LTER TABLE `tablename` ADD INDEX `sdhid` (`createTime`) USING BTREE ;
[SQL]ALTER TABLE `tablename` ADD INDEX `sdhid` (`createTime`) USING BTREE ;
受影响的行: 0
时间: 737.600s

[SQL]ALTER TABLE  tablename add INDEX jkjk(createTime) USING BTREE;
受影响的行: 0
时间: 1586.745s 26分钟

[SQL]delete from tablename where createTime< 95 limit 1;
受影响的行: 0
时间: 109.540s

[SQL]ALTER TABLE  tablename add INDEX jkjk(createTime) USING BTREE;
受影响的行: 0
时间: 1586.745s 26分钟

[SQL]delete from tablename where createTime< 95 limit 1;
受影响的行: 0
时间: 109.540s

[SQL] delete from tablename where createTime< 95 order by createTime,id limit 1;
[Err] 1205 - Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

[SQL] delete from tablename where createTime< 95 order by createTime,id limit 1;
受影响的行: 0
时间: 185.007s

[SQL]delete from tablename where createTime< 95 order by createTime limit 1;
受影响的行: 0
时间: 169.260s

[SQL]delete from tablename where createTime< 95 limit 1;
受影响的行: 0
时间: 153.959s

[SQL]delete from tablename where createTime< 95 limit 1;
[Err] 1205 - Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

[SQL]delete from tablename where createTime< 95 limit 1;
[Err] 1205 - Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

[SQL] delete from tablename where createTime< 95 order by createTime,id limit 1;
[Err] 1205 - Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

[SQL]delete from tablename where createTime< 95 limit 1;
[Err] 1205 - Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

[SQL]delete from tablename where createTime< 95 limit 1;
[Err] 1205 - Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

[SQL]delete from tablename where createTime< 95 limit 1;
[Err] 1205 - Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

[SQL]delete from tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm< NOW() limit 1;
受影响的行: 1
时间: 118.756s

[SQL]delete from tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm< NOW() and id=1;
受影响的行: 1
时间: 0.042s
[SQL]delete from tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm< NOW() limit 1;
受影响的行: 1
时间: 80.775s

[SQL]delete from tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm< NOW() and id=3;
受影响的行: 1
时间: 0.052s

[SQL]SELECT * FROM tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm< NOW() ORDER BY id limit 0,2
受影响的行: 0
时间: 0.011s

[SQL]SELECT * FROM tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm< NOW() ORDER BY create_tm limit 0,2
受影响的行: 0
时间: 0.011s

[SQL]SELECT * FROM tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm< NOW()  limit 0,2
受影响的行: 0
时间: 0.978s

[SQL]SELECT * FROM tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm< NOW()  limit 1000
受影响的行: 0
时间: 0.966s

[SQL]SELECT * FROM tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm< NOW()  limit 1000
受影响的行: 0
时间: 1.052s

[SQL]SELECT * FROM tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm< NOW()  limit 0,1000
受影响的行: 0
时间: 1.028s

[SQL]delete from tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm<  NOW() and id=6;
受影响的行: 1
时间: 0.066s

[SQL]delete from tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm<  NOW() limit 1;
受影响的行: 1
时间: 36.632s

[SQL]delete from tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm<  NOW() limit 1000;
受影响的行: 1000
时间: 113.335s

[SQL]delete from tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm<  NOW() limit 1000;
受影响的行: 1000
时间: 72.046s

[SQL]delete from tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm<  NOW() limit 1000;
受影响的行: 1000
时间: 100.126s
[SQL]delete from tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm<  NOW() limit 1000;
受影响的行: 1000
时间: 100.126s

[SQL]SELECT * FROM tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm< NOW()  limit 1000
受影响的行: 0
时间: 1.159s

[SQL]DELETE FROM tl_accrued_bil_dtl where id > 446851336 and id < 446852336 ORDER BY id;
受影响的行: 999
时间: 96.731s

[SQL]DELETE FROM tl_accrued_bil_dtl where id > 446852336 and id < 446853336 ORDER BY id;
受影响的行: 1
时间: 66.578s

[SQL]DELETE FROM tl_accrued_bil_dtl where id > 446853336 and id < 446854336 ORDER BY id;
受影响的行: 999
时间: 73.514s

[SQL]DELETE FROM tl_accrued_bil_dtl where id > 446854336 and id < 446855336 ORDER BY id;
受影响的行: 999
时间: 71.382s

时间: 144.727s
Procedure executed successfully
受影响的行: 0

[SQL]DELETE FROM tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm<NOW() LIMIT 999;
受影响的行: 999
时间: 70.356s

[SQL]DELETE FROM tl_accrued_bil_dtl where create_tm<NOW() LIMIT 999;
受影响的行: 999
时间: 65.939s



  1. 原!mysql存储过程 批量导入数据

    mysql需要导入某前缀例如12345为前缀的,后缀扩展2位 即00-99. 利用存储过程插入数据. DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS insert_popsms_code;DELIM ...

  2. [MySQL] MySQL存储过程 事务transaction 数据表重建

    直接上代码 -- 删除存储过程 DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `renew_message_queue`; -- 添加; 的转义 DELIMITER ;; CREATE PROCE ...

  3. mysql 存储过程在批处理数据中的应用

    最近批处理数据的时候,突然想到:为什么不使用存储过程进行数据批处理? 为什么要进行批处理? 自答:减少数据库连接次数,提高效率. 存储过程批处理数据的优点:一次编译,永久执行. 这次的批处理逻辑较简单 ...

  4. mysql存储过程批量插入数据


  5. MySQL存储过程循环添加数据

    经常需要测试数据,写个存储过程方便日后使用. DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS add_member; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE add_member ...

  6. mysql 使用存储过程批量插数据

    #创建测试表 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.test; CREATE TABLE test.test( id int(10) not null auto_increment, a ...

  7. mysql存储过程之游标遍历数据表

    原文:mysql存储过程之游标遍历数据表 今天写一个mysql存储过程,根据自己的需求要遍历一个数据表,因为对存储过程用的不多,语法不甚熟悉,加之存储过程没有调试环境,花了不少时间才慢慢弄好,故留个痕 ...

  8. MYSQL存储过程,清除指前缀的定表名的数据

    MYSQL存储过程,清除指前缀的定表名的数据 DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `drop_table`$$ ),)) BEGIN ) DEFAULT NUL ...

  9. 性能测试四十:Mysql存储过程造数据

    性能测试是基于大量数据的,而进行性能测试之前肯定没那么多数据,所以就要自己准备数据 数据构造方法: 1.业务接口 -- 适合数据表关系复杂 -- 优点:数据完整性比较好2.存储过程 -- 适合表数量少 ...


  1. C++标准库简介、与STL的关系。

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  2. Jenkins实现测试环境到生产环境一键部署(Windows)

    前言: 因为dotnet在发布站点后,然后再上传服务时,会因为各种的网速问题,导致站点瞬间挂掉!那么通过一键部署,先在测试站点测试好的文件,复制到正式站点上的一个缓冲区,进行预热配置,之后再本机进行文 ...

  3. AutoIt3(AU3)开发的分辨率快速设置工具

    项目相关地址 源码:https://github.com/easonjim/Resolution_Settings bug提交:https://github.com/easonjim/Resoluti ...

  4. Java中使用JDBC

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  5. hibernate-HQL连接查询

    和SQL查询一样,HQL也支持各种各样的连接查询, 如内连接.外连接. 实例: package Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java. ...

  6. 关于win7上内存占用较大的说明

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  8. webView(简单的浏览器)

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  9. Python字典和集合

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