
Given a string that consists of only uppercase English letters, you can replace any letter in the string with another letter at most k times. Find the length of a longest substring containing all repeating letters you can get after performing the above operations.

Both the string's length and k will not exceed 104.

Example 1:

s = "ABAB", k = 2 Output:
4 Explanation:
Replace the two 'A's with two 'B's or vice versa.

Example 2:

s = "AABABBA", k = 1 Output:
4 Explanation:
Replace the one 'A' in the middle with 'B' and form "AABBBBA".
The substring "BBBB" has the longest repeating letters, which is 4.

解题思路:对于任意一个区间[i,j]能否经过至多K次替换可以变成只包含同一个字符的子串,只要判断除去其中某一个字符,其余剩下的字符的总和不超过K即可。所以本题的解题就是就是找到符合这个条件的最长区间。怎么找这个区间?我的方法是引入low和high两个index,从字符串头部开始遍历,依次判断[low,high]区间是否满足条件,满足的话high += 1,不满足则low += 1。


class Solution(object):
def check(self,dic,total,k):
mv = 0
flag = False
for i in dic.iterkeys():
if total - dic[i] <= k:
flag = True
mv = max(mv,total)
if flag == False and len(dic) > 0:
return -1
return mv def characterReplacement(self, s, k):
:type s: str
:type k: int
:rtype: int
if len(s) == 0:
return 0
low = 0
high = 1
dic = {}
dic[s[0]] = 1
total = 1
res = 0
s += '#'
while low < high and high < len(s):
rc = self.check(dic,total,k)
if rc == -1:
dic[s[low]] -= 1
total -= 1
if dic[s[low]] == 0:
del dic[s[low]]
low += 1
dic[s[high]] = dic.setdefault(s[high],0) + 1
total += 1
high += 1 res = max(res,rc)
return res

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