Foundation Sorting: Shellsort
/* Shell Sorting.
* Implemention history:.
* 2013-09-15, Mars Fu, first version.
*/ /* [Shell Sorting Algorithm].
* Published by Donald L. Shell [CACM 2, 7(July 1959), 30-32].
*/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "shellsort.h"
#include <math.h> static int
get_increment(int s)
int next_hs; next_hs = (1 << s); return next_hs;
} int
do_shell_sort(void* src, int src_sz, int n, cmp_func cmp, exc_func exchange, dbg_func dbg)
int t;
int h;
int i,j;
float n2; F_S(); if (src == NULL || cmp == NULL || exchange == NULL) return 0;
if (src_sz <= 0 || n <= 0) return 0; /* get @t for aux table {h(t),...,h(0)}
n2 = 2;
t = log((double)n) / log((double)n2) + (n%2 ? 1 : -1); /* loop aux table for shell sorting
while (t >= 0) { h = get_increment(t); /* get h(t) */ /* loop all parts of @src, each part has @h items to be compared.
for (i = 0; i < n/h; ++i) { /* do the comparison and exchanging for each part.
for ( j = i+h; j < n; j += h) {
if (cmp((char*)src + (j-h)*src_sz, (char*)src + j*src_sz) > 0) {
exchange((char*)src + (j-h) * src_sz, (char*)src + j * src_sz);
} --t; if (dbg != NULL) dbg(src, n, h);
} F_E(); return 1;
} #ifdef SHELL_SORT_DEBUG static int
int_increasing_cmp(void* lv, void* rv)
int tmp_lv, tmp_rv; tmp_lv = *(int*)lv;
tmp_rv = *(int*)rv; return (tmp_lv - tmp_rv);
} static void
exchange_int_item(void* lv, void* rv)
int tmp_lv, tmp_rv; tmp_lv = *(int*)lv;
tmp_rv = *(int*)rv; *(int*)lv = *(int*)rv;
*(int*)rv = tmp_lv;
} static void
debug_func(void*src, int n, int h)
int i; debug("%d-sort:\r\n----\r\n", h);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
debug("%d ", *((int*)src + i));
} int
main(int argc, char* argv[])
int i;
int cnt;
const int int_items[] = { 503, 87, 512, 61, 908, 170, 897, 275,
653, 426, 154, 509, 612, 677, 765, 703
int ret; debug("[Testing shell sort].. \r\n"); cnt = sizeof(int_items)/sizeof(int_items[0]); debug("src database:\r\n----\r\n");
for (i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
debug("%d ", int_items[i]);
debug("\r\n----\r\n"); ret = do_shell_sort((void*)int_items, sizeof(int), cnt,
int_increasing_cmp, exchange_int_item, debug_func);
if (!ret) {
debug("failed. \r\n");
goto END;
} debug("dst database:\r\n----\r\n");
for (i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
debug("%d ", int_items[i]);
debug("\r\n----\r\n"); debug("\r\n"); debug("[Testing shell sort].. done. \r\n"); END:
return 0;
} #endif /* SHELL_SORT_DEBUG */
#ifndef __SHELLSORT_H__
#define __SHELLSORT_H__ #define SHELL_SORT_DEBUG typedef int(*cmp_func)(void*, void*);
typedef void (*exc_func)(void*, void*);
typedef void (*dbg_func)(void*, int, int); int do_shell_sort(void* src, int src_sz, int n, cmp_func cmp, exc_func exchange, dbg_func dbg); #endif /* __SHELLSORT_H__ */
#pragma once #include <windows.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#define msleep(x) Sleep(x)
#endif #include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h> #define MY_DEBUG
#ifdef MY_DEBUG
#define debug printf
#define debug(x,argc, __VA_ARGS__) ;
#endif /* MY_DEBUG */ #define F_S() debug("[%s]..\r\n", __FUNCTION__)
#define F_E() debug("[%s]..done. \r\n", __FUNCTION__)
Sep 15th, 2013
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