smartgit document Rebase
The Rebase command allows you to apply commits from one branch to another. Rebase can be viewed as more powerful version of Cherry-Pick, which is optimized to apply multiple commits from one branch to another. In SmartGit, a distinction is made between Rebase HEAD to and Rebase to HEAD:
Rebase HEAD to rebases ("moves") the commits below the HEAD to the selected commit. The HEAD will be moved to the new fork.
o [> master] A o [> master] A' | | o B o B' | | o C o C' | | | o [a-branch] D | o [a-branch] D | | | / | | | / | o E (selected) ===> o E | / | | / | o F o F |
Rebase to HEAD duplicates commits from a separate branch to the HEAD (similar to what Cherry-Pick does). The HEAD moves forward on its fork.
o [> master] B' | o C' | o D' | o [> master] A o A | | | o [a-branch] | o [a-branch] | | | | | o B (selected) | o B | | | | | o C ==> | o C | | | | | o D | o D | / | / | / | / o E o E |
To Rebase Onto you may use the Log window. Consider following example where the quickfix2
branch should not start at the quickfix1
branch, but rather on the master
q2b (quickfix2) | q2a | q1b (quickfix1) | q1a | x (master) | ... |
To achieve this, just drag the q2a
commit onto the x (master)
commit and you will get the desired result:
q2b (quickfix2) | q2a | | q1b (quickfix1) | | | q1b | / x (master) | ... |
In SmartGit, there are several places from which you can initiate a rebase:
- Menu and toolbar On the main window, select Branch|Rebase HEAD to or Branch|Rebase to HEAD to open the Rebase dialog, where you can select the branch to rebase the HEAD onto, or the branch to rebase onto the HEAD, respectively. Depending on your toolbar settings, you can also open this dialog via the buttons Rebase HEAD to and Rebase to HEAD on the toolbar.
- Branches view In the Branches view, you can right-click on a branch and select Rebase HEAD to to rebase your current HEAD onto the selected branch.
- Log Graph On the Log graph of the Log window, you can perform a rebase by right-clicking on a commit and selecting Rebase HEAD to or Rebase to HEAD from the context-menu.
- Log Graph In the Log graph of the Log window, you can drag and drop commits or refs and then select to rebase in the occurring dialog after the drop.
Just like a merge, a rebase may fail due to merge conflicts. If that happens, SmartGit will leave the working tree in rebasing state, allowing you to either manually resolve the conflicts or to Abort the rebase. See Resolving Conflicts for further information.
Resolving Conflicts
Core Git rebase conflicts are different to other kinds of merge conflicts, because left and right files are swapped: when rebasing branch A
to B
, Git will first checkout B
, then applies all commits from A
. If a conflict occurs, HEAD
still points to B
and hence the left file would be the file as it's present in B
From a user's perspective, the left file should always be his/her own file ("ours"), i.e. the file as it's present in A
. For this reason, in case of rebase conflicts, SmartGit will swap left and right files. This gives a more consistent user experience, however may result in following different behavior (compared to normal merge conflicts):
- When staging left lines (Ours) in the Conflict Solver, these lines will finally show up as staged, because your rebase branch
is actually "theirs" - When invoking Resolve and selecting Ours, you will see staged file content, because your rebase branch
is actually "theirs"
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