()
- if coin:
- hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)
- # 去掉这行 say()。
- #hero.say("我应该收集金币!")
- # 移动到出口。
- hero.moveXY(76, 32)
- # while循环重复直到条件为否。
- ordersGiven = 0
- y = 50
- while ordersGiven < 5:
- # 在站场上移动和排列你的盟友。 (如果你是直接在他们面前,他们只能听到你的。)
- hero.moveXY(10, y)
- # 用hero.say的方法说“Attack”来命令你的盟友
- # 只有当你的英雄在 “X” 位置的时候 他们才能听到你的说什么
- hero.say("Attack!")
- y = y - 10
- # 确保ordersGiven增加
- ordersGiven += 1
- while True:
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- # 当你下达完命令,立即加入战斗!
- if enemy:
- hero.attack(enemy)
- # 使用循环直到你有足够的击杀10个芒奇金人
- attacks = 0
- while attacks < 10:
- # 攻击最近的敌人!
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- if enemy:
- hero.attack(enemy)
- # Incrementing means to increase by 1.
- # 增加你的攻击统计量。
- attacks += 1
- # 当你完成后,撤退到伏击点。
- hero.say("I should retreat!") #∆ Don't just stand there blabbering!
- hero.moveXY(79, 33)
- # Dodge the cannons and collect 8 gems.
- # Watch out, cannons are ready to fire!
- # 以一个特殊的方式缓慢移动去迷惑敌人
- # This function returns a value from 0 to 30:
- def mod30(n):
- if n >= 30:
- return n - 30
- else:
- return n
- # 这一功能将会返回一个从0到40的值
- def mod40(n):
- # 使用一个 “if” 语句去返回正确的值
- if n >= 40:
- return n - 40
- else:
- return n
- # You don't need to change the following code:
- while True:
- time = hero.now()
- x = mod30(time) + 25
- y = mod40(time) + 10
- hero.moveXY(x, y)
第20关:Zig Zag and Zoom
- # 从死亡峡谷逃出!
- # 使用真正的求余函数走出Z字形路线。
- # This function returns a value from 0 to 15:
- def mod15(n):
- while n >= 15:
- n -= 15
- return n
- # 这个函数应该会反馈一个从0到9的值
- def mod9(n):
- # 在返回前使用 while 循环修改参数。
- while n>= 9:
- n -= 9
- return n
- # Don't change the following code:
- while True:
- time = self.now()
- if time < 30:
- y = 10 + 3 * mod15(time)
- else:
- y = 20 + 3 * mod9(time)
- x = 10 + time
- self.moveXY(x, y)
- # 只攻击在敌军名称(enemyNames)数组中的敌人
- # Be sure to attack in order! 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3
- enemyNames = ["Kog", "Godel", "Vorobun", "Rexxar"]
- hero.attack(enemyNames[0])
- hero.attack(enemyNames[1])
- # 攻击 enemyNames[2]
- hero.attack(enemyNames[2])
- # 攻击最后一个元素。
- hero.attack(enemyNames[3])
- # 穿过雷区
- # 这个函数返回乘以次数的数字。
- def mult(number, times):
- total = 0
- while times > 0:
- total += number
- times -= 1
- return total
- # 这个函数返回乘方的数字。
- def power(number, exponent):
- total = 1
- # 补全函数。
- while exponent > 0:
- total *= number
- exponent -= 1
- return total
- # 别修改这些代码
- # You can find coefficients for the equation on the tower
- tower = hero.findFriends()[0]
- a = tower.a
- b = tower.b
- c = tower.c
- d = tower.d
- x = hero.pos.x
- while True:
- # To find the path use a cubic equation
- y = a * power(x, 3) + b * power(x, 2) + c * power(x, 1) + d * power(x, 0)
- hero.moveXY(x, y)
- x = x + 5
- # 一个数组(Array)就是物品的数列。
- # 这个数组是一个朋友名字的数列。
- friendNames = ['Joan', 'Ronan', 'Nikita', 'Augustus']
- # 数组从零开始计数,不是1!
- friendIndex = 0
- # 循环该数组中的每一个名字
- # 使用 len()方法来得到列表的长度。
- while friendIndex < len(friendNames):
- # 使用方括号来获得数组中的名字。
- friendName = friendNames[friendIndex]
- # 告诉你的朋友回家。
- # 使用+来连接两个字符串。
- hero.say(friendName + ', go home!')
- # 增加索引来获取数组中的下一个名字
- friendIndex += 1
- # 回去建造栅栏让食人魔远离。
- hero.moveXY(29, 30)
- hero.buildXY("fence", 30, 30)
第24关:Bank Raid
- # 等待食人魔出现,然后打败它们,并收集金币。
- while True:
- enemies = hero.findEnemies()
- # enemyIndex 用于迭代数组。
- enemyIndex = 0
- # While enemyIndex is less than len(enemies)
- while enemyIndex < len(enemies):
- # Attack the enemy at enemyIndex
- enemy = enemies[enemyIndex]
- hero.attack(enemy)
- # 给 enemyIndex 加上 1。
- enemyIndex += 1
- coins = hero.findItems()
- # coinIndex is used to iterate the coins array.
- coinIndex = 0
- while coinIndex < len(coins):
- # 用 coinIndex 从 coins 数组得到一个金币。
- coin = coins[coinIndex]
- # 收集那个金币。
- hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)
- # 给 coinIndex 的值增加 1。
- coinIndex += 1
- # 攻击骷髅捡走宝石
- while True:
- enemies = hero.findEnemies()
- enemyIndex = 0
- while enemyIndex < len(enemies):
- enemy = enemies[enemyIndex]
- # Attack while enemy has health.
- while enemy.health > 0:
- hero.attack(enemy)
- enemyIndex += 1
- items = hero.findItems()
- itemIndex = 0
- # 遍历所有的物品。
- while itemIndex < len(items):
- item = items[itemIndex]
- # While the distance greater than 2:
- while hero.distanceTo(item) > 2:
- # 试着拿到物品
- hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y)
- # 别忘了让itemIndex变大 (itemIndex+=1)或(itemIndex=itemIndex+1)
- itemIndex += 1
- # Gems will disappear soon. You'll need help!
- # findItems() returns an array of items.
- items = hero.findItems()
- # Get the first gem from the array.
- # Don't forget that the first index is 0.
- gem0 = items[0]
- # # 告诉 Bruno 拿到 gem0
- hero.say("Bruno " + gem0)
- # You can reference the gem without a variable.
- hero.say("Matilda " + items[1])
- # Create a variable for the last gem, items[2]:
- gem2 =items[2]
- # Move to that gem's position using moveXY()
- hero.moveXY(gem2.pos.x, gem2.pos.y)
- # 用findEnemies把敌人存在数组enemies中
- # 只攻击萨满巫师,不要攻击牦牛!
- enemies = hero.findEnemies()
- enemyIndex = 0
- # 把这段代码用一个while loop 功能循环遍历所有的敌人
- # 当 enemyIndex 小于 enemies 的长度时:
- while enemyIndex < len(enemies):
- enemy = enemies[enemyIndex]
- if enemy.type == 'shaman':
- while enemy.health > 0:
- hero.attack(enemy)
- # Remember to increment enemyIndex
- enemyIndex += 1
- # 很快的获取最多的金币
- while True:
- coins = hero.findItems()
- coinIndex = 0
- # 把这个封装进循环里枚举所有的硬币
- while coinIndex < len(coins):
- coin = coins[coinIndex]
- # 金币价值3点。
- if coin.value == 3:
- # 只捡金币。
- hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)
- coinIndex += 1
- pass
- # 使用 while 循环来对付食人魔。
- while True:
- enemies = hero.findEnemies()
- enemyIndex = 0
- # 将攻击逻辑放到 while 循环里来攻击所有的敌人。
- # Find the array's length with: len(enemies)
- while enemyIndex < len(enemies):
- enemy = enemies[enemyIndex]
- # "!=" 意思是 "不等于"
- if enemy.type != "sand-yak":
- # 当敌人的健康值大于0,攻击它!
- while enemy.health > 0:
- hero.attack(enemy)
- enemyIndex += 1
- pass
- # 在两波敌人之间,移动回中央。
- hero.moveXY(40, 30)
- # 打几下泡泡人捡走掉出的币
- while True:
- coin = hero.findNearestItem()
- # 当存在金币时:
- if coin:
- # 移动到金币处。
- hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)
- # ‘coin’应该是最近的那枚 捡到手以后要另找一枚最近的
- coin += 1
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- if enemy:
- # 如果敌人还会动
- while enemy.health > 0:
- # 就打它
- hero.attack(enemy)
- pass
- # 优先杀掉最远的敌人。
- while True:
- farthest = None
- maxDistance = 0
- enemyIndex = 0
- enemies = hero.findEnemies()
- # 查看全部敌人,找出最远的那个。
- while enemyIndex < len(enemies):
- target = enemies[enemyIndex]
- enemyIndex += 1
- # 是不是存在远得看不到的敌人?
- distance = hero.distanceTo(target)
- if distance > maxDistance:
- maxDistance = distance
- farthest = target
- if farthest:
- # 干掉最远的敌人!
- # 如果敌人血量大于0就保持攻击。
- while farthest.health > 0:
- if hero.isReady("cleave"):
- hero.cleave(farthest)
- elif hero.isReady("bash"):
- hero.bash(farthest)
- else:
- hero.attack(farthest)
- pass
- # 这片区域布满了火焰陷阱。幸好我们之前派出了侦察员,他沿路在地上留下了宝石作为暗号,我们只需要顺着最近的宝石走就能躲过这些陷阱。
- # 沙漠峡谷似乎会干扰你使用眼镜的findNearest技能!
- # 你需要自己找到离你最近的宝石。
- while True:
- coins = hero.findItems()
- coinIndex = 0
- nearest = None
- nearestDistance = 9999
- # 搜索所有的宝石,找到离你最近的那一颗。
- while coinIndex < len(coins):
- coin = coins[coinIndex]
- coinIndex += 1
- distance = hero.distanceTo(coin)
- # 如果宝石与你的距离小于“最近距离(nearestDistance)”
- if distance < nearestDistance:
- # 设置该宝石为离你最近的宝石
- nearest = coin
- # 设置该距离为“最近距离(nearestDistance)”
- nearestDistance = distance
- # 如果找到离你最近的宝石,移动英雄岛宝石的位置。你需要使用moveXY,不需要你抄近路,也不会踩到陷阱。
- if nearest:
- hero.moveXY(nearest.pos.x, nearest.pos.y)
第33关:Brittle Moral
- # You have one arrow. Make it count!
- # 这将返回一个最多生命值的敌人
- def findStrongestEnemy(enemies):
- strongest = None
- strongestHealth = 0
- enemyIndex = 0
- # 当 enemyIndex 少于敌人的长度
- while enemyIndex < len(enemies):
- # Set an enemy variable to enemies[enemyIndex]
- enemy = enemies[enemyIndex]
- # 如果 enemy.health 大于 strongestHealth
- if enemy.health > strongestHealth:
- # 将 strongest 赋值为 enemy
- strongest = enemy
- # Set strongestHealth to enemy.health
- strongestHealth = enemy.health
- # 让 enemyIndex 递增
- enemyIndex += 1
- return strongest
- enemies = hero.findEnemies()
- leader = findStrongestEnemy(enemies)
- if leader:
- hero.say(leader)
【装备更换】剑:攻击值越高越好,我是228.57(192.2DPS) 鞋子:速度+2.5
- # 打败前来劫掠的食人魔,让他们把金币交出来!
- def findMostHealth(enemies):
- target = None
- targetHealth = 0
- enemyIndex = 0
- while enemyIndex < len(enemies):
- enemy = enemies[enemyIndex]
- if enemy.health > targetHealth:
- target = enemy
- targetHealth = enemy.health
- enemyIndex += 1
- return target
- def valueOverDistance(item):
- return item.value / hero.distanceTo(item)
- # 返回有最高 valueOverDistance(item) 的物品。
- def findBestItem(items):
- bestItem = None
- bestValue = 0
- itemsIndex = 0
- # 循环于 items 数组内。
- # 发现这个物品的最高 valueOverDistance()
- while itemsIndex < len(items):
- item = items[itemsIndex]
- if valueOverDistance(item) > bestValue:
- bestItem = item
- bestValue = valueOverDistance(item)
- itemsIndex += 1
- return bestItem
- while True:
- enemies = hero.findEnemies()
- enemy = findMostHealth(enemies)
- if enemy and enemy.health > 15:
- while enemy.health > 0:
- hero.attack(enemy)
- else:
- coins = hero.findItems()
- coin = None
- coin = findBestItem(coins)
- if coin:
- hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)
第35关:Wishing Well
- # 你需要104的金钱,不多也不少。
- less = "Nimis"
- more = "Non satis"
- requiredGold = 104
- # 此函数计算所有的硬币值的总和。
- def sumCoinValues(coins):
- coinIndex = 0
- totalValue = 0
- # 遍历所有的金币。
- while coinIndex < len(coins):
- totalValue += coins[coinIndex].value
- coinIndex += 1
- return totalValue
- def collectAllCoins():
- item = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())
- while item:
- hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y)
- item = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())
- while True:
- items = hero.findItems()
- # 获得硬币的总值
- goldAmount = sumCoinValues(items)
- # 如果有金币,那么金币数目 (goldAmount) 不会是零
- if goldAmount != 0:
- # If goldAmount is less than requiredGold
- # 那就说“Non satis”
- if goldAmount < requiredGold:
- hero.say("Non satis")
- # If goldAmount is greater than requiredGold
- # 那么说出“Nimis”。
- if goldAmount > requiredGold:
- hero.say("Nimis")
- # 如果 “goldAmount” 等于 “requiredGold”
- # 如果有刚好 104 金币,就全部收集。
- if goldAmount == requiredGold:
- collectAllCoins()
- pass
【挑战升级】第36关:Sarven 斗殴
- # 活两分钟。
- # 如果你赢了,接下来会变得更难,当然也会有更多奖励。
- # 如果你输了,你必须等一天之后再提交。
- # 记得,每一次提交都会获得不同的地图。
- while True:
- enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
- if enemy:
- if hero.isReady("bash"):
- hero.bash(enemy)
- else:
- hero.attack(enemy)
- else:
- hero.moveXY(50, 70)
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