CentOS系统安装Directory Server 8.1操作方法

发布时间:2014-12-19更新时间:2014-12-26 来源:网络



CentOS是Linux发行版之一,它是来自于Red Hat Enterprise Linux依照开放源代码规定释出的源代码所编译而成。由于出自同样的源代码,因此有些要求高度稳定性的服务器以CentOS替代商业版的Red Hat Enterprise Linux使用。两者的不同,在于CentOS并不包含封闭源代码软件。

发行版,倘若一说到RedHat这个大名,大家似乎都听过,在RedHat家族中有企业版的产品,它是Red Hat Enterprise

CentOS计划是在2003年红帽决定不再提供免费的技术支持及产品认证之后的部份"红帽重建者"(Red Hat rebuilders)之一。

在CentOS 5.5平台安装CentOS Directory Server 8.1


yum install centos-ds


1.编辑/etc/sysctl.conf, 加上以下俩行:


fs.file-max = 64000

2.编辑/etc/security/limits.conf, 加上以下俩行:

# For Directory Server

*                -       nofile          8192

3.编辑/etc/pam.d/system-auth, 加上以下俩行:

# For Directory Server

session     required      /lib/security/$ISA/

最后,执行,Directory Server安装完成。

CentOS Directory Server是Redhat Diectory Server的再编译版本。除了一般LDAP服务器拥有的功能之外,最特殊的功能是可以和AD进行同步,除了同步用户和群组的信息,还可以同步用户的密码。这是很多LDAP软件所没有的功能。类似的有IBM Tivoli Directory Server,能够同步用户信息,却不能同步密码。Sun也有类似的软件。但是它们不是免费的。

要和AD同步密码,必须启用SSL。首先,确保AD域控制器启用SSL,然后为Directory Server启用SSL。过程如下:

First,for SSL issue, install a MicroSoft CA server (Windows 2003 + IIS + CA)。

1. Generate a certificate request.

a. In the Directory Server Console, select the "Tasks" tab, and click "Manage Certificates".

b. Select the "Server Certs" tab, and click the "Request" button.

c. Fill in the certificate information, and save the certificate request to a file.

2. apply a server certificate(Base 64 Encoded) on your Microsoft CA serve.

b. Download & save the server Certificate(Base 64 Encoded) from your Microsoft CA serve.

3. Install the new certificate.

a. In the Directory Server Console, select the Tasks tab, and click Manage Certificates.

b. Select the Server Certs tab, and click Install.

c. Paste in the certificate, and set the password for the token database.

4. Install the CA certificate of your microsoft CA server & AD root CA.

a. Download and save the CA certificate from your microsoft CA server, and copy the AD root CA file to CentOS.

b. In the Directory Server Console, select the Tasks tab, and click Manage Certificates.

c. Go to the CA Certs tab, and click Install.

d. Paste in the CA certificate or point to the downloaded file, and go through the certificate

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