SAP BW 数据库表命名规则

已有 315 次阅读2012/6/8 15:55 |系统分类:专业内容SAP命名数据库表

Namings for Cube:

<C or digit>: 
C = Customer-defined InfoCube
Digit = SAP-defined InfoCube
<table code>: 
D = Dimension table
E = Compressed fact table(partitioned by Year/Month etc.)  /BI*/E<cube_name>
F = Uncompressed fact table
The name of the InfoCube without leading digits (if any)
<dimension>: (only used for dimension tables)
P = Package dimension
U = Unit dimension
T = Time dimension
0-9, A, B, C = User-defined dimension tables

Namings for AGGREGATES (partitioned as the cube!)

/BI<C OR DIGIT>/<TABLE CODE><aggr_number>
<table code>: 
F = fact table (partitioned by request_ID) 
E = fact table (partitioned by Year/Month etc.)


/BI0/0<number> or /BI0/0D<number>  or /BI0/0P<number>
Please read these notes for further descriptions: 1139396 and 449891

Namings for DSO:

<C or digit>: 
C = Customer-defined InfoObjects
Digit = SAP-defined InfoObjects
<ODS Object>: 
The name of the ODS object without leading digits (if any)
<table code>:
 00 = Active records (available for reporting)
10 = New data records (prior to release 3.0, no longer used)
40 = Activation queue (release 3.0)
50 = Rollback queue (release 3.0)

Infoobject tables

/BI0/H<InfoObject> Hierarchy table (of a characteristic)  
/BI0/K<InfoObject>  SID table for hierarchies
/BI0/I<InfoObject>  SID Structure of the hierarchy
/BI*/M<INFOOBJECTNAME>  A Database View defined as the Union of Time Dependant and Time Independent Master Data Attributes  
/BI0/S<InfoObject>  SID table
/BI0/T<InfoObject> Text table (time-independent)

/BI0/P<InfoObject>  Master data table (time-independent)
/BI*/Q<INFOOBJECTNAME>  Stores Values of Time Dependent Atrtibutes

/BI*/X<INFOOBECTNAME>  Stores the SID Values for Time Independent Navigation Attributes  
/BI*/Y<INFOOBJECTNAME>  Stores the SID Values for Time Dependent Navigation Attributes

RSDIOBJT:InfoObject texts

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