
解题思路:我的做法是建立一个字典dic,key为stone,value是一个set,里面存的是从前面的所有stone跳跃到当前stone的unit集合。例如stones=[0,1,2,3]。stone3可以从stone1跳跃两步得到或者从stone2跳跃1步得到,所有dic[3] = (2,1)。那么从stone3可以跳的unit就是[1,2,3] (set中每个元素+1或者-1得到),通过stone3就能到达stone4,stone5,stone6。这样只要按顺序遍历stones,最后判断len(dic[stones[-1]]是否大于0即可。


class Solution(object):
def canCross(self, stones):
:type stones: List[int]
:rtype: bool
dic = {}
for i in stones:
dic[i] = set()
for i in stones:
for j in dic[i]:
if j+i in dic:
if i != 0 and j+i+1 in dic:
if j-1 > 0 and j + i - 1 in dic:
dic[j + i - 1].add(j - 1)
#print dic
return len(dic[stones[-1]]) > 0

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