-f Option is dangerous, make sure that only do this on your own branch

  1. # When you starting coding at the first time, create a new branch which track the develop:
  2. $ git fetch
  3. $ git checkout -t origin/develop -b whatsThisBranchFor
  4. # Coding...
  5. $ git add && git commit
  6. $ git pull --rebase
  7. # Coding...
  8. # Fetch new code on origin/develop in the middle
  9. $ git stash
  10. $ git pull --rebase
  11. $ git stash pop
  12. # Coding...
  13. $ git add && git commit
  14. $ git pull --rebase
  15. # ...
  16. $ git push origin whatsThisBranchFor -f
  18. When you want to do some minor changes in your existing commit, please re-commit with git commit --amend,
  1. $ git log
  2. commit 1 # Which you want to change
  3. commit 2
  4. # Coding...
  5. $ git status
  6. files1 changes
  7. files2 changes
  8. $ git add files1
  9. $ git commit --amend
  10. # It will show "commit 1" in the editor, you can re-edit the message to "commit 1 new" if necessary, then save, exit
  11. $ git log
  12. commit 1 new # New changes of files1 has been included
  13. commit 2
  14. # As you changes the commit, Git will warn you that the remote branch is diverged from your local one,
  15. # use '-f' option to force update, make sure that only do this on your own branch.
  16. $ git push origin whatsThisBranchFor -f

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