[刷题] PTA 03-树3 Tree Traversals Again
1 #include<stdio.h>
2 #include<string.h>
3 #define MAXSIZE 30
6 void solve(int preL,int inL,int postL,int n);
7 void outPut(int p[],int n);
9 int main(){
10 int n,tmp,i,j = 0;
11 int topPre = -1;
12 int topIn = -1;
13 const char *push = "Push";
14 char cnt[5];
15 int st[MAXSIZE];
16 scanf("%d",&n);
17 for(i=0; i<2*n; i++){
18 scanf("\n%s",cnt);
19 if(!strcmp(cnt,push)){
20 scanf("%d",&tmp);
21 Pre[j++] = tmp;
22 st[++topPre] = tmp;
23 }else{
24 In[++topIn] = st[topPre--];
25 }
26 }
27 solve(0,0,0,n);
28 outPut(Post,n);
29 return 0;
30 }
32 void solve(int preL, int intL, int postL, int n){
33 int i,L,R,root;
34 if(n==0) return;
35 if(n==1) {Post[postL] = Pre[preL]; return;}
36 root = Pre[preL];
37 Post[postL+n-1] = root;
38 for(i=0; i<n; i++) if(In[intL+i]==root) break;
39 L = i;R = n-L-1;
40 solve(preL+1, intL, postL, L);
41 solve(preL+L+1, intL+L+1, postL+L, R);
42 }
44 void outPut(int p[],int n){
45 int i;
46 for(i=0; i<n; i++){
47 if(!i) printf("%d",p[i]);
48 else printf(" %d",p[i]);
49 }
50 }
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