How to uninstall Maya on a Mac
How to uninstall Maya on a Mac
You want to know how to uninstall Maya from a Macintosh computer.
Maya doesn't have an uninstall tool so you will need to manually delete it. You can use a Terminal with the Open command to easily delete files and folders as noted in the videos below:
- Delete the main Application. [Drag the folder into the trash.]
Maya includes Matchmover and Composite. These applications are in:/Applications/Autodesk
- Delete Backburner by removing these folders:
/usr/discreet/lib32/backburnerVideo: Open-delete-hidden-folders
- Delete Network License Manager [NLM]:
Video: Open-delete-flexnetfolder
- Delete and backup licensing files/folders. You need to follow only one of the steps below depending on your type of install.
/var/flexlm/maya.lic or adsk_server.lic
/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Adlm
/Library/Preferences/FLEXnet Publisher/FLEXnet/
/Library/Preferences/FLEXnet Publisher/FLEXnet/adskflex_00691b00_tsf.data_backup.001The Library folders in Mac OS 10.7 and higher is completely hidden so you can use the Go > Go to folder to access it. You can also view the videos in steps 2 and 3 for further instructions.
Note: Deleting the standalone licensing files can affect AutoCAD and Smoke installation. If you delete these files, you will need to uninstall and reinstall AutoCAD and Smoke as well.
This method is easier than using adlmreg noted in the documentation, Maya_Install_FAQ_en.pdf > [2012], on page 23. If you want to use the Terminal, the path to adlmreg is: /usr/bin/adlmreg.
When adlmreg does not found, see also Where is adlmreg for Maya?
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