


rdmsr ( 0x00000174 ) = 0x00000000 ~ 0x00000008
 rdmsr ( 0x00000175 ) = 0x00000000 ~ 0xf7a1a000
 rdmsr ( 0x00000176 ) = 0x00000000 ~ 0x8053dad0


  1. kd> dg 0
  2. P Si Gr Pr Lo
  3. Sel Base Limit Type l ze an es ng Flags
  4. ---- -------- -------- ---------- - -- -- -- -- --------
  5. 0000 00000000 00000000 <Reserved> 0 Nb By Np Nl 00000000
  6. kd> dg 0x08
  7. P Si Gr Pr Lo
  8. Sel Base Limit Type l ze an es ng Flags
  9. ---- -------- -------- ---------- - -- -- -- -- --------
  10. 0008 00000000 ffffffff Code RE Ac 0 Bg Pg P Nl 00000c9b
  11. kd> dg 0x13
  12. P Si Gr Pr Lo
  13. Sel Base Limit Type l ze an es ng Flags
  14. ---- -------- -------- ---------- - -- -- -- -- --------
  15. 0013 00000000 ffffffff Data RW Ac 0 Bg Pg P Nl 00000c93
  16. kd> dg 0x18
  17. P Si Gr Pr Lo
  18. Sel Base Limit Type l ze an es ng Flags
  19. ---- -------- -------- ---------- - -- -- -- -- --------
  20. 0018 00000000 ffffffff Code RE Ac 3 Bg Pg P Nl 00000cfb
  21. kd> dg 0x23
  22. P Si Gr Pr Lo
  23. Sel Base Limit Type l ze an es ng Flags
  24. ---- -------- -------- ---------- - -- -- -- -- --------
  25. 0023 00000000 ffffffff Data RW Ac 3 Bg Pg P Nl 00000cf3



  1. kd> !drivers
  3. The !drivers command is no longer supported.
  5. Please use the 'lm t n' command.
  6. Consult the debugger documentation for the supported 'lm' command options.
  8. The WinDbg "Modules" window can also be used to display timestamps.
  9. The "Modules" window supports sorting on name or timestamp values
  11. kd> lm t n


  1. nt!KiFastCallEntry:
  2. 8053dad0 b923000000 mov ecx,23h
  3. 8053dad5 6a30 push 30h
  4. 8053dad7 0fa1 pop fs
  5. 8053dad9 8ed9 mov ds,cx
  6. 8053dadb 8ec1 mov es,cx
  7. 8053dadd 8b0d40f0dfff mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[0FFDFF040h]
  8. 8053dae3 8b6104 mov esp,dword ptr [ecx+4]
  9. 8053dae6 6a23 push 23h
  10. 8053dae8 52 push edx
  11. 8053dae9 9c pushfd
  12. 8053daea 6a02 push 2
  13. 8053daec 83c208 add edx,8
  14. 8053daef 9d popfd
  15. 8053daf0 804c240102 or byte ptr [esp+1],2
  16. 8053daf5 6a1b push 1Bh
  17. 8053daf7 ff350403dfff push dword ptr ds:[0FFDF0304h]
  18. 8053dafd 6a00 push 0
  19. 8053daff 55 push ebp
  20. 8053db00 53 push ebx
  21. 8053db01 56 push esi
  22. 8053db02 57 push edi
  23. 8053db03 8b1d1cf0dfff mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[0FFDFF01Ch]
  24. 8053db09 6a3b push 3Bh
  25. 8053db0b 8bb324010000 mov esi,dword ptr [ebx+124h]
  26. 8053db11 ff33 push dword ptr [ebx]
  27. 8053db13 c703ffffffff mov dword ptr [ebx],0FFFFFFFFh
  28. 8053db19 8b6e18 mov ebp,dword ptr [esi+18h]
  29. 8053db1c 6a01 push 1
  30. 8053db1e 83ec48 sub esp,48h
  31. 8053db21 81ed9c020000 sub ebp,29Ch
  32. 8053db27 c6864001000001 mov byte ptr [esi+140h],1
  33. 8053db2e 3bec cmp ebp,esp
  34. 8053db30 759a jne nt!KiFastCallEntry2+0x47 (8053dacc)


  1. kd> u nt!KiSystemService L20
  2. nt!KiSystemService:
  3. 8053da11 6a00 push 0
  4. 8053da13 55 push ebp
  5. 8053da14 53 push ebx
  6. 8053da15 56 push esi
  7. 8053da16 57 push edi
  8. 8053da17 0fa0 push fs
  9. 8053da19 bb30000000 mov ebx,30h
  10. 8053da1e 668ee3 mov fs,bx
  11. 8053da21 ff3500f0dfff push dword ptr ds:[0FFDFF000h]
  12. 8053da27 c70500f0dfffffffffff mov dword ptr ds:[0FFDFF000h],0FFFFFFFFh
  13. 8053da31 8b3524f1dfff mov esi,dword ptr ds:[0FFDFF124h]
  14. 8053da37 ffb640010000 push dword ptr [esi+140h]
  15. 8053da3d 83ec48 sub esp,48h
  16. 8053da40 8b5c246c mov ebx,dword ptr [esp+6Ch]
  17. 8053da44 83e301 and ebx,1
  18. 8053da47 889e40010000 mov byte ptr [esi+140h],bl
  19. 8053da4d 8bec mov ebp,esp
  20. 8053da4f 8b9e34010000 mov ebx,dword ptr [esi+134h]
  21. 8053da55 895d3c mov dword ptr [ebp+3Ch],ebx
  22. 8053da58 89ae34010000 mov dword ptr [esi+134h],ebp
  23. 8053da5e fc cld
  24. 8053da5f 8b5d60 mov ebx,dword ptr [ebp+60h]
  25. 8053da62 8b7d68 mov edi,dword ptr [ebp+68h]
  26. 8053da65 89550c mov dword ptr [ebp+0Ch],edx
  27. 8053da68 c74508000ddbba mov dword ptr [ebp+8],0BADB0D00h
  28. 8053da6f 895d00 mov dword ptr [ebp],ebx
  29. 8053da72 897d04 mov dword ptr [ebp+4],edi
  30. 8053da75 f6462cff test byte ptr [esi+2Ch],0FFh
  31. 8053da79 0f858dfeffff jne nt!Dr_kss_a (8053d90c)
  32. 8053da7f fb sti
  33. 8053da80 e9d8000000 jmp nt!KiFastCallEntry+0x8d (8053db5d)
  34. nt!KiFastCallEntry2:


  1. kd> !idt 2e
  3. Dumping IDT:
  5. 2e: 8053da11 nt!KiSystemService


  1. daniel@daniel-mint ~/windbg $ awk '{printf("[% 8x]: \t\t[%s --> %s] \t\t%s\n", NR, $1, $2, $3)}' kiservicetable
  2. [ 1]: [80502354 --> 80599a66] nt!NtAcceptConnectPort
  3. [ 2]: [80502358 --> 805e6cce] nt!NtAccessCheck
  4. [ 3]: [8050235c --> 805ea514] nt!NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm
  5. [ 4]: [80502360 --> 805e6d00] nt!NtAccessCheckByType
  6. [ 5]: [80502364 --> 805ea54e] nt!NtAccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm
  7. [ 6]: [80502368 --> 805e6d36] nt!NtAccessCheckByTypeResultList
  8. [ 7]: [8050236c --> 805ea592] nt!NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm
  9. [ 8]: [80502370 --> 805ea5d6] nt!NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle
  10. [ 9]: [80502374 --> 8060bc40] nt!NtAddAtom
  11. [ a]: [80502378 --> 8060c984] nt!NtAddBootEntry
  12. [ b]: [8050237c --> 805e2066] nt!NtAdjustGroupsToken
  13. [ c]: [80502380 --> 805e1cbe] nt!NtAdjustPrivilegesToken
  14. [ d]: [80502384 --> 805caccc] nt!NtAlertResumeThread
  15. [ e]: [80502388 --> 805cac7c] nt!NtAlertThread
  16. [ f]: [8050238c --> 8060c266] nt!NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId
  17. [ 10]: [80502390 --> 805ab654] nt!NtAllocateUserPhysicalPages
  18. [ 11]: [80502394 --> 8060b87e] nt!NtAllocateUuids
  19. [ 12]: [80502398 --> 8059dedc] nt!NtAllocateVirtualMemory
  20. [ 13]: [8050239c --> 805a5aa6] nt!NtAreMappedFilesTheSame
  21. [ 14]: [805023a0 --> 805cc7aa] nt!NtAssignProcessToJobObject
  22. [ 15]: [805023a4 --> 80500020] nt!NtCallbackReturn
  23. [ 16]: [805023a8 --> 805be3e2] nt!NtModifyBootEntry
  24. [ 17]: [805023ac --> 8056c0c6] nt!NtCancelIoFile
  25. [ 18]: [805023b0 --> 80535596] nt!NtCancelTimer
  26. [ 19]: [805023b4 --> 80604f36] nt!NtClearEvent
  27. [ 1a]: [805023b8 --> 805b1ce0] nt!NtClose
  28. [ 1b]: [805023bc --> 805eaa4e] nt!NtCloseObjectAuditAlarm
  29. [ 1c]: [805023c0 --> 80619dfe] nt!NtCompactKeys
  30. [ 1d]: [805023c4 --> 805eef40] nt!NtCompareTokens
  31. [ 1e]: [805023c8 --> 8059a154] nt!NtCompleteConnectPort
  32. [ 1f]: [805023cc --> 8061a052] nt!NtCompressKey
  33. [ 20]: [805023d0 --> 80599a06] nt!NtConnectPort
  34. [ 21]: [805023d4 --> 80541390] nt!NtContinue
  35. [ 22]: [805023d8 --> 806381da] nt!NtCreateDebugObject
  36. [ 23]: [805023dc --> 805b3bdc] nt!NtCreateDirectoryObject
  37. [ 24]: [805023e0 --> 80604f86] nt!NtCreateEvent
  38. [ 25]: [805023e4 --> 8060d1fa] nt!NtCreateEventPair
  39. [ 26]: [805023e8 --> 8056e62e] nt!NtCreateFile
  40. [ 27]: [805023ec --> 8056e00c] nt!NtCreateIoCompletion
  41. [ 28]: [805023f0 --> 805cb76e] nt!NtCreateJobObject
  42. [ 29]: [805023f4 --> 805cb4a6] nt!NtCreateJobSet
  43. [ 2a]: [805023f8 --> 8061a22e] nt!NtCreateKey
  44. [ 2b]: [805023fc --> 8056e73c] nt!NtCreateMailslotFile
  45. [ 2c]: [80502400 --> 8060d5f2] nt!NtCreateMutant
  46. [ 2d]: [80502404 --> 8056e668] nt!NtCreateNamedPipeFile
  47. [ 2e]: [80502408 --> 805a0ec6] nt!NtCreatePagingFile
  48. [ 2f]: [8050240c --> 8059a522] nt!NtCreatePort
  49. [ 30]: [80502410 --> 805c7332] nt!NtCreateProcess
  50. [ 31]: [80502414 --> 805c727c] nt!NtCreateProcessEx
  51. [ 32]: [80502418 --> 8060da12] nt!NtCreateProfile
  52. [ 33]: [8050241c --> 805a080a] nt!NtCreateSection
  53. [ 34]: [80502420 --> 8060af9c] nt!NtCreateSemaphore
  54. [ 35]: [80502424 --> 805ba9e4] nt!NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject
  55. [ 36]: [80502428 --> 805c711a] nt!NtCreateThread
  56. [ 37]: [8050242c --> 8060cec2] nt!NtCreateTimer
  57. [ 38]: [80502430 --> 805ef2e8] nt!NtCreateToken
  58. [ 39]: [80502434 --> 8059a546] nt!NtCreateWaitablePort
  59. [ 3a]: [80502438 --> 806392b6] nt!NtDebugActiveProcess
  60. [ 3b]: [8050243c --> 80639406] nt!NtDebugContinue
  61. [ 3c]: [80502440 --> 8060c8d4] nt!NtDelayExecution
  62. [ 3d]: [80502444 --> 8060c0f6] nt!NtDeleteAtom
  63. [ 3e]: [80502448 --> 805be3e2] nt!NtModifyBootEntry
  64. [ 3f]: [8050244c --> 8056c20c] nt!NtDeleteFile
  65. [ 40]: [80502450 --> 8061a6be] nt!NtDeleteKey
  66. [ 41]: [80502454 --> 805eab5a] nt!NtDeleteObjectAuditAlarm
  67. [ 42]: [80502458 --> 8061a88e] nt!NtDeleteValueKey
  68. [ 43]: [8050245c --> 8056e7f4] nt!NtDeviceIoControlFile
  69. [ 44]: [80502460 --> 80608f10] nt!NtDisplayString
  70. [ 45]: [80502464 --> 805b37bc] nt!NtDuplicateObject
  71. [ 46]: [80502468 --> 805e2f04] nt!NtDuplicateToken
  72. [ 47]: [8050246c --> 8060c984] nt!NtAddBootEntry
  73. [ 48]: [80502470 --> 8061aa6e] nt!NtEnumerateKey
  74. [ 49]: [80502474 --> 8060c976] nt!NtEnumerateSystemEnvironmentValuesEx
  75. [ 4a]: [80502478 --> 8061acd8] nt!NtEnumerateValueKey
  76. [ 4b]: [8050247c --> 805a91cc] nt!NtExtendSection
  77. [ 4c]: [80502480 --> 805e30b0] nt!NtFilterToken
  78. [ 4d]: [80502484 --> 8060beaa] nt!NtFindAtom
  79. [ 4e]: [80502488 --> 8056c2d8] nt!NtFlushBuffersFile
  80. [ 4f]: [8050248c --> 805abede] nt!NtFlushInstructionCache
  81. [ 50]: [80502490 --> 8061af42] nt!NtFlushKey
  82. [ 51]: [80502494 --> 805a1bd6] nt!NtFlushVirtualMemory
  83. [ 52]: [80502498 --> 805abe80] nt!NtFlushWriteBuffer
  84. [ 53]: [8050249c --> 805ab9f0] nt!NtFreeUserPhysicalPages
  85. [ 54]: [805024a0 --> 805a84a6] nt!NtFreeVirtualMemory
  86. [ 55]: [805024a4 --> 8056e828] nt!NtFsControlFile
  87. [ 56]: [805024a8 --> 805c7644] nt!NtGetContextThread
  88. [ 57]: [805024ac --> 805be404] nt!NtGetDevicePowerState
  89. [ 58]: [805024b0 --> 8058e83c] nt!NtGetPlugPlayEvent
  90. [ 59]: [805024b4 --> 8051df7e] nt!NtGetWriteWatch
  91. [ 5a]: [805024b8 --> 805eec34] nt!NtImpersonateAnonymousToken
  92. [ 5b]: [805024bc --> 8059a5b0] nt!NtImpersonateClientOfPort
  93. [ 5c]: [805024c0 --> 805cd942] nt!NtImpersonateThread
  94. [ 5d]: [805024c4 --> 80618206] nt!NtInitializeRegistry
  95. [ 5e]: [805024c8 --> 805be1dc] nt!NtInitiatePowerAction
  96. [ 5f]: [805024cc --> 805cb36a] nt!NtIsProcessInJob
  97. [ 60]: [805024d0 --> 805be3f0] nt!NtIsSystemResumeAutomatic
  98. [ 61]: [805024d4 --> 8059a7bc] nt!NtListenPort
  99. [ 62]: [805024d8 --> 80579848] nt!NtLoadDriver
  100. [ 63]: [805024dc --> 8061bf5e] nt!NtLoadKey
  101. [ 64]: [805024e0 --> 8061bba8] nt!NtLoadKey2
  102. [ 65]: [805024e4 --> 8056e85c] nt!NtLockFile
  103. [ 66]: [805024e8 --> 80609472] nt!NtLockProductActivationKeys
  104. [ 67]: [805024ec --> 8061a0fe] nt!NtLockRegistryKey
  105. [ 68]: [805024f0 --> 805abfe6] nt!NtLockVirtualMemory
  106. [ 69]: [805024f4 --> 805b505c] nt!NtMakePermanentObject
  107. [ 6a]: [805024f8 --> 805b1d84] nt!NtMakeTemporaryObject
  108. [ 6b]: [805024fc --> 805aa948] nt!NtMapUserPhysicalPages
  109. [ 6c]: [80502500 --> 805aaf20] nt!NtMapUserPhysicalPagesScatter
  110. [ 6d]: [80502504 --> 805a7526] nt!NtMapViewOfSection
  111. [ 6e]: [80502508 --> 805be3e2] nt!NtModifyBootEntry
  112. [ 6f]: [8050250c --> 8056f48c] nt!NtNotifyChangeDirectoryFile
  113. [ 70]: [80502510 --> 8061bf28] nt!NtNotifyChangeKey
  114. [ 71]: [80502514 --> 8061b044] nt!NtNotifyChangeMultipleKeys
  115. [ 72]: [80502518 --> 805b3cae] nt!NtOpenDirectoryObject
  116. [ 73]: [8050251c --> 80605086] nt!NtOpenEvent
  117. [ 74]: [80502520 --> 8060d2d2] nt!NtOpenEventPair
  118. [ 75]: [80502524 --> 8056f74c] nt!NtOpenFile
  119. [ 76]: [80502528 --> 8056e0e4] nt!NtOpenIoCompletion
  120. [ 77]: [8050252c --> 805cb8f4] nt!NtOpenJobObject
  121. [ 78]: [80502530 --> 8061b5c4] nt!NtOpenKey
  122. [ 79]: [80502534 --> 8060d6ca] nt!NtOpenMutant
  123. [ 7a]: [80502538 --> 805ea61c] nt!NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm
  124. [ 7b]: [8050253c --> 805c11c2] nt!NtOpenProcess
  125. [ 7c]: [80502540 --> 805e38fc] nt!NtOpenProcessToken
  126. [ 7d]: [80502544 --> 805e3502] nt!NtOpenProcessTokenEx
  127. [ 7e]: [80502548 --> 8059f840] nt!NtOpenSection
  128. [ 7f]: [8050254c --> 8060b096] nt!NtOpenSemaphore
  129. [ 80]: [80502550 --> 805babca] nt!NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject
  130. [ 81]: [80502554 --> 805c144e] nt!NtOpenThread
  131. [ 82]: [80502558 --> 805e391a] nt!NtOpenThreadToken
  132. [ 83]: [8050255c --> 805e3672] nt!NtOpenThreadTokenEx
  133. [ 84]: [80502560 --> 8060cfe4] nt!NtOpenTimer
  134. [ 85]: [80502564 --> 8063b4a8] nt!NtPlugPlayControl
  135. [ 86]: [80502568 --> 805bf272] nt!NtPowerInformation
  136. [ 87]: [8050256c --> 805edce6] nt!NtPrivilegeCheck
  137. [ 88]: [80502570 --> 805e992e] nt!NtPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm
  138. [ 89]: [80502574 --> 805e9b1a] nt!NtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm
  139. [ 8a]: [80502578 --> 805adaae] nt!NtProtectVirtualMemory
  140. [ 8b]: [8050257c --> 8060513e] nt!NtPulseEvent
  141. [ 8c]: [80502580 --> 8056c4be] nt!NtQueryAttributesFile
  142. [ 8d]: [80502584 --> 8060c984] nt!NtAddBootEntry
  143. [ 8e]: [80502588 --> 8060c984] nt!NtAddBootEntry
  144. [ 8f]: [8050258c --> 8053c5be] nt!NtQueryDebugFilterState
  145. [ 90]: [80502590 --> 80606caa] nt!NtQueryDefaultLocale
  146. [ 91]: [80502594 --> 8060790a] nt!NtQueryDefaultUILanguage
  147. [ 92]: [80502598 --> 8056f426] nt!NtQueryDirectoryFile
  148. [ 93]: [8050259c --> 805b3d4e] nt!NtQueryDirectoryObject
  149. [ 94]: [805025a0 --> 8056f77c] nt!NtQueryEaFile
  150. [ 95]: [805025a4 --> 80605206] nt!NtQueryEvent
  151. [ 96]: [805025a8 --> 8056c5f6] nt!NtQueryFullAttributesFile
  152. [ 97]: [805025ac --> 8060c11e] nt!NtQueryInformationAtom
  153. [ 98]: [805025b0 --> 8056fff8] nt!NtQueryInformationFile
  154. [ 99]: [805025b4 --> 805cbdc6] nt!NtQueryInformationJobObject
  155. [ 9a]: [805025b8 --> 8059a81a] nt!NtQueryInformationPort
  156. [ 9b]: [805025bc --> 805c2b28] nt!NtQueryInformationProcess
  157. [ 9c]: [805025c0 --> 805c16f4] nt!NtQueryInformationThread
  158. [ 9d]: [805025c4 --> 805e39fa] nt!NtQueryInformationToken
  159. [ 9e]: [805025c8 --> 806070a8] nt!NtQueryInstallUILanguage
  160. [ 9f]: [805025cc --> 8060de94] nt!NtQueryIntervalProfile
  161. [ a0]: [805025d0 --> 8056e18c] nt!NtQueryIoCompletion
  162. [ a1]: [805025d4 --> 8061b8e8] nt!NtQueryKey
  163. [ a2]: [805025d8 --> 806193fc] nt!NtQueryMultipleValueKey
  164. [ a3]: [805025dc --> 8060d772] nt!NtQueryMutant
  165. [ a4]: [805025e0 --> 805ba0a4] nt!NtQueryObject
  166. [ a5]: [805025e4 --> 80619a62] nt!NtQueryOpenSubKeys
  167. [ a6]: [805025e8 --> 8060df22] nt!NtQueryPerformanceCounter
  168. [ a7]: [805025ec --> 80570e42] nt!NtQueryQuotaInformationFile
  169. [ a8]: [805025f0 --> 805adc70] nt!NtQuerySection
  170. [ a9]: [805025f4 --> 805b5a28] nt!NtQuerySecurityObject
  171. [ aa]: [805025f8 --> 8060b14e] nt!NtQuerySemaphore
  172. [ ab]: [805025fc --> 805bac6a] nt!NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject
  173. [ ac]: [80502600 --> 8060c9a0] nt!NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValue
  174. [ ad]: [80502604 --> 8060c968] nt!NtSetSystemEnvironmentValueEx
  175. [ ae]: [80502608 --> 8060798a] nt!NtQuerySystemInformation
  176. [ af]: [8050260c --> 80609826] nt!NtQuerySystemTime
  177. [ b0]: [80502610 --> 8060d09c] nt!NtQueryTimer
  178. [ b1]: [80502614 --> 806090de] nt!NtQueryTimerResolution
  179. [ b2]: [80502618 --> 806182e8] nt!NtQueryValueKey
  180. [ b3]: [8050261c --> 805ae2f6] nt!NtQueryVirtualMemory
  181. [ b4]: [80502620 --> 80571332] nt!NtQueryVolumeInformationFile
  182. [ b5]: [80502624 --> 805c7390] nt!NtQueueApcThread
  183. [ b6]: [80502628 --> 805413d8] nt!NtRaiseException
  184. [ b7]: [8050262c --> 8060adc0] nt!NtRaiseHardError
  185. [ b8]: [80502630 --> 80571afa] nt!NtReadFile
  186. [ b9]: [80502634 --> 80572088] nt!NtReadFileScatter
  187. [ ba]: [80502638 --> 8059b2a2] nt!NtReadRequestData
  188. [ bb]: [8050263c --> 805a97b8] nt!NtReadVirtualMemory
  189. [ bc]: [80502640 --> 805c88c6] nt!NtRegisterThreadTerminatePort
  190. [ bd]: [80502644 --> 8060d8aa] nt!NtReleaseMutant
  191. [ be]: [80502648 --> 8060b27e] nt!NtReleaseSemaphore
  192. [ bf]: [8050264c --> 8056e484] nt!NtRemoveIoCompletion
  193. [ c0]: [80502650 --> 80639386] nt!NtRemoveProcessDebug
  194. [ c1]: [80502654 --> 80619c54] nt!NtRenameKey
  195. [ c2]: [80502658 --> 8061be0e] nt!NtReplaceKey
  196. [ c3]: [8050265c --> 8059a922] nt!NtReplyPort
  197. [ c4]: [80502660 --> 8059b8ea] nt!NtReplyWaitReceivePort
  198. [ c5]: [80502664 --> 8059b2f2] nt!NtReplyWaitReceivePortEx
  199. [ c6]: [80502668 --> 8059ac0c] nt!NtReplyWaitReplyPort
  200. [ c7]: [8050266c --> 805be374] nt!NtRequestDeviceWakeup
  201. [ c8]: [80502670 --> 80597e80] nt!NtRequestPort
  202. [ c9]: [80502674 --> 805981ac] nt!NtRequestWaitReplyPort
  203. [ ca]: [80502678 --> 805be182] nt!NtRequestWakeupLatency
  204. [ cb]: [8050267c --> 80605318] nt!NtResetEvent
  205. [ cc]: [80502680 --> 8051e45e] nt!NtResetWriteWatch
  206. [ cd]: [80502684 --> 80618636] nt!NtRestoreKey
  207. [ ce]: [80502688 --> 805cac26] nt!NtResumeProcess
  208. [ cf]: [8050268c --> 805cab08] nt!NtResumeThread
  209. [ d0]: [80502690 --> 806186d8] nt!NtSaveKey
  210. [ d1]: [80502694 --> 80618768] nt!NtSaveKeyEx
  211. [ d2]: [80502698 --> 80618834] nt!NtSaveMergedKeys
  212. [ d3]: [8050269c --> 8059919a] nt!NtSecureConnectPort
  213. [ d4]: [805026a0 --> 8060c984] nt!NtAddBootEntry
  214. [ d5]: [805026a4 --> 8060c984] nt!NtAddBootEntry
  215. [ d6]: [805026a8 --> 805c7854] nt!NtSetContextThread
  216. [ d7]: [805026ac --> 8063c03e] nt!NtSetDebugFilterState
  217. [ d8]: [805026b0 --> 8060ac6a] nt!NtSetDefaultHardErrorPort
  218. [ d9]: [805026b4 --> 80606dfa] nt!NtSetDefaultLocale
  219. [ da]: [805026b8 --> 8060766c] nt!NtSetDefaultUILanguage
  220. [ db]: [805026bc --> 8056fc98] nt!NtSetEaFile
  221. [ dc]: [805026c0 --> 806053d8] nt!NtSetEvent
  222. [ dd]: [805026c4 --> 806054a2] nt!NtSetEventBoostPriority
  223. [ de]: [805026c8 --> 8060d58e] nt!NtSetHighEventPair
  224. [ df]: [805026cc --> 8060d4be] nt!NtSetHighWaitLowEventPair
  225. [ e0]: [805026d0 --> 80638d50] nt!NtSetInformationDebugObject
  226. [ e1]: [805026d4 --> 805705fc] nt!NtSetInformationFile
  227. [ e2]: [805026d8 --> 805ccad6] nt!NtSetInformationJobObject
  228. [ e3]: [805026dc --> 80618fc8] nt!NtSetInformationKey
  229. [ e4]: [805026e0 --> 805b94e8] nt!NtSetInformationObject
  230. [ e5]: [805026e4 --> 805c3c80] nt!NtSetInformationProcess
  231. [ e6]: [805026e8 --> 805c1c40] nt!NtSetInformationThread
  232. [ e7]: [805026ec --> 805f0062] nt!NtSetInformationToken
  233. [ e8]: [805026f0 --> 8060d9f6] nt!NtSetIntervalProfile
  234. [ e9]: [805026f4 --> 8056e422] nt!NtSetIoCompletion
  235. [ ea]: [805026f8 --> 805c9a52] nt!NtSetLdtEntries
  236. [ eb]: [805026fc --> 8060d52a] nt!NtSetLowEventPair
  237. [ ec]: [80502700 --> 8060d452] nt!NtSetLowWaitHighEventPair
  238. [ ed]: [80502704 --> 80570e20] nt!NtSetQuotaInformationFile
  239. [ ee]: [80502708 --> 805b595c] nt!NtSetSecurityObject
  240. [ ef]: [8050270c --> 8060cc24] nt!NtSetSystemEnvironmentValue
  241. [ f0]: [80502710 --> 8060c968] nt!NtSetSystemEnvironmentValueEx
  242. [ f1]: [80502714 --> 80605cd8] nt!NtSetSystemInformation
  243. [ f2]: [80502718 --> 806485f6] nt!NtSetSystemPowerState
  244. [ f3]: [8050271c --> 8060a3e6] nt!NtSetSystemTime
  245. [ f4]: [80502720 --> 805be096] nt!NtSetThreadExecutionState
  246. [ f5]: [80502724 --> 805356d2] nt!NtSetTimer
  247. [ f6]: [80502728 --> 806098b8] nt!NtSetTimerResolution
  248. [ f7]: [8050272c --> 8060b734] nt!NtSetUuidSeed
  249. [ f8]: [80502730 --> 806188ee] nt!NtSetValueKey
  250. [ f9]: [80502734 --> 80571756] nt!NtSetVolumeInformationFile
  251. [ fa]: [80502738 --> 80608ed4] nt!NtShutdownSystem
  252. [ fb]: [8050273c --> 80523210] nt!NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObject
  253. [ fc]: [80502740 --> 8060dc40] nt!NtStartProfile
  254. [ fd]: [80502744 --> 8060ddea] nt!NtStopProfile
  255. [ fe]: [80502748 --> 805cabd0] nt!NtSuspendProcess
  256. [ ff]: [8050274c --> 805caa42] nt!NtSuspendThread
  257. [ 100]: [80502750 --> 8060e00e] nt!NtSystemDebugControl
  258. [ 101]: [80502754 --> 805cd640] nt!NtTerminateJobObject
  259. [ 102]: [80502758 --> 805c8b10] nt!NtTerminateProcess
  260. [ 103]: [8050275c --> 805c8d0a] nt!NtTerminateThread
  261. [ 104]: [80502760 --> 805cad90] nt!NtTestAlert
  262. [ 105]: [80502764 --> 80531db0] nt!NtTraceEvent
  263. [ 106]: [80502768 --> 8060c992] nt!NtTranslateFilePath
  264. [ 107]: [8050276c --> 805799dc] nt!NtUnloadDriver
  265. [ 108]: [80502770 --> 80618bb6] nt!NtUnloadKey
  266. [ 109]: [80502774 --> 80618da4] nt!NtUnloadKeyEx
  267. [ 10a]: [80502778 --> 8056ec08] nt!NtUnlockFile
  268. [ 10b]: [8050277c --> 805ac574] nt!NtUnlockVirtualMemory
  269. [ 10c]: [80502780 --> 805a833c] nt!NtUnmapViewOfSection
  270. [ 10d]: [80502784 --> 805f141a] nt!NtVdmControl
  271. [ 10e]: [80502788 --> 80638ab8] nt!NtWaitForDebugEvent
  272. [ 10f]: [8050278c --> 805b6094] nt!NtWaitForMultipleObjects
  273. [ 110]: [80502790 --> 805b5faa] nt!NtWaitForSingleObject
  274. [ 111]: [80502794 --> 8060d3ee] nt!NtWaitHighEventPair
  275. [ 112]: [80502798 --> 8060d38a] nt!NtWaitLowEventPair
  276. [ 113]: [8050279c --> 80572598] nt!NtWriteFile
  277. [ 114]: [805027a0 --> 80572ba8] nt!NtWriteFileGather
  278. [ 115]: [805027a4 --> 8059b2ca] nt!NtWriteRequestData
  279. [ 116]: [805027a8 --> 805a98c2] nt!NtWriteVirtualMemory
  280. [ 117]: [805027ac --> 805029f4] nt!NtYieldExecution
  281. [ 118]: [805027b0 --> 8060e466] nt!NtCreateKeyedEvent
  282. [ 119]: [805027b4 --> 8060e550] nt!NtOpenKeyedEvent
  283. [ 11a]: [805027b8 --> 8060e602] nt!NtReleaseKeyedEvent
  284. [ 11b]: [805027bc --> 8060e88e] nt!NtWaitForKeyedEvent
  285. [ 11c]: [805027c0 --> 805c16c4] nt!NtQueryPortInformationProcess

可见, KeServiceDescriptorTable的前四项是对KiServiceTable的描述【start_addr, start_index, end_addr, end_index】

  1. //
  2. // System Service Table Descriptor
  3. //
  4. typedef struct _KSERVICE_TABLE_DESCRIPTOR
  5. {
  6. PULONG_PTR Base;
  7. PULONG Count;
  8. ULONG Limit;
  9. #if defined(_IA64_)
  10. LONG TableBaseGpOffset;
  11. #endif
  12. PUCHAR Number;


  1. //
  2. // Exported System Service Descriptor Tables
  3. //


  1. //
  2. // Maximum System Descriptor Table Entries
  3. //
  4. #define SSDT_MAX_ENTRIES 2



  1. kd> dds nt!KeServiceDescriptorTable L8
  2. 80553580 80502354 nt!KiServiceTable
  3. 80553584 00000000
  4. 80553588 0000011c
  5. 8055358c 805027c8 nt!KiArgumentTable
  6. 80553590 00000000
  7. 80553594 00000000
  8. 80553598 00000000
  9. 8055359c 00000000
  10. kd> dds nt!KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow L8
  11. 80553540 80502354 nt!KiServiceTable
  12. 80553544 00000000
  13. 80553548 0000011c
  14. 8055354c 805027c8 nt!KiArgumentTable
  15. 80553550 bf999400 win32k!W32pServiceTable
  16. 80553554 00000000
  17. 80553558 0000029b
  18. 8055355c bf99a110 win32k!W32pArgumentTable

而真正的System Service Routine的列表在KiServiceTable和W32pServiceTable中。  

  1. [ 1]: [bf999400 --> bf9357a3] win32k!NtGdiAbortDoc
  2. [ 2]: [bf999404 --> bf947361] win32k!NtGdiAbortPath
  3. [ 3]: [bf999408 --> bf896625] win32k!NtGdiAddFontResourceW
  4. [ 4]: [bf99940c --> bf93ef25] win32k!NtGdiAddRemoteFontToDC
  5. [ 5]: [bf999410 --> bf948978] win32k!NtGdiAddFontMemResourceEx
  6. [ 6]: [bf999414 --> bf935a37] win32k!NtGdiRemoveMergeFont
  7. [ 7]: [bf999418 --> bf935adc] win32k!NtGdiAddRemoteMMInstanceToDC
  8. [ 8]: [bf99941c --> bf83b65f] win32k!NtGdiAlphaBlend
  9. [ 9]: [bf999420 --> bf94829f] win32k!NtGdiAngleArc
  10. [ a]: [bf999424 --> bf934242] win32k!NtGdiAnyLinkedFonts
  11. [ b]: [bf999428 --> bf948897] win32k!NtGdiFontIsLinked
  12. [ c]: [bf99942c --> bf90eea2] win32k!NtGdiArcInternal
  13. [ d]: [bf999430 --> bf900833] win32k!NtGdiBeginPath
  14. [ e]: [bf999434 --> bf80a178] win32k!NtGdiBitBlt
  15. [ f]: [bf999438 --> bf948769] win32k!NtGdiCancelDC
  16. [ 10]: [bf99943c --> bf949f65] win32k!NtGdiCheckBitmapBits
  17. [ 11]: [bf999440 --> bf8ff130] win32k!NtGdiCloseFigure
  18. [ 12]: [bf999444 --> bf89d4eb] win32k!NtGdiClearBitmapAttributes
  19. [ 13]: [bf999448 --> bf948847] win32k!NtGdiClearBrushAttributes
  20. [ 14]: [bf99944c --> bf94a098] win32k!NtGdiColorCorrectPalette
  21. [ 15]: [bf999450 --> bf8210bb] win32k!NtGdiCombineRgn
  22. [ 16]: [bf999454 --> bf8dcd15] win32k!NtGdiCombineTransform
  23. [ 17]: [bf999458 --> bf88374b] win32k!NtGdiComputeXformCoefficients
  24. [ 18]: [bf99945c --> bf87d210] win32k!NtGdiConsoleTextOut
  25. [ 19]: [bf999460 --> bf9100dd] win32k!NtGdiConvertMetafileRect
  26. [ 1a]: [bf999464 --> bf80e427] win32k!NtGdiCreateBitmap
  27. [ 1b]: [bf999468 --> bf8dc9bd] win32k!NtGdiCreateClientObj
  28. [ 1c]: [bf99946c --> bf949d5d] win32k!NtGdiCreateColorSpace
  29. [ 1d]: [bf999470 --> bf94ac5c] win32k!NtGdiCreateColorTransform
  30. [ 1e]: [bf999474 --> bf80fc96] win32k!NtGdiCreateCompatibleBitmap
  31. [ 1f]: [bf999478 --> bf80d0f2] win32k!NtGdiCreateCompatibleDC
  32. [ 20]: [bf99947c --> bf8d1699] win32k!NtGdiCreateDIBBrush
  33. [ 21]: [bf999480 --> bf838921] win32k!NtGdiCreateDIBitmapInternal
  34. [ 22]: [bf999484 --> bf82dac0] win32k!NtGdiCreateDIBSection
  35. [ 23]: [bf999488 --> bf9386bb] win32k!NtGdiCreateEllipticRgn
  36. [ 24]: [bf99948c --> bf84b5aa] win32k!NtGdiCreateHalftonePalette
  37. [ 25]: [bf999490 --> bf94bce8] win32k!NtGdiCreateHatchBrushInternal
  38. [ 26]: [bf999494 --> bf8e6517] win32k!NtGdiCreateMetafileDC
  39. [ 27]: [bf999498 --> bf88235e] win32k!NtGdiCreatePaletteInternal
  40. [ 28]: [bf99949c --> bf8687e1] win32k!NtGdiCreatePatternBrushInternal
  41. [ 29]: [bf9994a0 --> bf84f1ec] win32k!NtGdiCreatePen
  42. [ 2a]: [bf9994a4 --> bf8408ce] win32k!NtGdiCreateRectRgn
  43. [ 2b]: [bf9994a8 --> bf88cb87] win32k!NtGdiCreateRoundRectRgn
  44. [ 2c]: [bf9994ac --> bf90ffe2] win32k!NtGdiCreateServerMetaFile
  45. [ 2d]: [bf9994b0 --> bf81a08f] win32k!NtGdiCreateSolidBrush
  46. [ 2e]: [bf9994b4 --> bf9338ae] win32k!NtGdiD3dContextCreate
  47. [ 2f]: [bf9994b8 --> bf9338c1] win32k!NtGdiD3dContextDestroy
  48. [ 30]: [bf9994bc --> bf9338d4] win32k!NtGdiD3dContextDestroyAll
  49. [ 31]: [bf9994c0 --> bf9338e7] win32k!NtGdiD3dValidateTextureStageState
  50. [ 32]: [bf9994c4 --> bf9338fa] win32k!NtGdiD3dDrawPrimitives2
  51. [ 33]: [bf9994c8 --> bf93390d] win32k!NtGdiDdGetDriverState
  52. [ 34]: [bf9994cc --> bf933783] win32k!NtGdiDdAddAttachedSurface
  53. [ 35]: [bf9994d0 --> bf9339cd] win32k!NtGdiDdAlphaBlt
  54. [ 36]: [bf9994d4 --> bf907cf2] win32k!NtGdiDdAttachSurface
  55. [ 37]: [bf9994d8 --> bf933978] win32k!NtGdiDdBeginMoCompFrame
  56. [ 38]: [bf9994dc --> bf907d05] win32k!NtGdiDdBlt
  57. [ 39]: [bf9994e0 --> bf907adf] win32k!NtGdiDdCanCreateSurface
  58. [ 3a]: [bf9994e4 --> bf933885] win32k!NtGdiDdCanCreateD3DBuffer
  59. [ 3b]: [bf9994e8 --> bf933796] win32k!NtGdiDdColorControl
  60. [ 3c]: [bf9994ec --> bf8edd93] win32k!NtGdiDdCreateDirectDrawObject
  61. [ 3d]: [bf9994f0 --> bf8edda6] win32k!NtGdiDdCreateSurface
  62. [ 3e]: [bf9994f4 --> bf93386f] win32k!NtGdiDdCreateD3DBuffer
  63. [ 3f]: [bf9994f8 --> bf907b1e] win32k!NtGdiDdCreateMoComp
  64. [ 40]: [bf9994fc --> bf90815d] win32k!NtGdiDdCreateSurfaceObject
  65. [ 41]: [bf999500 --> bf8edfef] win32k!NtGdiDdDeleteDirectDrawObject
  66. [ 42]: [bf999504 --> bf907cc6] win32k!NtGdiDdDeleteSurfaceObject
  67. [ 43]: [bf999508 --> bf907af2] win32k!NtGdiDdDestroyMoComp
  68. [ 44]: [bf99950c --> bf8edfd9] win32k!NtGdiDdDestroySurface
  69. [ 45]: [bf999510 --> bf933898] win32k!NtGdiDdDestroyD3DBuffer
  70. [ 46]: [bf999514 --> bf93398b] win32k!NtGdiDdEndMoCompFrame
  71. [ 47]: [bf999518 --> bf908203] win32k!NtGdiDdFlip
  72. [ 48]: [bf99951c --> bf90890e] win32k!NtGdiDdFlipToGDISurface
  73. [ 49]: [bf999520 --> bf907cdc] win32k!NtGdiDdGetAvailDriverMemory
  74. [ 4a]: [bf999524 --> bf9337a9] win32k!NtGdiDdGetBltStatus
  75. [ 4b]: [bf999528 --> bf907a4a] win32k!NtGdiDdGetDC
  76. [ 4c]: [bf99952c --> bf907a89] win32k!NtGdiDdGetDriverInfo
  77. [ 4d]: [bf999530 --> bf933817] win32k!NtGdiDdGetDxHandle
  78. [ 4e]: [bf999534 --> bf9337bf] win32k!NtGdiDdGetFlipStatus
  79. [ 4f]: [bf999538 --> bf933962] win32k!NtGdiDdGetInternalMoCompInfo
  80. [ 50]: [bf99953c --> bf93394c] win32k!NtGdiDdGetMoCompBuffInfo
  81. [ 51]: [bf999540 --> bf907b08] win32k!NtGdiDdGetMoCompGuids
  82. [ 52]: [bf999544 --> bf933936] win32k!NtGdiDdGetMoCompFormats
  83. [ 53]: [bf999548 --> bf908a14] win32k!NtGdiDdGetScanLine
  84. [ 54]: [bf99954c --> bf8e42af] win32k!NtGdiDdLock
  85. [ 55]: [bf999550 --> bf933843] win32k!NtGdiDdLockD3D
  86. [ 56]: [bf999554 --> bf8edd32] win32k!NtGdiDdQueryDirectDrawObject
  87. [ 57]: [bf999558 --> bf9339b7] win32k!NtGdiDdQueryMoCompStatus
  88. [ 58]: [bf99955c --> bf8edd6d] win32k!NtGdiDdReenableDirectDrawObject
  89. [ 59]: [bf999560 --> bf907bbe] win32k!NtGdiDdReleaseDC
  90. [ 5a]: [bf999564 --> bf9339a1] win32k!NtGdiDdRenderMoComp
  91. [ 5b]: [bf999568 --> bf8e40f5] win32k!NtGdiDdResetVisrgn
  92. [ 5c]: [bf99956c --> bf908219] win32k!NtGdiDdSetColorKey
  93. [ 5d]: [bf999570 --> bf9337d5] win32k!NtGdiDdSetExclusiveMode
  94. [ 5e]: [bf999574 --> bf93382d] win32k!NtGdiDdSetGammaRamp
  95. [ 5f]: [bf999578 --> bf933920] win32k!NtGdiDdCreateSurfaceEx
  96. [ 60]: [bf99957c --> bf9337eb] win32k!NtGdiDdSetOverlayPosition
  97. [ 61]: [bf999580 --> bf907d92] win32k!NtGdiDdUnattachSurface
  98. [ 62]: [bf999584 --> bf8e40a5] win32k!NtGdiDdUnlock
  99. [ 63]: [bf999588 --> bf933859] win32k!NtGdiDdUnlockD3D
  100. [ 64]: [bf99958c --> bf9081ed] win32k!NtGdiDdUpdateOverlay
  101. [ 65]: [bf999590 --> bf933801] win32k!NtGdiDdWaitForVerticalBlank
  102. [ 66]: [bf999594 --> bf9339e0] win32k!NtGdiDvpCanCreateVideoPort
  103. [ 67]: [bf999598 --> bf9339f6] win32k!NtGdiDvpColorControl
  104. [ 68]: [bf99959c --> bf933a0c] win32k!NtGdiDvpCreateVideoPort
  105. [ 69]: [bf9995a0 --> bf933a22] win32k!NtGdiDvpDestroyVideoPort
  106. [ 6a]: [bf9995a4 --> bf933a38] win32k!NtGdiDvpFlipVideoPort
  107. [ 6b]: [bf9995a8 --> bf933a4e] win32k!NtGdiDvpGetVideoPortBandwidth
  108. [ 6c]: [bf9995ac --> bf933a64] win32k!NtGdiDvpGetVideoPortField
  109. [ 6d]: [bf9995b0 --> bf933a7a] win32k!NtGdiDvpGetVideoPortFlipStatus
  110. [ 6e]: [bf9995b4 --> bf933a90] win32k!NtGdiDvpGetVideoPortInputFormats
  111. [ 6f]: [bf9995b8 --> bf933aa6] win32k!NtGdiDvpGetVideoPortLine
  112. [ 70]: [bf9995bc --> bf933abc] win32k!NtGdiDvpGetVideoPortOutputFormats
  113. [ 71]: [bf9995c0 --> bf933ad2] win32k!NtGdiDvpGetVideoPortConnectInfo
  114. [ 72]: [bf9995c4 --> bf933ae8] win32k!NtGdiDvpGetVideoSignalStatus
  115. [ 73]: [bf9995c8 --> bf933afe] win32k!NtGdiDvpUpdateVideoPort
  116. [ 74]: [bf9995cc --> bf933b14] win32k!NtGdiDvpWaitForVideoPortSync
  117. [ 75]: [bf9995d0 --> bf933b2a] win32k!NtGdiDvpAcquireNotification
  118. [ 76]: [bf9995d4 --> bf933b40] win32k!NtGdiDvpReleaseNotification
  119. [ 77]: [bf9995d8 --> bf933770] win32k!NtGdiDxgGenericThunk
  120. [ 78]: [bf9995dc --> bf8dcadf] win32k!NtGdiDeleteClientObj
  121. [ 79]: [bf9995e0 --> bf949d50] win32k!NtGdiDeleteColorSpace
  122. [ 7a]: [bf9995e4 --> bf94af18] win32k!NtGdiDeleteColorTransform
  123. [ 7b]: [bf9995e8 --> bf80fb23] win32k!NtGdiDeleteObjectApp
  124. [ 7c]: [bf9995ec --> bf94944e] win32k!NtGdiDescribePixelFormat
  125. [ 7d]: [bf9995f0 --> bf8faebb] win32k!NtGdiGetPerBandInfo
  126. [ 7e]: [bf9995f4 --> bf8fc502] win32k!NtGdiDoBanding
  127. [ 7f]: [bf9995f8 --> bf843898] win32k!NtGdiDoPalette
  128. [ 80]: [bf9995fc --> bf9482e9] win32k!NtGdiDrawEscape
  129. [ 81]: [bf999600 --> bf8d41b0] win32k!NtGdiEllipse
  130. [ 82]: [bf999604 --> bf89bbe3] win32k!NtGdiEnableEudc
  131. [ 83]: [bf999608 --> bf8fbe4b] win32k!NtGdiEndDoc
  132. [ 84]: [bf99960c --> bf9052ee] win32k!NtGdiEndPage
  133. [ 85]: [bf999610 --> bf9008d3] win32k!NtGdiEndPath
  134. [ 86]: [bf999614 --> bf88768a] win32k!NtGdiEnumFontChunk
  135. [ 87]: [bf999618 --> bf887609] win32k!NtGdiEnumFontClose
  136. [ 88]: [bf99961c --> bf886c98] win32k!NtGdiEnumFontOpen
  137. [ 89]: [bf999620 --> bf8d19a1] win32k!NtGdiEnumObjects
  138. [ 8a]: [bf999624 --> bf9387b6] win32k!NtGdiEqualRgn
  139. [ 8b]: [bf999628 --> bf94f4f3] win32k!NtGdiEudcLoadUnloadLink
  140. [ 8c]: [bf99962c --> bf82d2c1] win32k!NtGdiExcludeClipRect
  141. [ 8d]: [bf999630 --> bf8c9d87] win32k!NtGdiExtCreatePen
  142. [ 8e]: [bf999634 --> bf840c15] win32k!NtGdiExtCreateRegion
  143. [ 8f]: [bf999638 --> bf8bfb6c] win32k!NtGdiExtEscape
  144. [ 90]: [bf99963c --> bf950311] win32k!NtGdiExtFloodFill
  145. [ 91]: [bf999640 --> bf82c1c7] win32k!NtGdiExtGetObjectW
  146. [ 92]: [bf999644 --> bf80f2e7] win32k!NtGdiExtSelectClipRgn
  147. [ 93]: [bf999648 --> bf82928c] win32k!NtGdiExtTextOutW
  148. [ 94]: [bf99964c --> bf947486] win32k!NtGdiFillPath
  149. [ 95]: [bf999650 --> bf875583] win32k!NtGdiFillRgn
  150. [ 96]: [bf999654 --> bf9473eb] win32k!NtGdiFlattenPath
  151. [ 97]: [bf999658 --> bf80c24f] win32k!NtGdiFlushUserBatch
  152. [ 98]: [bf99965c --> bf807a02] win32k!NtGdiFlush
  153. [ 99]: [bf999660 --> bf94932e] win32k!NtGdiForceUFIMapping
  154. [ 9a]: [bf999664 --> bf88cdf9] win32k!NtGdiFrameRgn
  155. [ 9b]: [bf999668 --> bf93b48f] win32k!NtGdiFullscreenControl
  156. [ 9c]: [bf99966c --> bf8c9058] win32k!NtGdiGetAndSetDCDword
  157. [ 9d]: [bf999670 --> bf816afe] win32k!NtGdiGetAppClipBox
  158. [ 9e]: [bf999674 --> bf875a76] win32k!NtGdiGetBitmapBits
  159. [ 9f]: [bf999678 --> bf949250] win32k!NtGdiGetBitmapDimension
  160. [ a0]: [bf99967c --> bf8bd5dd] win32k!NtGdiGetBoundsRect
  161. [ a1]: [bf999680 --> bf8f91ba] win32k!NtGdiGetCharABCWidthsW
  162. [ a2]: [bf999684 --> bf9479f4] win32k!NtGdiGetCharacterPlacementW
  163. [ a3]: [bf999688 --> bf80f8b3] win32k!NtGdiGetCharSet
  164. [ a4]: [bf99968c --> bf8eb49e] win32k!NtGdiGetCharWidthW
  165. [ a5]: [bf999690 --> bf882e1c] win32k!NtGdiGetCharWidthInfo
  166. [ a6]: [bf999694 --> bf94860b] win32k!NtGdiGetColorAdjustment
  167. [ a7]: [bf999698 --> bf950bc6] win32k!NtGdiGetColorSpaceforBitmap
  168. [ a8]: [bf99969c --> bf82c494] win32k!NtGdiGetDCDword
  169. [ a9]: [bf9996a0 --> bf836294] win32k!NtGdiGetDCforBitmap
  170. [ aa]: [bf9996a4 --> bf82c321] win32k!NtGdiGetDCObject
  171. [ ab]: [bf9996a8 --> bf8c5409] win32k!NtGdiGetDCPoint
  172. [ ac]: [bf9996ac --> bf948807] win32k!NtGdiGetDeviceCaps
  173. [ ad]: [bf9996b0 --> bf94a2ef] win32k!NtGdiGetDeviceGammaRamp
  174. [ ae]: [bf9996b4 --> bf8fa227] win32k!NtGdiGetDeviceCapsAll
  175. [ af]: [bf9996b8 --> bf84567d] win32k!NtGdiGetDIBitsInternal
  176. [ b0]: [bf9996bc --> bf951b29] win32k!NtGdiGetETM
  177. [ b1]: [bf9996c0 --> bf94cf95] win32k!NtGdiGetEudcTimeStampEx
  178. [ b2]: [bf9996c4 --> bf8ecc8c] win32k!NtGdiGetFontData
  179. [ b3]: [bf9996c8 --> bf948aa6] win32k!NtGdiGetFontResourceInfoInternalW
  180. [ b4]: [bf9996cc --> bf949731] win32k!NtGdiGetGlyphIndicesW
  181. [ b5]: [bf9996d0 --> bf9495d4] win32k!NtGdiGetGlyphIndicesWInternal
  182. [ b6]: [bf9996d4 --> bf9483fc] win32k!NtGdiGetGlyphOutline
  183. [ b7]: [bf9996d8 --> bf948501] win32k!NtGdiGetKerningPairs
  184. [ b8]: [bf9996dc --> bf9357bb] win32k!NtGdiGetLinkedUFIs
  185. [ b9]: [bf9996e0 --> bf8e657f] win32k!NtGdiGetMiterLimit
  186. [ ba]: [bf9996e4 --> bf93e3b6] win32k!NtGdiGetMonitorID
  187. [ bb]: [bf9996e8 --> bf82d417] win32k!NtGdiGetNearestColor
  188. [ bc]: [bf9996ec --> bf94bd6e] win32k!NtGdiGetNearestPaletteIndex
  189. [ bd]: [bf9996f0 --> bf948592] win32k!NtGdiGetObjectBitmapHandle
  190. [ be]: [bf9996f4 --> bf8eab87] win32k!NtGdiGetOutlineTextMetricsInternalW
  191. [ bf]: [bf9996f8 --> bf947853] win32k!NtGdiGetPath
  192. [ c0]: [bf9996fc --> bf84666d] win32k!NtGdiGetPixel
  193. [ c1]: [bf999700 --> bf80f2f7] win32k!NtGdiGetRandomRgn
  194. [ c2]: [bf999704 --> bf8ed7ca] win32k!NtGdiGetRasterizerCaps
  195. [ c3]: [bf999708 --> bf9497dc] win32k!NtGdiGetRealizationInfo
  196. [ c4]: [bf99970c --> bf87f1b4] win32k!NtGdiGetRegionData
  197. [ c5]: [bf999710 --> bf8c5353] win32k!NtGdiGetRgnBox
  198. [ c6]: [bf999714 --> bf91023c] win32k!NtGdiGetServerMetaFileBits
  199. [ c7]: [bf999718 --> bf890c97] win32k!NtGdiGetSpoolMessage
  200. [ c8]: [bf99971c --> bf951ca6] win32k!NtGdiGetStats
  201. [ c9]: [bf999720 --> bf81fa30] win32k!NtGdiGetStockObject
  202. [ ca]: [bf999724 --> bf94eb87] win32k!NtGdiGetStringBitmapW
  203. [ cb]: [bf999728 --> bf8f4c41] win32k!NtGdiGetSystemPaletteUse
  204. [ cc]: [bf99972c --> bf837d45] win32k!NtGdiGetTextCharsetInfo
  205. [ cd]: [bf999730 --> bf84ab72] win32k!NtGdiGetTextExtent
  206. [ ce]: [bf999734 --> bf8d1207] win32k!NtGdiGetTextExtentExW
  207. [ cf]: [bf999738 --> bf839de4] win32k!NtGdiGetTextFaceW
  208. [ d0]: [bf99973c --> bf837ba3] win32k!NtGdiGetTextMetricsW
  209. [ d1]: [bf999740 --> bf8bc64f] win32k!NtGdiGetTransform
  210. [ d2]: [bf999744 --> bf948ced] win32k!NtGdiGetUFI
  211. [ d3]: [bf999748 --> bf948db6] win32k!NtGdiGetEmbUFI
  212. [ d4]: [bf99974c --> bf948e96] win32k!NtGdiGetUFIPathname
  213. [ d5]: [bf999750 --> bf948c6e] win32k!NtGdiGetEmbedFonts
  214. [ d6]: [bf999754 --> bf948c78] win32k!NtGdiChangeGhostFont
  215. [ d7]: [bf999758 --> bf934aed] win32k!NtGdiAddEmbFontToDC
  216. [ d8]: [bf99975c --> bf949755] win32k!NtGdiGetFontUnicodeRanges
  217. [ d9]: [bf999760 --> bf838ff4] win32k!NtGdiGetWidthTable
  218. [ da]: [bf999764 --> bf88e033] win32k!NtGdiGradientFill
  219. [ db]: [bf999768 --> bf837891] win32k!NtGdiHfontCreate
  220. [ dc]: [bf99976c --> bf94a8d3] win32k!NtGdiIcmBrushInfo
  221. [ dd]: [bf999770 --> bf87c3bc] win32k!NtGdiInit
  222. [ de]: [bf999774 --> bf89dc09] win32k!NtGdiInitSpool
  223. [ df]: [bf999778 --> bf816627] win32k!NtGdiIntersectClipRect
  224. [ e0]: [bf99977c --> bf8f8704] win32k!NtGdiInvertRgn
  225. [ e1]: [bf999780 --> bf8c6c65] win32k!NtGdiLineTo
  226. [ e2]: [bf999784 --> bf9494c8] win32k!NtGdiMakeFontDir
  227. [ e3]: [bf999788 --> bf950bff] win32k!NtGdiMakeInfoDC
  228. [ e4]: [bf99978c --> bf8386f2] win32k!NtGdiMaskBlt
  229. [ e5]: [bf999790 --> bf8bc42c] win32k!NtGdiModifyWorldTransform
  230. [ e6]: [bf999794 --> bf8e6752] win32k!NtGdiMonoBitmap
  231. [ e7]: [bf999798 --> bf948799] win32k!NtGdiMoveTo
  232. [ e8]: [bf99979c --> bf8fc39d] win32k!NtGdiOffsetClipRgn
  233. [ e9]: [bf9997a0 --> bf8367a8] win32k!NtGdiOffsetRgn
  234. [ ea]: [bf9997a4 --> bf838c10] win32k!NtGdiOpenDCW
  235. [ eb]: [bf9997a8 --> bf8c49c1] win32k!NtGdiPatBlt
  236. [ ec]: [bf9997ac --> bf82f42b] win32k!NtGdiPolyPatBlt
  237. [ ed]: [bf9997b0 --> bf947560] win32k!NtGdiPathToRegion
  238. [ ee]: [bf9997b4 --> bf94312d] win32k!NtGdiPlgBlt
  239. [ ef]: [bf9997b8 --> bf947e87] win32k!NtGdiPolyDraw
  240. [ f0]: [bf9997bc --> bf84ea6e] win32k!NtGdiPolyPolyDraw
  241. [ f1]: [bf9997c0 --> bf947f84] win32k!NtGdiPolyTextOutW
  242. [ f2]: [bf9997c4 --> bf948887] win32k!NtGdiPtInRegion
  243. [ f3]: [bf9997c8 --> bf938958] win32k!NtGdiPtVisible
  244. [ f4]: [bf9997cc --> bf9488a7] win32k!NtGdiQueryFonts
  245. [ f5]: [bf9997d0 --> bf87c8cd] win32k!NtGdiQueryFontAssocInfo
  246. [ f6]: [bf9997d4 --> bf8e3601] win32k!NtGdiRectangle
  247. [ f7]: [bf9997d8 --> bf8ee042] win32k!NtGdiRectInRegion
  248. [ f8]: [bf9997dc --> bf8351f2] win32k!NtGdiRectVisible
  249. [ f9]: [bf9997e0 --> bf8d0ae2] win32k!NtGdiRemoveFontResourceW
  250. [ fa]: [bf9997e4 --> bf948a8a] win32k!NtGdiRemoveFontMemResourceEx
  251. [ fb]: [bf9997e8 --> bf8e3060] win32k!NtGdiResetDC
  252. [ fc]: [bf9997ec --> bf94bfe2] win32k!NtGdiResizePalette
  253. [ fd]: [bf9997f0 --> bf82e80f] win32k!NtGdiRestoreDC
  254. [ fe]: [bf9997f4 --> bf90e07e] win32k!NtGdiRoundRect
  255. [ ff]: [bf9997f8 --> bf82e81f] win32k!NtGdiSaveDC
  256. [ 100]: [bf9997fc --> bf94131f] win32k!NtGdiScaleViewportExtEx
  257. [ 101]: [bf999800 --> bf9491dc] win32k!NtGdiScaleWindowExtEx
  258. [ 102]: [bf999804 --> bf808d86] win32k!GreSelectBitmap
  259. [ 103]: [bf999808 --> bf948779] win32k!NtGdiSelectBrush
  260. [ 104]: [bf99980c --> bf9009ce] win32k!NtGdiSelectClipPath
  261. [ 105]: [bf999810 --> bf8210cb] win32k!NtGdiSelectFont
  262. [ 106]: [bf999814 --> bf948789] win32k!NtGdiSelectPen
  263. [ 107]: [bf999818 --> bf89d5f2] win32k!NtGdiSetBitmapAttributes
  264. [ 108]: [bf99981c --> bf8c4309] win32k!NtGdiSetBitmapBits
  265. [ 109]: [bf999820 --> bf9492ba] win32k!NtGdiSetBitmapDimension
  266. [ 10a]: [bf999824 --> bf8bd9e4] win32k!NtGdiSetBoundsRect
  267. [ 10b]: [bf999828 --> bf948827] win32k!NtGdiSetBrushAttributes
  268. [ 10c]: [bf99982c --> bf8c43a7] win32k!NtGdiSetBrushOrg
  269. [ 10d]: [bf999830 --> bf94866c] win32k!NtGdiSetColorAdjustment
  270. [ 10e]: [bf999834 --> bf949e12] win32k!NtGdiSetColorSpace
  271. [ 10f]: [bf999838 --> bf94a62b] win32k!NtGdiSetDeviceGammaRamp
  272. [ 110]: [bf99983c --> bf82bbeb] win32k!NtGdiSetDIBitsToDeviceInternal
  273. [ 111]: [bf999840 --> bf8b82ba] win32k!NtGdiSetFontEnumeration
  274. [ 112]: [bf999844 --> bf8dce95] win32k!NtGdiSetFontXform
  275. [ 113]: [bf999848 --> bf8c65a8] win32k!NtGdiSetIcmMode
  276. [ 114]: [bf99984c --> bf8fabb9] win32k!NtGdiSetLinkedUFIs
  277. [ 115]: [bf999850 --> bf94c26c] win32k!NtGdiSetMagicColors
  278. [ 116]: [bf999854 --> bf8dcc14] win32k!NtGdiSetMetaRgn
  279. [ 117]: [bf999858 --> bf8dcc36] win32k!NtGdiSetMiterLimit
  280. [ 118]: [bf99985c --> bf9491cc] win32k!NtGdiGetDeviceWidth
  281. [ 119]: [bf999860 --> bf9491bc] win32k!NtGdiMirrorWindowOrg
  282. [ 11a]: [bf999864 --> bf82d1c9] win32k!NtGdiSetLayout
  283. [ 11b]: [bf999868 --> bf8468af] win32k!NtGdiSetPixel
  284. [ 11c]: [bf99986c --> bf952970] win32k!NtGdiSetPixelFormat
  285. [ 11d]: [bf999870 --> bf948877] win32k!NtGdiSetRectRgn
  286. [ 11e]: [bf999874 --> bf948817] win32k!NtGdiSetSystemPaletteUse
  287. [ 11f]: [bf999878 --> bf951f36] win32k!NtGdiSetTextJustification
  288. [ 120]: [bf99987c --> bf8992a6] win32k!NtGdiSetupPublicCFONT
  289. [ 121]: [bf999880 --> bf8dca38] win32k!NtGdiSetVirtualResolution
  290. [ 122]: [bf999884 --> bf8dcf06] win32k!NtGdiSetSizeDevice
  291. [ 123]: [bf999888 --> bf9041c6] win32k!NtGdiStartDoc
  292. [ 124]: [bf99988c --> bf90513f] win32k!NtGdiStartPage
  293. [ 125]: [bf999890 --> bf881872] win32k!NtGdiStretchBlt
  294. [ 126]: [bf999894 --> bf848dfd] win32k!NtGdiStretchDIBitsInternal
  295. [ 127]: [bf999898 --> bf8ff549] win32k!NtGdiStrokeAndFillPath
  296. [ 128]: [bf99989c --> bf947767] win32k!NtGdiStrokePath
  297. [ 129]: [bf9998a0 --> bf952b18] win32k!NtGdiSwapBuffers
  298. [ 12a]: [bf9998a4 --> bf8c4b54] win32k!NtGdiTransformPoints
  299. [ 12b]: [bf9998a8 --> bf8bbdaf] win32k!NtGdiTransparentBlt
  300. [ 12c]: [bf9998ac --> bf94939f] win32k!NtGdiUnloadPrinterDriver
  301. [ 12d]: [bf9998b0 --> bf952dd6] win32k!NtGdiUnmapMemFont
  302. [ 12e]: [bf9998b4 --> bf948867] win32k!NtGdiUnrealizeObject
  303. [ 12f]: [bf9998b8 --> bf94c27c] win32k!NtGdiUpdateColors
  304. [ 130]: [bf9998bc --> bf947648] win32k!NtGdiWidenPath
  305. [ 131]: [bf9998c0 --> bf8855d0] win32k!NtUserActivateKeyboardLayout
  306. [ 132]: [bf9998c4 --> bf88b0ee] win32k!NtUserAlterWindowStyle
  307. [ 133]: [bf9998c8 --> bf9143f8] win32k!NtUserAssociateInputContext
  308. [ 134]: [bf9998cc --> bf8f519c] win32k!NtUserAttachThreadInput
  309. [ 135]: [bf9998d0 --> bf815a6d] win32k!NtUserBeginPaint
  310. [ 136]: [bf9998d4 --> bf8f4c67] win32k!NtUserBitBltSysBmp
  311. [ 137]: [bf9998d8 --> bf912d94] win32k!NtUserBlockInput
  312. [ 138]: [bf9998dc --> bf91452f] win32k!NtUserBuildHimcList
  313. [ 139]: [bf9998e0 --> bf8360b3] win32k!NtUserBuildHwndList
  314. [ 13a]: [bf9998e4 --> bf86b9f4] win32k!NtUserBuildNameList
  315. [ 13b]: [bf9998e8 --> bf912b57] win32k!NtUserBuildPropList
  316. [ 13c]: [bf9998ec --> bf8c208c] win32k!NtUserCallHwnd
  317. [ 13d]: [bf9998f0 --> bf8366ef] win32k!NtUserCallHwndLock
  318. [ 13e]: [bf9998f4 --> bf89ac2c] win32k!NtUserCallHwndOpt
  319. [ 13f]: [bf9998f8 --> bf8368e2] win32k!NtUserCallHwndParam
  320. [ 140]: [bf9998fc --> bf828813] win32k!NtUserCallHwndParamLock
  321. [ 141]: [bf999900 --> bf8f4b76] win32k!NtUserCallMsgFilter
  322. [ 142]: [bf999904 --> bf8f655f] win32k!NtUserCallNextHookEx
  323. [ 143]: [bf999908 --> bf8010df] win32k!NtUserCallNoParam
  324. [ 144]: [bf99990c --> bf801097] win32k!NtUserCallOneParam
  325. [ 145]: [bf999910 --> bf8368a2] win32k!NtUserCallTwoParam
  326. [ 146]: [bf999914 --> bf8f974d] win32k!NtUserChangeClipboardChain
  327. [ 147]: [bf999918 --> bf8b689c] win32k!NtUserChangeDisplaySettings
  328. [ 148]: [bf99991c --> bf86c501] win32k!NtUserCheckImeHotKey
  329. [ 149]: [bf999920 --> bf8cca4b] win32k!NtUserCheckMenuItem
  330. [ 14a]: [bf999924 --> bf8940b7] win32k!NtUserChildWindowFromPointEx
  331. [ 14b]: [bf999928 --> bf8fa9d9] win32k!NtUserClipCursor
  332. [ 14c]: [bf99992c --> bf8f8609] win32k!NtUserCloseClipboard
  333. [ 14d]: [bf999930 --> bf86b6cf] win32k!NtUserCloseDesktop
  334. [ 14e]: [bf999934 --> bf86b791] win32k!NtUserCloseWindowStation
  335. [ 14f]: [bf999938 --> bf87bdf0] win32k!NtUserConsoleControl
  336. [ 150]: [bf99993c --> bf8ea9b4] win32k!NtUserConvertMemHandle
  337. [ 151]: [bf999940 --> bf90d6b7] win32k!NtUserCopyAcceleratorTable
  338. [ 152]: [bf999944 --> bf8f4c1b] win32k!NtUserCountClipboardFormats
  339. [ 153]: [bf999948 --> bf84b4cf] win32k!NtUserCreateAcceleratorTable
  340. [ 154]: [bf99994c --> bf8733b4] win32k!NtUserCreateCaret
  341. [ 155]: [bf999950 --> bf89d1d8] win32k!NtUserCreateDesktop
  342. [ 156]: [bf999954 --> bf91435e] win32k!NtUserCreateInputContext
  343. [ 157]: [bf999958 --> bf8f9aa8] win32k!NtUserCreateLocalMemHandle
  344. [ 158]: [bf99995c --> bf834af6] win32k!NtUserCreateWindowEx
  345. [ 159]: [bf999960 --> bf89d949] win32k!NtUserCreateWindowStation
  346. [ 15a]: [bf999964 --> bf911be1] win32k!NtUserDdeGetQualityOfService
  347. [ 15b]: [bf999968 --> bf89b8dd] win32k!NtUserDdeInitialize
  348. [ 15c]: [bf99996c --> bf911b11] win32k!NtUserDdeSetQualityOfService
  349. [ 15d]: [bf999970 --> bf86c82e] win32k!NtUserDeferWindowPos
  350. [ 15e]: [bf999974 --> bf86cbf4] win32k!NtUserDefSetText
  351. [ 15f]: [bf999978 --> bf8737e0] win32k!NtUserDeleteMenu
  352. [ 160]: [bf99997c --> bf8fa978] win32k!NtUserDestroyAcceleratorTable
  353. [ 161]: [bf999980 --> bf835e37] win32k!NtUserDestroyCursor
  354. [ 162]: [bf999984 --> bf9143ae] win32k!NtUserDestroyInputContext
  355. [ 163]: [bf999988 --> bf845a1f] win32k!NtUserDestroyMenu
  356. [ 164]: [bf99998c --> bf866c76] win32k!NtUserDestroyWindow
  357. [ 165]: [bf999990 --> bf914b66] win32k!NtUserDisableThreadIme
  358. [ 166]: [bf999994 --> bf80ed89] win32k!NtUserDispatchMessage
  359. [ 167]: [bf999998 --> bf912c52] win32k!NtUserDragDetect
  360. [ 168]: [bf99999c --> bf9110d5] win32k!NtUserDragObject
  361. [ 169]: [bf9999a0 --> bf911db1] win32k!NtUserDrawAnimatedRects
  362. [ 16a]: [bf9999a4 --> bf911e74] win32k!NtUserDrawCaption
  363. [ 16b]: [bf9999a8 --> bf90b537] win32k!NtUserDrawCaptionTemp
  364. [ 16c]: [bf9999ac --> bf83c221] win32k!NtUserDrawIconEx
  365. [ 16d]: [bf9999b0 --> bf912e1f] win32k!NtUserDrawMenuBarTemp
  366. [ 16e]: [bf9999b4 --> bf8ea639] win32k!NtUserEmptyClipboard
  367. [ 16f]: [bf9999b8 --> bf8c550e] win32k!NtUserEnableMenuItem
  368. [ 170]: [bf9999bc --> bf911a8c] win32k!NtUserEnableScrollBar
  369. [ 171]: [bf9999c0 --> bf82cdb7] win32k!NtUserEndDeferWindowPosEx
  370. [ 172]: [bf9999c4 --> bf911f1d] win32k!NtUserEndMenu
  371. [ 173]: [bf9999c8 --> bf815724] win32k!NtUserEndPaint
  372. [ 174]: [bf9999cc --> bf880b0c] win32k!NtUserEnumDisplayDevices
  373. [ 175]: [bf9999d0 --> bf835801] win32k!NtUserEnumDisplayMonitors
  374. [ 176]: [bf9999d4 --> bf8c0e17] win32k!NtUserEnumDisplaySettings
  375. [ 177]: [bf9999d8 --> bf911362] win32k!NtUserEvent
  376. [ 178]: [bf9999dc --> bf8f890a] win32k!NtUserExcludeUpdateRgn
  377. [ 179]: [bf9999e0 --> bf8f4aad] win32k!NtUserFillWindow
  378. [ 17a]: [bf9999e4 --> bf81b77e] win32k!NtUserFindExistingCursorIcon
  379. [ 17b]: [bf9999e8 --> bf869562] win32k!NtUserFindWindowEx
  380. [ 17c]: [bf9999ec --> bf914f55] win32k!NtUserFlashWindowEx
  381. [ 17d]: [bf9999f0 --> bf8e885b] win32k!NtUserGetAltTabInfo
  382. [ 17e]: [bf9999f4 --> bf82c9c9] win32k!NtUserGetAncestor
  383. [ 17f]: [bf9999f8 --> bf914903] win32k!NtUserGetAppImeLevel
  384. [ 180]: [bf9999fc --> bf87146d] win32k!NtUserGetAsyncKeyState
  385. [ 181]: [bf999a00 --> bf834cd2] win32k!NtUserGetAtomName
  386. [ 182]: [bf999a04 --> bf842297] win32k!NtUserGetCaretBlinkTime
  387. [ 183]: [bf999a08 --> bf8c50b2] win32k!NtUserGetCaretPos
  388. [ 184]: [bf999a0c --> bf843559] win32k!NtUserGetClassInfo
  389. [ 185]: [bf999a10 --> bf82c6fa] win32k!NtUserGetClassName
  390. [ 186]: [bf999a14 --> bf8f98e3] win32k!NtUserGetClipboardData
  391. [ 187]: [bf999a18 --> bf8ee107] win32k!NtUserGetClipboardFormatName
  392. [ 188]: [bf999a1c --> bf8ea72f] win32k!NtUserGetClipboardOwner
  393. [ 189]: [bf999a20 --> bf8c4e6b] win32k!NtUserGetClipboardSequenceNumber
  394. [ 18a]: [bf999a24 --> bf911f63] win32k!NtUserGetClipboardViewer
  395. [ 18b]: [bf999a28 --> bf9119f4] win32k!NtUserGetClipCursor
  396. [ 18c]: [bf999a2c --> bf91162a] win32k!NtUserGetComboBoxInfo
  397. [ 18d]: [bf999a30 --> bf882d33] win32k!NtUserGetControlBrush
  398. [ 18e]: [bf999a34 --> bf9075cb] win32k!NtUserGetControlColor
  399. [ 18f]: [bf999a38 --> bf821662] win32k!NtUserGetCPD
  400. [ 190]: [bf999a3c --> bf882fd2] win32k!NtUserGetCursorFrameInfo
  401. [ 191]: [bf999a40 --> bf911747] win32k!NtUserGetCursorInfo
  402. [ 192]: [bf999a44 --> bf804547] win32k!NtUserGetDC
  403. [ 193]: [bf999a48 --> bf83a237] win32k!NtUserGetDCEx
  404. [ 194]: [bf999a4c --> bf83b202] win32k!NtUserGetDoubleClickTime
  405. [ 195]: [bf999a50 --> bf820d48] win32k!NtUserGetForegroundWindow
  406. [ 196]: [bf999a54 --> bf91119e] win32k!NtUserGetGuiResources
  407. [ 197]: [bf999a58 --> bf869f06] win32k!NtUserGetGUIThreadInfo
  408. [ 198]: [bf999a5c --> bf842cc5] win32k!NtUserGetIconInfo
  409. [ 199]: [bf999a60 --> bf842e15] win32k!NtUserGetIconSize
  410. [ 19a]: [bf999a64 --> bf9147c1] win32k!NtUserGetImeHotKey
  411. [ 19b]: [bf999a68 --> bf914631] win32k!NtUserGetImeInfoEx
  412. [ 19c]: [bf999a6c --> bf9113f3] win32k!NtUserGetInternalWindowPos
  413. [ 19d]: [bf999a70 --> bf835528] win32k!NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutList
  414. [ 19e]: [bf999a74 --> bf8f5ff8] win32k!NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutName
  415. [ 19f]: [bf999a78 --> bf87606e] win32k!NtUserGetKeyboardState
  416. [ 1a0]: [bf999a7c --> bf90b884] win32k!NtUserGetKeyNameText
  417. [ 1a1]: [bf999a80 --> bf820ff3] win32k!NtUserGetKeyState
  418. [ 1a2]: [bf999a84 --> bf9116f3] win32k!NtUserGetListBoxInfo
  419. [ 1a3]: [bf999a88 --> bf911844] win32k!NtUserGetMenuBarInfo
  420. [ 1a4]: [bf999a8c --> bf911c9a] win32k!NtUserGetMenuIndex
  421. [ 1a5]: [bf999a90 --> bf9127ce] win32k!NtUserGetMenuItemRect
  422. [ 1a6]: [bf999a94 --> bf819fc9] win32k!NtUserGetMessage
  423. [ 1a7]: [bf999a98 --> bf9124a9] win32k!NtUserGetMouseMovePointsEx
  424. [ 1a8]: [bf999a9c --> bf81a241] win32k!NtUserGetObjectInformation
  425. [ 1a9]: [bf999aa0 --> bf8f4bef] win32k!NtUserGetOpenClipboardWindow
  426. [ 1aa]: [bf999aa4 --> bf911f8f] win32k!NtUserGetPriorityClipboardFormat
  427. [ 1ab]: [bf999aa8 --> bf81a0ac] win32k!NtUserGetProcessWindowStation
  428. [ 1ac]: [bf999aac --> bf9157d5] win32k!NtUserGetRawInputBuffer
  429. [ 1ad]: [bf999ab0 --> bf9150d5] win32k!NtUserGetRawInputData
  430. [ 1ae]: [bf999ab4 --> bf9152af] win32k!NtUserGetRawInputDeviceInfo
  431. [ 1af]: [bf999ab8 --> bf9155a4] win32k!NtUserGetRawInputDeviceList
  432. [ 1b0]: [bf999abc --> bf91579a] win32k!NtUserGetRegisteredRawInputDevices
  433. [ 1b1]: [bf999ac0 --> bf84624e] win32k!NtUserGetScrollBarInfo
  434. [ 1b2]: [bf999ac4 --> bf840ace] win32k!NtUserGetSystemMenu
  435. [ 1b3]: [bf999ac8 --> bf81a4f7] win32k!NtUserGetThreadDesktop
  436. [ 1b4]: [bf999acc --> bf823b41] win32k!NtUserGetThreadState
  437. [ 1b5]: [bf999ad0 --> bf83a4c1] win32k!NtUserGetTitleBarInfo
  438. [ 1b6]: [bf999ad4 --> bf83b02f] win32k!NtUserGetUpdateRect
  439. [ 1b7]: [bf999ad8 --> bf8c51fa] win32k!NtUserGetUpdateRgn
  440. [ 1b8]: [bf999adc --> bf803811] win32k!NtUserGetWindowDC
  441. [ 1b9]: [bf999ae0 --> bf8f9b76] win32k!NtUserGetWindowPlacement
  442. [ 1ba]: [bf999ae4 --> bf90da63] win32k!NtUserGetWOWClass
  443. [ 1bb]: [bf999ae8 --> bf910fdf] win32k!NtUserHardErrorControl
  444. [ 1bc]: [bf999aec --> bf82ce91] win32k!NtUserHideCaret
  445. [ 1bd]: [bf999af0 --> bf912018] win32k!NtUserHiliteMenuItem
  446. [ 1be]: [bf999af4 --> bf912dba] win32k!NtUserImpersonateDdeClientWindow
  447. [ 1bf]: [bf999af8 --> bf8b1d7e] win32k!NtUserInitialize
  448. [ 1c0]: [bf999afc --> bf8ac31e] win32k!NtUserInitializeClientPfnArrays
  449. [ 1c1]: [bf999b00 --> bf9114d2] win32k!NtUserInitTask
  450. [ 1c2]: [bf999b04 --> bf83a5bd] win32k!NtUserInternalGetWindowText
  451. [ 1c3]: [bf999b08 --> bf814dbb] win32k!NtUserInvalidateRect
  452. [ 1c4]: [bf999b0c --> bf8459c5] win32k!NtUserInvalidateRgn
  453. [ 1c5]: [bf999b10 --> bf8c4e31] win32k!NtUserIsClipboardFormatAvailable
  454. [ 1c6]: [bf999b14 --> bf80ea37] win32k!NtUserKillTimer
  455. [ 1c7]: [bf999b18 --> bf891798] win32k!NtUserLoadKeyboardLayoutEx
  456. [ 1c8]: [bf999b1c --> bf89d43a] win32k!NtUserLockWindowStation
  457. [ 1c9]: [bf999b20 --> bf8cc992] win32k!NtUserLockWindowUpdate
  458. [ 1ca]: [bf999b24 --> bf9110b8] win32k!NtUserLockWorkStation
  459. [ 1cb]: [bf999b28 --> bf8c7e35] win32k!NtUserMapVirtualKeyEx
  460. [ 1cc]: [bf999b2c --> bf9128a5] win32k!NtUserMenuItemFromPoint
  461. [ 1cd]: [bf999b30 --> bf80efcd] win32k!NtUserMessageCall
  462. [ 1ce]: [bf999b34 --> bf90f645] win32k!NtUserMinMaximize
  463. [ 1cf]: [bf999b38 --> bf912168] win32k!NtUserMNDragLeave
  464. [ 1d0]: [bf999b3c --> bf9120b8] win32k!NtUserMNDragOver
  465. [ 1d1]: [bf999b40 --> bf8e3267] win32k!NtUserModifyUserStartupInfoFlags
  466. [ 1d2]: [bf999b44 --> bf838ae5] win32k!NtUserMoveWindow
  467. [ 1d3]: [bf999b48 --> bf914b01] win32k!NtUserNotifyIMEStatus
  468. [ 1d4]: [bf999b4c --> bf87c3f2] win32k!NtUserNotifyProcessCreate
  469. [ 1d5]: [bf999b50 --> bf8c54b9] win32k!NtUserNotifyWinEvent
  470. [ 1d6]: [bf999b54 --> bf8f8586] win32k!NtUserOpenClipboard
  471. [ 1d7]: [bf999b58 --> bf86b969] win32k!NtUserOpenDesktop
  472. [ 1d8]: [bf999b5c --> bf899b89] win32k!NtUserOpenInputDesktop
  473. [ 1d9]: [bf999b60 --> bf8f9dbe] win32k!NtUserOpenWindowStation
  474. [ 1da]: [bf999b64 --> bf885886] win32k!NtUserPaintDesktop
  475. [ 1db]: [bf999b68 --> bf803700] win32k!NtUserPeekMessage
  476. [ 1dc]: [bf999b6c --> bf808b4d] win32k!NtUserPostMessage
  477. [ 1dd]: [bf999b70 --> bf86bf40] win32k!NtUserPostThreadMessage
  478. [ 1de]: [bf999b74 --> bf8b83bd] win32k!NtUserPrintWindow
  479. [ 1df]: [bf999b78 --> bf87a14a] win32k!NtUserProcessConnect
  480. [ 1e0]: [bf999b7c --> bf912937] win32k!NtUserQueryInformationThread
  481. [ 1e1]: [bf999b80 --> bf9144ab] win32k!NtUserQueryInputContext
  482. [ 1e2]: [bf999b84 --> bf912ce5] win32k!NtUserQuerySendMessage
  483. [ 1e3]: [bf999b88 --> bf914c0a] win32k!NtUserQueryUserCounters
  484. [ 1e4]: [bf999b8c --> bf803b9c] win32k!NtUserQueryWindow
  485. [ 1e5]: [bf999b90 --> bf911806] win32k!NtUserRealChildWindowFromPoint
  486. [ 1e6]: [bf999b94 --> bf899641] win32k!NtUserRealInternalGetMessage
  487. [ 1e7]: [bf999b98 --> bf91270e] win32k!NtUserRealWaitMessageEx
  488. [ 1e8]: [bf999b9c --> bf823d16] win32k!NtUserRedrawWindow
  489. [ 1e9]: [bf999ba0 --> bf81f433] win32k!NtUserRegisterClassExWOW
  490. [ 1ea]: [bf999ba4 --> bf89dd35] win32k!NtUserRegisterUserApiHook
  491. [ 1eb]: [bf999ba8 --> bf8b7901] win32k!NtUserRegisterHotKey
  492. [ 1ec]: [bf999bac --> bf9156ee] win32k!NtUserRegisterRawInputDevices
  493. [ 1ed]: [bf999bb0 --> bf9115f6] win32k!NtUserRegisterTasklist
  494. [ 1ee]: [bf999bb4 --> bf807b93] win32k!NtUserRegisterWindowMessage
  495. [ 1ef]: [bf999bb8 --> bf8b82e5] win32k!NtUserRemoveMenu
  496. [ 1f0]: [bf999bbc --> bf832c6e] win32k!NtUserRemoveProp
  497. [ 1f1]: [bf999bc0 --> bf892189] win32k!NtUserResolveDesktop
  498. [ 1f2]: [bf999bc4 --> bf9159e5] win32k!NtUserResolveDesktopForWOW
  499. [ 1f3]: [bf999bc8 --> bf8460f5] win32k!NtUserSBGetParms
  500. [ 1f4]: [bf999bcc --> bf879a5a] win32k!NtUserScrollDC
  501. [ 1f5]: [bf999bd0 --> bf8e593a] win32k!NtUserScrollWindowEx
  502. [ 1f6]: [bf999bd4 --> bf83856c] win32k!NtUserSelectPalette
  503. [ 1f7]: [bf999bd8 --> bf8c33ab] win32k!NtUserSendInput
  504. [ 1f8]: [bf999bdc --> bf8bacca] win32k!NtUserSetActiveWindow
  505. [ 1f9]: [bf999be0 --> bf914898] win32k!NtUserSetAppImeLevel
  506. [ 1fa]: [bf999be4 --> bf8724da] win32k!NtUserSetCapture
  507. [ 1fb]: [bf999be8 --> bf845c62] win32k!NtUserSetClassLong
  508. [ 1fc]: [bf999bec --> bf912185] win32k!NtUserSetClassWord
  509. [ 1fd]: [bf999bf0 --> bf8ea8d8] win32k!NtUserSetClipboardData
  510. [ 1fe]: [bf999bf4 --> bf8f9663] win32k!NtUserSetClipboardViewer
  511. [ 1ff]: [bf999bf8 --> bf88636b] win32k!NtUserSetConsoleReserveKeys
  512. [ 200]: [bf999bfc --> bf82126e] win32k!NtUserSetCursor
  513. [ 201]: [bf999c00 --> bf912787] win32k!NtUserSetCursorContents
  514. [ 202]: [bf999c04 --> bf842fa4] win32k!NtUserSetCursorIconData
  515. [ 203]: [bf999c08 --> bf911d1d] win32k!NtUserSetDbgTag
  516. [ 204]: [bf999c0c --> bf83a9b3] win32k!NtUserSetFocus
  517. [ 205]: [bf999c10 --> bf8916c2] win32k!NtUserSetImeHotKey
  518. [ 206]: [bf999c14 --> bf914716] win32k!NtUserSetImeInfoEx
  519. [ 207]: [bf999c18 --> bf91496d] win32k!NtUserSetImeOwnerWindow
  520. [ 208]: [bf999c1c --> bf87c056] win32k!NtUserSetInformationProcess
  521. [ 209]: [bf999c20 --> bf886135] win32k!NtUserSetInformationThread
  522. [ 20a]: [bf999c24 --> bf911913] win32k!NtUserSetInternalWindowPos
  523. [ 20b]: [bf999c28 --> bf8f89ea] win32k!NtUserSetKeyboardState
  524. [ 20c]: [bf999c2c --> bf8a5d53] win32k!NtUserSetLogonNotifyWindow
  525. [ 20d]: [bf999c30 --> bf90b74a] win32k!NtUserSetMenu
  526. [ 20e]: [bf999c34 --> bf911d40] win32k!NtUserSetMenuContextHelpId
  527. [ 20f]: [bf999c38 --> bf8b827a] win32k!NtUserSetMenuDefaultItem
  528. [ 210]: [bf999c3c --> bf911d7d] win32k!NtUserSetMenuFlagRtoL
  529. [ 211]: [bf999c40 --> bf91102a] win32k!NtUserSetObjectInformation
  530. [ 212]: [bf999c44 --> bf882afc] win32k!NtUserSetParent
  531. [ 213]: [bf999c48 --> bf86bd5b] win32k!NtUserSetProcessWindowStation
  532. [ 214]: [bf999c4c --> bf82847c] win32k!NtUserSetProp
  533. [ 215]: [bf999c50 --> bf911cfa] win32k!NtUserSetRipFlags
  534. [ 216]: [bf999c54 --> bf80e774] win32k!NtUserSetScrollInfo
  535. [ 217]: [bf999c58 --> bf89a417] win32k!NtUserSetShellWindowEx
  536. [ 218]: [bf999c5c --> bf9121c0] win32k!NtUserSetSysColors
  537. [ 219]: [bf999c60 --> bf91274e] win32k!NtUserSetSystemCursor
  538. [ 21a]: [bf999c64 --> bf8f61bb] win32k!NtUserSetSystemMenu
  539. [ 21b]: [bf999c68 --> bf912cac] win32k!NtUserSetSystemTimer
  540. [ 21c]: [bf999c6c --> bf86bdb3] win32k!NtUserSetThreadDesktop
  541. [ 21d]: [bf999c70 --> bf914a80] win32k!NtUserSetThreadLayoutHandles
  542. [ 21e]: [bf999c74 --> bf882cf7] win32k!NtUserSetThreadState
  543. [ 21f]: [bf999c78 --> bf803aab] win32k!NtUserSetTimer
  544. [ 220]: [bf999c7c --> bf882ba7] win32k!NtUserSetWindowFNID
  545. [ 221]: [bf999c80 --> bf832d7e] win32k!NtUserSetWindowLong
  546. [ 222]: [bf999c84 --> bf88d87b] win32k!NtUserSetWindowPlacement
  547. [ 223]: [bf999c88 --> bf828223] win32k!NtUserSetWindowPos
  548. [ 224]: [bf999c8c --> bf840823] win32k!NtUserSetWindowRgn
  549. [ 225]: [bf999c90 --> bf88e300] win32k!NtUserSetWindowsHookAW
  550. [ 226]: [bf999c94 --> bf8ba057] win32k!NtUserSetWindowsHookEx
  551. [ 227]: [bf999c98 --> bf89d2d7] win32k!NtUserSetWindowStationUser
  552. [ 228]: [bf999c9c --> bf8f8f9b] win32k!NtUserSetWindowWord
  553. [ 229]: [bf999ca0 --> bf8edb64] win32k!NtUserSetWinEventHook
  554. [ 22a]: [bf999ca4 --> bf82cef3] win32k!NtUserShowCaret
  555. [ 22b]: [bf999ca8 --> bf8c5730] win32k!NtUserShowScrollBar
  556. [ 22c]: [bf999cac --> bf83513b] win32k!NtUserShowWindow
  557. [ 22d]: [bf999cb0 --> bf89207c] win32k!NtUserShowWindowAsync
  558. [ 22e]: [bf999cb4 --> bf8e32d5] win32k!NtUserSoundSentry
  559. [ 22f]: [bf999cb8 --> bf89a6ac] win32k!NtUserSwitchDesktop
  560. [ 230]: [bf999cbc --> bf81e8e3] win32k!NtUserSystemParametersInfo
  561. [ 231]: [bf999cc0 --> bf90dbee] win32k!NtUserTestForInteractiveUser
  562. [ 232]: [bf999cc4 --> bf8f611c] win32k!NtUserThunkedMenuInfo
  563. [ 233]: [bf999cc8 --> bf83fc0d] win32k!NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo
  564. [ 234]: [bf999ccc --> bf912559] win32k!NtUserToUnicodeEx
  565. [ 235]: [bf999cd0 --> bf86c580] win32k!NtUserTrackMouseEvent
  566. [ 236]: [bf999cd4 --> bf912376] win32k!NtUserTrackPopupMenuEx
  567. [ 237]: [bf999cd8 --> bf83a728] win32k!NtUserCalcMenuBar
  568. [ 238]: [bf999cdc --> bf8eef29] win32k!NtUserPaintMenuBar
  569. [ 239]: [bf999ce0 --> bf8f81f3] win32k!NtUserTranslateAccelerator
  570. [ 23a]: [bf999ce4 --> bf870be0] win32k!NtUserTranslateMessage
  571. [ 23b]: [bf999ce8 --> bf8ba646] win32k!NtUserUnhookWindowsHookEx
  572. [ 23c]: [bf999cec --> bf8edc3f] win32k!NtUserUnhookWinEvent
  573. [ 23d]: [bf999cf0 --> bf912c24] win32k!NtUserUnloadKeyboardLayout
  574. [ 23e]: [bf999cf4 --> bf8911ed] win32k!NtUserUnlockWindowStation
  575. [ 23f]: [bf999cf8 --> bf81fd00] win32k!NtUserUnregisterClass
  576. [ 240]: [bf999cfc --> bf89d748] win32k!NtUserUnregisterUserApiHook
  577. [ 241]: [bf999d00 --> bf91246c] win32k!NtUserUnregisterHotKey
  578. [ 242]: [bf999d04 --> bf91445b] win32k!NtUserUpdateInputContext
  579. [ 243]: [bf999d08 --> bf9112cd] win32k!NtUserUpdateInstance
  580. [ 244]: [bf999d0c --> bf874e3f] win32k!NtUserUpdateLayeredWindow
  581. [ 245]: [bf999d10 --> bf915017] win32k!NtUserGetLayeredWindowAttributes
  582. [ 246]: [bf999d14 --> bf845afb] win32k!NtUserSetLayeredWindowAttributes
  583. [ 247]: [bf999d18 --> bf8a2f52] win32k!NtUserUpdatePerUserSystemParameters
  584. [ 248]: [bf999d1c --> bf91297e] win32k!NtUserUserHandleGrantAccess
  585. [ 249]: [bf999d20 --> bf8018ac] win32k!NtUserValidateHandleSecure
  586. [ 24a]: [bf999d24 --> bf8f8bd9] win32k!NtUserValidateRect
  587. [ 24b]: [bf999d28 --> bf807eba] win32k!NtUserValidateTimerCallback
  588. [ 24c]: [bf999d2c --> bf8c3d69] win32k!NtUserVkKeyScanEx
  589. [ 24d]: [bf999d30 --> bf90d432] win32k!NtUserWaitForInputIdle
  590. [ 24e]: [bf999d34 --> bf90c444] win32k!NtUserWaitForMsgAndEvent
  591. [ 24f]: [bf999d38 --> bf8037a7] win32k!NtUserWaitMessage
  592. [ 250]: [bf999d3c --> bf911020] win32k!NtUserWin32PoolAllocationStats
  593. [ 251]: [bf999d40 --> bf821530] win32k!NtUserWindowFromPoint
  594. [ 252]: [bf999d44 --> bf90db86] win32k!NtUserYieldTask
  595. [ 253]: [bf999d48 --> bf899f9e] win32k!NtUserRemoteConnect
  596. [ 254]: [bf999d4c --> bf910ea7] win32k!NtUserRemoteRedrawRectangle
  597. [ 255]: [bf999d50 --> bf910ef4] win32k!NtUserRemoteRedrawScreen
  598. [ 256]: [bf999d54 --> bf910f48] win32k!NtUserRemoteStopScreenUpdates
  599. [ 257]: [bf999d58 --> bf910f95] win32k!NtUserCtxDisplayIOCtl
  600. [ 258]: [bf999d5c --> bf8fbcf2] win32k!NtGdiEngAssociateSurface
  601. [ 259]: [bf999d60 --> bf8fc6a2] win32k!NtGdiEngCreateBitmap
  602. [ 25a]: [bf999d64 --> bf8fbcbf] win32k!NtGdiEngCreateDeviceSurface
  603. [ 25b]: [bf999d68 --> bf952de1] win32k!NtGdiEngCreateDeviceBitmap
  604. [ 25c]: [bf999d6c --> bf8defe9] win32k!NtGdiEngCreatePalette
  605. [ 25d]: [bf999d70 --> bf90635f] win32k!NtGdiEngComputeGlyphSet
  606. [ 25e]: [bf999d74 --> bf952f37] win32k!NtGdiEngCopyBits
  607. [ 25f]: [bf999d78 --> bf8dfb75] win32k!NtGdiEngDeletePalette
  608. [ 260]: [bf999d7c --> bf8fbc45] win32k!NtGdiEngDeleteSurface
  609. [ 261]: [bf999d80 --> bf953d9a] win32k!NtGdiEngEraseSurface
  610. [ 262]: [bf999d84 --> bf8ffefb] win32k!NtGdiEngUnlockSurface
  611. [ 263]: [bf999d88 --> bf8fc0f7] win32k!NtGdiEngLockSurface
  612. [ 264]: [bf999d8c --> bf904ee3] win32k!NtGdiEngBitBlt
  613. [ 265]: [bf999d90 --> bf9002d4] win32k!NtGdiEngStretchBlt
  614. [ 266]: [bf999d94 --> bf95332f] win32k!NtGdiEngPlgBlt
  615. [ 267]: [bf999d98 --> bf8fc798] win32k!NtGdiEngMarkBandingSurface
  616. [ 268]: [bf999d9c --> bf8fd592] win32k!NtGdiEngStrokePath
  617. [ 269]: [bf999da0 --> bf953526] win32k!NtGdiEngFillPath
  618. [ 26a]: [bf999da4 --> bf8fe227] win32k!NtGdiEngStrokeAndFillPath
  619. [ 26b]: [bf999da8 --> bf953691] win32k!NtGdiEngPaint
  620. [ 26c]: [bf999dac --> bf9537ad] win32k!NtGdiEngLineTo
  621. [ 26d]: [bf999db0 --> bf9538d6] win32k!NtGdiEngAlphaBlend
  622. [ 26e]: [bf999db4 --> bf953a55] win32k!NtGdiEngGradientFill
  623. [ 26f]: [bf999db8 --> bf953c2e] win32k!NtGdiEngTransparentBlt
  624. [ 270]: [bf999dbc --> bf8fed98] win32k!NtGdiEngTextOut
  625. [ 271]: [bf999dc0 --> bf9530d3] win32k!NtGdiEngStretchBltROP
  626. [ 272]: [bf999dc4 --> bf95454c] win32k!NtGdiXLATEOBJ_cGetPalette
  627. [ 273]: [bf999dc8 --> bf954608] win32k!NtGdiXLATEOBJ_iXlate
  628. [ 274]: [bf999dcc --> bf9544fe] win32k!NtGdiXLATEOBJ_hGetColorTransform
  629. [ 275]: [bf999dd0 --> bf8fda8f] win32k!NtGdiCLIPOBJ_bEnum
  630. [ 276]: [bf999dd4 --> bf8fdb3c] win32k!NtGdiCLIPOBJ_cEnumStart
  631. [ 277]: [bf999dd8 --> bf953e64] win32k!NtGdiCLIPOBJ_ppoGetPath
  632. [ 278]: [bf999ddc --> bf953ea2] win32k!NtGdiEngDeletePath
  633. [ 279]: [bf999de0 --> bf953edc] win32k!NtGdiEngCreateClip
  634. [ 27a]: [bf999de4 --> bf953f0e] win32k!NtGdiEngDeleteClip
  635. [ 27b]: [bf999de8 --> bf8fd0fa] win32k!NtGdiBRUSHOBJ_ulGetBrushColor
  636. [ 27c]: [bf999dec --> bf953f48] win32k!NtGdiBRUSHOBJ_pvAllocRbrush
  637. [ 27d]: [bf999df0 --> bf953f99] win32k!NtGdiBRUSHOBJ_pvGetRbrush
  638. [ 27e]: [bf999df4 --> bf9063e5] win32k!NtGdiBRUSHOBJ_hGetColorTransform
  639. [ 27f]: [bf999df8 --> bf905d2e] win32k!NtGdiXFORMOBJ_bApplyXform
  640. [ 280]: [bf999dfc --> bf8fafef] win32k!NtGdiXFORMOBJ_iGetXform
  641. [ 281]: [bf999e00 --> bf905eef] win32k!NtGdiFONTOBJ_vGetInfo
  642. [ 282]: [bf999e04 --> bf8faf55] win32k!NtGdiFONTOBJ_pxoGetXform
  643. [ 283]: [bf999e08 --> bf905993] win32k!NtGdiFONTOBJ_cGetGlyphs
  644. [ 284]: [bf999e0c --> bf8fb160] win32k!NtGdiFONTOBJ_pifi
  645. [ 285]: [bf999e10 --> bf9546c3] win32k!NtGdiFONTOBJ_pfdg
  646. [ 286]: [bf999e14 --> bf9547ca] win32k!NtGdiFONTOBJ_pQueryGlyphAttrs
  647. [ 287]: [bf999e18 --> bf95442e] win32k!NtGdiFONTOBJ_pvTrueTypeFontFile
  648. [ 288]: [bf999e1c --> bf953fe7] win32k!NtGdiFONTOBJ_cGetAllGlyphHandles
  649. [ 289]: [bf999e20 --> bf9548a2] win32k!NtGdiSTROBJ_bEnum
  650. [ 28a]: [bf999e24 --> bf90611d] win32k!NtGdiSTROBJ_bEnumPositionsOnly
  651. [ 28b]: [bf999e28 --> bf8fb273] win32k!NtGdiSTROBJ_bGetAdvanceWidths
  652. [ 28c]: [bf999e2c --> bf90613b] win32k!NtGdiSTROBJ_vEnumStart
  653. [ 28d]: [bf999e30 --> bf9540b2] win32k!NtGdiSTROBJ_dwGetCodePage
  654. [ 28e]: [bf999e34 --> bf9541a3] win32k!NtGdiPATHOBJ_vGetBounds
  655. [ 28f]: [bf999e38 --> bf9548c0] win32k!NtGdiPATHOBJ_bEnum
  656. [ 290]: [bf999e3c --> bf954234] win32k!NtGdiPATHOBJ_vEnumStart
  657. [ 291]: [bf999e40 --> bf954278] win32k!NtGdiPATHOBJ_vEnumStartClipLines
  658. [ 292]: [bf999e44 --> bf954325] win32k!NtGdiPATHOBJ_bEnumClipLines
  659. [ 293]: [bf999e48 --> bf952daf] win32k!NtGdiGetDhpdev
  660. [ 294]: [bf999e4c --> bf95465a] win32k!NtGdiEngCheckAbort
  661. [ 295]: [bf999e50 --> bf9057d8] win32k!NtGdiHT_Get8BPPFormatPalette
  662. [ 296]: [bf999e54 --> bf952e23] win32k!NtGdiHT_Get8BPPMaskPalette
  663. [ 297]: [bf999e58 --> bf9414e4] win32k!NtGdiUpdateTransform
  664. [ 298]: [bf999e5c --> bf8dd701] win32k!NtGdiSetPUMPDOBJ
  665. [ 299]: [bf999e60 --> bf954100] win32k!NtGdiBRUSHOBJ_DeleteRbrush
  666. [ 29a]: [bf999e64 --> bf952dd6] win32k!NtGdiUnmapMemFont
  667. [ 29b]: [bf999e68 --> bf8177ad] win32k!NtGdiDrawStream




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