

Robots and drones on Ubuntu(ROS)

1 https://www.ubuntu.com/internet-of-things/robotics

2 http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Installation

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Robots that can see, hear and think

ROS (Robotic Operating System) is built on Ubuntu. With powerful computer vision and AI libraries and a wide choice of supported sensors, it’s the most popular robotic development environment for everything from autonomous drones to self-driving cars.

A path to production

Commercialise your robotics projects with Ubuntu Core. Leverage a large community and standard, open source solutions for a faster route to market. Continuously improve your robots and drones wherever they are in the field, with a fail-safe remote upgrade system.

Built-in security

Ubuntu Core delivers application containment, restricted file accessibility and read-only files, to ensure the integrity of the software running on your robots. The result is guaranteed security, from the drivers to the apps that run on your robots.

New software revenues

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Ubuntu loves robotics

The most widely adopted platform for ROS, Ubuntu ran on an estimated 80% of robots at the last DARPA Robotics Challenge. In fact, it offers a wealth of libraries and hardware options, from smart IoT and robotics to AI development.

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ROS Kinetic installation instructions

These instructions will install the ROS Kinetic Kame distribution, which is available for Ubuntu Wily (15.10) and Ubuntu Xenial (16.04 LTS), among other platform options.

To install our previous release, ROS Jade Turtle, please see the Jade installation instructions.

The previous long-term support release, ROS Indigo Igloo, is available for Ubuntu Trusty (14.04 LTS) and many other platforms. Please refer to the Indigo installation instructions if you need to use this version due to robot or platform compatibility reasons.

The links below contain instructions for installing ROS Kinetic Kame on various operating systems. You may also wish to look at robot-specific installation options instead.

Select Your Platform



Or, Select your robot


See all robots supported here: Robots

Wiki: ROS/Installation (last edited 2016-05-23 18:12:18 by jkay)

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