一、Spring Boot 版本支持

Spring Boot Spring Framework Java Maven Gradle
1.2.0之前版本   6 3.0+ 1.6+
1.2.0 4.1.3+ 3.2+




1.2.3 4.1.5+
1.3.4 4.2.6+
1.3.6 4.2.7+
1.3.8 4.2.8+ 1.12 or 2.x Gradle 3 is not supported
1.4.0 4.3.2+ 1.12+
1.4.1 4.3.3 1.12 or 2.x Gradle 3 is not supported
1.4.2 4.3.4

1.12 or 2.x Support for Gradle 2.8 and earlier is deprecated.

Gradle 3 is not supported

1.4.3 4.3.5
1.4.4 4.3.6
1.4.5 4.3.7
1.4.6 4.3.8
1.4.7 4.3.9
1.5.0 4.3.6

2 (2.9 or later) and 3

1.5.2 4.3.7
1.5.3 4.3.8
1.5.4 4.3.9
1.5.5 4.3.10
1.5.7 4.3.11
1.5.8 4.3.12
1.5.9 4.3.13
2.0.0 5.0.2 8 4

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