1. 引言



基于jQuery Bootgrid v1.3.1这个版本。


* Selects rows by ids. Selects all visible rows if no ids are provided.
* In server-side scenarios only visible rows are selectable.
* @method select
* @param [rowsIds] {Array} An array of rows ids to select
* @chainable
Grid.prototype.select = function(rowIds)
if (this.selection)
rowIds = rowIds || this.currentRows.propValues(this.identifier); var id, i,
selectedRows = []; while (rowIds.length > 0 && !(!this.options.multiSelect && selectedRows.length === 1))
id = rowIds.pop();
if ($.inArray(id, this.selectedRows) === -1)
for (i = 0; i < this.currentRows.length; i++)
if (this.currentRows[i][this.identifier] === id)
} if (selectedRows.length > 0)
var selectBoxSelector = getCssSelector(this.options.css.selectBox),
selectMultiSelectBox = this.selectedRows.length >= this.currentRows.length; i = 0;
while (!this.options.keepSelection && selectMultiSelectBox && i < this.currentRows.length)
selectMultiSelectBox = ($.inArray(this.currentRows[i++][this.identifier], this.selectedRows) !== -1);
this.element.find("thead " + selectBoxSelector).prop("checked", selectMultiSelectBox); if (!this.options.multiSelect)
//this.element.find("tbody > tr " + selectBoxSelector + ":checked")
// .trigger("click" + namespace);
var lastId = this.selectedRows[this.selectedRows.length-1];
var checkboxes = this.element.find("tbody > tr " + selectBoxSelector + ":checked");
for (i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
var $checkbox = $(checkboxes[i]);
if (lastId != $checkbox.val()) {
$checkbox.trigger("click" + namespace);
} for (i = 0; i < this.selectedRows.length; i++)
this.element.find("tbody > tr[data-row-id=\"" + this.selectedRows[i] + "\"]")
.addClass(this.options.css.selected)._bgAria("selected", "true")
.find(selectBoxSelector).prop("checked", true);
} this.element.trigger("selected" + namespace, [selectedRows]);
} return this;
}; /**
* Deselects rows by ids. Deselects all visible rows if no ids are provided.
* In server-side scenarios only visible rows are deselectable.
* @method deselect
* @param [rowsIds] {Array} An array of rows ids to deselect
* @chainable
Grid.prototype.deselect = function(rowIds)
if (this.selection)
rowIds = rowIds || this.currentRows.propValues(this.identifier); var id, i, pos,
deselectedRows = []; while (rowIds.length > 0)
id = rowIds.pop();
pos = $.inArray(id, this.selectedRows);
if (pos !== -1)
for (i = 0; i < this.currentRows.length; i++)
if (this.currentRows[i][this.identifier] === id)
this.selectedRows.splice(pos, 1);
} if (deselectedRows.length > 0)
var selectBoxSelector = getCssSelector(this.options.css.selectBox); this.element.find("thead " + selectBoxSelector).prop("checked", false);
for (i = 0; i < deselectedRows.length; i++)
this.element.find("tbody > tr[data-row-id=\"" + deselectedRows[i][this.identifier] + "\"]")
.removeClass(this.options.css.selected)._bgAria("selected", "false")
.find(selectBoxSelector).prop("checked", false);
} this.element.trigger("deselected" + namespace, [deselectedRows]);
} return this;
}; //修改后的select和deselect方法
* Selects rows by ids. Selects all visible rows if no ids are provided.
* In server-side scenarios only visible rows are selectable.
* @method select
* @param [rowsIds] {Array} An array of rows ids to select
* @chainable
Grid.prototype.select = function(rowIds,flag)
var selectAllFlag = false;
var selectBoxSelector = getCssSelector(this.options.css.selectBox); if (this.selection)
{ //rowIds = rowIds || this.currentRows.propValues(this.identifier);
var id, i,
selectedRows = []; if(typeof rowIds == 'undefined'){//select All
selectAllFlag = true;
this.element.find("thead " + selectBoxSelector).prop("indeterminate", false).prop("checked", true).val('all');
//selectedRows = this.currentRows;
var this_currentRows = this.currentRows;
this.selectedRows = Object.keys(this_currentRows).map(function(i){return this_currentRows[i].Id}); }else if(typeof flag != 'undefined' && flag == 'load'){//load selected rowIds
selectedRows = Object.keys(rowIds).map(function(i){return rowIds[i]});
this.selectedRows = Object.keys(rowIds).map(function(i){return rowIds[i]});
while (rowIds.length > 0 && !(!this.options.multiSelect && selectedRows.length === 1))
id = rowIds.pop();
if ($.inArray(id, this.selectedRows) === -1)
for (i = 0; i < this.currentRows.length; i++)
if (this.currentRows[i][this.identifier] === id)
} if (selectedRows.length > 0 || selectAllFlag)
//var selectBoxSelector = getCssSelector(this.options.css.selectBox),
/* var selectMultiSelectBox = this.selectedRows.length >= this.currentRows.length; i = 0;
while (!this.options.keepSelection && selectMultiSelectBox && i < this.currentRows.length)
selectMultiSelectBox = ($.inArray(this.currentRows[i++][this.identifier], this.selectedRows) !== -1);
//this.element.find("thead " + selectBoxSelector).prop("checked", selectMultiSelectBox); //PR1098 by fanbi
if(this.getTotalRowCount()== this.selectedRows.length){
this.element.find("thead " + selectBoxSelector).prop("indeterminate", false).prop("checked", true).val("all");
this.element.find("thead " + selectBoxSelector).prop("indeterminate", true).val("part");
} if (!this.options.multiSelect)
//this.element.find("tbody > tr " + selectBoxSelector + ":checked")
// .trigger("click" + namespace);
var lastId = this.selectedRows[this.selectedRows.length-1];
var checkboxes = this.element.find("tbody > tr " + selectBoxSelector + ":checked");
for (i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
var $checkbox = $(checkboxes[i]);
if (lastId != $checkbox.val()) {
$checkbox.trigger("click" + namespace);
} for (i = 0; i < this.selectedRows.length; i++)
this.element.find("tbody > tr[data-row-id=\"" + this.selectedRows[i] + "\"]")
.addClass(this.options.css.selected)._bgAria("selected", "true")
.find(selectBoxSelector).prop("checked", true);
} this.element.trigger("selected" + namespace, [selectedRows]);
} return this;
}; /**
* Deselects rows by ids. Deselects all visible rows if no ids are provided.
* In server-side scenarios only visible rows are deselectable.
* @method deselect
* @param [rowsIds] {Array} An array of rows ids to deselect
* @chainable
Grid.prototype.deselect = function(rowIds)
var deSelectAllFlag = false;
var selectBoxSelector = getCssSelector(this.options.css.selectBox); if (this.selection)
//rowIds = rowIds || this.currentRows.propValues(this.identifier); var id, i, pos,
deselectedRows = []; if(typeof rowIds == 'undefined'){//Deselect All
deSelectAllFlag = true;
this.element.find("thead " + selectBoxSelector).prop("indeterminate", false).prop("checked", false).val('none');
this.selectedRows= [];
deselectedRows = this.currentRows;
}else{//single deSelect
while (rowIds.length > 0)
id = rowIds.pop();
pos = $.inArray(id, this.selectedRows);
if (pos !== -1)
for (i = 0; i < this.currentRows.length; i++)
if (this.currentRows[i][this.identifier] === id)
this.selectedRows.splice(pos, 1);
} if (deselectedRows.length > 0 ||deSelectAllFlag == true)
//var selectBoxSelector = getCssSelector(this.options.css.selectBox); //PR1098 by fanbi
if(0 != this.selectedRows.length){
this.element.find("thead " + selectBoxSelector).prop("indeterminate", true).val("part");
this.selectedRows = [];
this.element.find("thead " + selectBoxSelector).prop("indeterminate", false).prop("checked", false).val("none");;
//this.element.find("thead " + selectBoxSelector).prop("checked", false);
for (i = 0; i < deselectedRows.length; i++)
this.element.find("tbody > tr[data-row-id=\"" + deselectedRows[i][this.identifier] + "\"]")
.removeClass(this.options.css.selected)._bgAria("selected", "false")
.find(selectBoxSelector).prop("checked", false);
} this.element.trigger("deselected" + namespace, [deselectedRows]);
} return this;
}; //原renderTableHeader方法里的变量赋值.
//在这个版本,不管全勾选或者反勾选,勾选中的html代码都是 value ="all",就像是一个bug,这个value值没有什么作用
var selectBox = (this.options.multiSelect) ?
tpl.select.resolve(getParams.call(that, { type: "checkbox", value: "all" })) : "";
var selectBox = (this.options.multiSelect) ?
tpl.select.resolve(getParams.call(that, { type: "checkbox", value: "part" })) : "";


var checkBoxVal = "none;//增加变量来保存当前是全选,部分选还是全不全状态

checkBoxVal =$('#yourGridId .select-box').val();
checkBoxVal :checkBoxVal
} //从后台的数据返回的值赋值给checkBoxs,存储数据可以用文件,数据库或者Localstorage来储存,按需来处理
$("#yourGridId ").bootgrid("select", checkBoxs, "load");


String checkBoxVal = request.getParameter("checkBoxVal ");

if("all".equalsIgnoreCase(checkBoxVal )){
checkBox = Utils.getAllXXXIds();
//something to do
}else if("none".equalsIgnoreCase(checkBoxVal )){
checkBox = "";
//something to do

3. 使用修正后的版本的结果


3.1 不管在那一页全选,当前页都会选上,而且当你切换到其它记录页时,checkbox也是全选的,表头的checkbox都是打钩√

3.2 不管在那一页全反选,当前页都会去掉√,而且当你切换到其它记录页时,checkbox也是全没选中的,表头的checkbox都是没选中状态

3.3 不管在哪一页部分选,而且当你切换到其它记录页时,表头的checkbox都是显示部分选的,不同浏览器差异如上图。




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